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[icn.git] / deploy / baremetal-operator / base / rbac / role.yaml
2 ---
3 apiVersion:
4 kind: ClusterRole
5 metadata:
6   creationTimestamp: null
7   name: manager-role
8 rules:
9 - apiGroups:
10   - ""
11   resources:
12   - events
13   verbs:
14   - create
15   - get
16   - list
17   - patch
18   - update
19   - watch
20 - apiGroups:
21   - ""
22   resources:
23   - secrets
24   verbs:
25   - get
26   - list
27   - update
28   - watch
29 - apiGroups:
30   -
31   resources:
32   - baremetalhosts
33   verbs:
34   - create
35   - delete
36   - get
37   - list
38   - patch
39   - update
40   - watch
41 - apiGroups:
42   -
43   resources:
44   - baremetalhosts/status
45   verbs:
46   - get
47   - patch
48   - update