Merge "Add examples of BIOS and BMC configuration"
[icn.git] / deploy / cpu-manager / icn / daemonset-init-containers-patch.yaml
1 apiVersion: apps/v1
2 kind: DaemonSet
3 metadata:
4   name: cmk-reconcile-ds-all
5   namespace: cmk-namespace
6 spec:
7   template:
8     spec:
9       containers:
10         - args:
11             - "/cmk/ isolate --pool=infra /cmk/ -- node-report --interval=$CMK_NODE_REPORT_SLEEP_TIME --publish"
12           command:
13             - "/bin/bash"
14             - "-c"
15           env:
16             - name: CMK_NODE_REPORT_SLEEP_TIME
17               # Change this to modify the sleep interval between consecutive
18               # cmk node report runs. The value is specified in seconds.
19               value: '60'
20             - name: CMK_PROC_FS
21               value: "/host/proc"
22             - name: NODE_NAME
23               valueFrom:
24                 fieldRef:
25                   fieldPath: spec.nodeName
26           image: cmk:v1.4.1
27           name: cmk-nodereport
28           volumeMounts:
29             - mountPath: "/host/proc"
30               name: host-proc
31               readOnly: true
32             - mountPath: "/etc/cmk"
33               name: cmk-conf-dir
34       initContainers:
35         - args:
36             - "/cmk/ init --conf-dir=/etc/cmk --num-exclusive-cores=$NUM_EXCLUSIVE_CORES --num-shared-cores=$NUM_SHARED_CORES"
37           command:
38             - "/bin/bash"
39             - "-c"
40           env:
41             - name: CMK_PROC_FS
42               value: '/proc'
43             - name: NUM_EXCLUSIVE_CORES
44               # Change this to modify the value passed to `--num-exclusive-cores` flag.
45               value: '2'
46             - name: NUM_SHARED_CORES
47               # Change this to modify the value passed to `--num-shared-cores` flag.
48               value: '1'
49           image: cmk:v1.4.1
50           name: cmk-init-pod
51           volumeMounts:
52             - mountPath: "/etc/cmk"
53               name: cmk-conf-dir
54         - args:
55             - "/cmk/ discover --conf-dir=/etc/cmk --no-taint"
56           command:
57             - "/bin/bash"
58             - "-c"
59           env:
60             - name: NODE_NAME
61               valueFrom:
62                 fieldRef:
63                   fieldPath: spec.nodeName
64           image: cmk:v1.4.1
65           name: cmk-discover-pod
66           volumeMounts:
67             - mountPath: "/etc/cmk"
68               name: cmk-conf-dir
69         - args:
70             - "/cmk/ install --install-dir=/opt/bin"
71           command:
72             - "/bin/bash"
73             - "-c"
74           image: cmk:v1.4.1
75           name: cmk-install-pod
76           volumeMounts:
77             - mountPath: "/opt/bin"
78               name: cmk-install-dir
79       volumes:
80         - hostPath:
81             path: /opt/bin
82           name: cmk-install-dir