Merge "Add examples of BIOS and BMC configuration"
[icn.git] / deploy / iavf-driver-installer / icn / daemonset.yaml
1 apiVersion: apps/v1
2 kind: DaemonSet
3 metadata:
4   name:  iavf-driver-installer
5   namespace: kube-system
6   labels:
7     role: iavf-driver-installer
8 spec:
9   selector:
10     matchLabels:
11       role: iavf-driver-installer
12   template:
13     metadata:
14       labels:
15         role: iavf-driver-installer
16     spec:
17       hostPID: true
18       initContainers:
19         - image: "integratedcloudnative/iavf-driver-installer:latest"
20           imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
21           name: iavf-driver-installer
22           securityContext:
23             privileged: true
24           volumeMounts:
25             - name: iavf-install-dir
26               mountPath: "/usr/local/iavf"
27             - name: root-dir
28               mountPath: "/root"
29             - name: lib-modules-dir
30               mountPath: "/root/lib/modules"
31             - name: run-systemd-dir
32               mountPath: "/root/run/systemd/system"
33       containers:
34       - image: ""
35         name: pause
36       volumes:
37         - name: iavf-install-dir
38           hostPath:
39             path: "/opt/iavf"
40         - name: root-dir
41           hostPath:
42             path: "/"
43         - name: lib-modules-dir
44           hostPath:
45             path: "/lib/modules"
46         - name: run-systemd-dir
47           hostPath:
48             path: "/run/systemd/system"
49       nodeSelector:
50 "true"