update the committers for icn
[icn.git] / deploy / kud-plugin-addons / rook / yaml / rook-toolbox.yaml
1 apiVersion: apps/v1
2 kind: Deployment
3 metadata:
4   name: rook-ceph-tools
5   namespace: rook-ceph
6   labels:
7     app: rook-ceph-tools
8 spec:
9   replicas: 1
10   selector:
11     matchLabels:
12       app: rook-ceph-tools
13   template:
14     metadata:
15       labels:
16         app: rook-ceph-tools
17     spec:
18       dnsPolicy: ClusterFirstWithHostNet
19       containers:
20       - name: rook-ceph-tools
21         image: rook/ceph:v1.0.4
22         command: ["/tini"]
23         args: ["-g", "--", "/usr/local/bin/toolbox.sh"]
24         imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
25         env:
26           - name: ROOK_ADMIN_SECRET
27             valueFrom:
28               secretKeyRef:
29                 name: rook-ceph-mon
30                 key: admin-secret
31         securityContext:
32           privileged: true
33         volumeMounts:
34           - mountPath: /dev
35             name: dev
36           - mountPath: /sys/bus
37             name: sysbus
38           - mountPath: /lib/modules
39             name: libmodules
40           - name: mon-endpoint-volume
41             mountPath: /etc/rook
42       # if hostNetwork: false, the "rbd map" command hangs, see https://github.com/rook/rook/issues/2021
43       hostNetwork: true
44       volumes:
45         - name: dev
46           hostPath:
47             path: /dev
48         - name: sysbus
49           hostPath:
50             path: /sys/bus
51         - name: libmodules
52           hostPath:
53             path: /lib/modules
54         - name: mon-endpoint-volume
55           configMap:
56             name: rook-ceph-mon-endpoints
57             items:
58             - key: data
59               path: mon-endpoints