Add chart to deploy IstioOperator resource
[icn.git] / deploy / istio / templates / istio-operator.yaml
1 apiVersion:
2 kind: IstioOperator
3 metadata:
4   name: {{ .Release.Name }}-config
5 spec:
6   profile: minimal
7   meshConfig:
8     accessLogFile: /dev/stdout
9     enableAutoMtls: true
10     defaultConfig:
11       proxyMetadata:
12         # Enable Istio agent to handle DNS
13         ISTIO_META_DNS_CAPTURE: "true"
14   components:
15     # Enable Istio Ingress gateway
16     ingressGateways:
17     - name: istio-ingressgateway
18       enabled: true
19       k8s:
20         env:
21           - name: ISTIO_META_ROUTER_MODE
22             value: "sni-dnat"
23         service:
24           type: NodePort
25           ports:
26             - port: 80
27               targetPort: 8080
28               name: http2
29             - port: 443
30               targetPort: 8443
31               name: https
32             - port: 15443
33               targetPort: 15443
34               name: tls
35               nodePort: 32001
36   values:
37     global:
38       pilotCertProvider: istiod