Reliable volume for minio server and e2e support
[icn.git] / deploy / kud-plugin-addons / minio / yaml / ceph-volume / rook-operator-with-csi.yaml
1 #################################################################################################################
2 # The deployment for the rook operator that enables the ceph-csi driver for beta testing.
3 # For example, to create the rook-ceph cluster:
4 #################################################################################################################
6 apiVersion: apps/v1
7 kind: Deployment
8 metadata:
9   name: rook-ceph-operator
10   namespace: rook-ceph
11   labels:
12     operator: rook
13     storage-backend: ceph
14 spec:
15   selector:
16     matchLabels:
17       app: rook-ceph-operator
18   replicas: 1
19   template:
20     metadata:
21       labels:
22         app: rook-ceph-operator
23     spec:
24       serviceAccountName: rook-ceph-system
25       containers:
26       - name: rook-ceph-operator
27         image: rook/ceph:v1.0.4
28         args: ["ceph", "operator"]
29         volumeMounts:
30         - mountPath: /var/lib/rook
31           name: rook-config
32         - mountPath: /etc/ceph
33           name: default-config-dir
34         env:
36           value: "true"
37         # CSI enablement
38         - name: ROOK_CSI_ENABLE_CEPHFS
39           value: "true"
40         - name: ROOK_CSI_CEPHFS_IMAGE
41           value: ""
42         - name: ROOK_CSI_ENABLE_RBD
43           value: "true"
44         - name: ROOK_CSI_RBD_IMAGE
45           value: ""
46         - name: ROOK_CSI_REGISTRAR_IMAGE
47           value: ""
49           value: ""
51           value: ""
52         - name: ROOK_CSI_ATTACHER_IMAGE
53           value: ""
54         # The name of the node to pass with the downward API
55         - name: NODE_NAME
56           valueFrom:
57             fieldRef:
58               fieldPath: spec.nodeName
59         # The pod name to pass with the downward API
60         - name: POD_NAME
61           valueFrom:
62             fieldRef:
63               fieldPath:
64         # The pod namespace to pass with the downward API
65         - name: POD_NAMESPACE
66           valueFrom:
67             fieldRef:
68               fieldPath: metadata.namespace
69       volumes:
70       - name: rook-config
71         emptyDir: {}
72       - name: default-config-dir
73         emptyDir: {}