Merge "Add examples of BIOS and BMC configuration"
[icn.git] / deploy / qat-plugin / base / instal-qat-kernel-plugin.yaml
1 apiVersion: apps/v1
2 kind: DaemonSet
3 metadata:
4   name: intel-qat-kernel-plugin
5   labels:
6     app: intel-qat-kernel-plugin
7 spec:
8   selector:
9     matchLabels:
10       app: intel-qat-kernel-plugin
11   template:
12     metadata:
13       labels:
14         app: intel-qat-kernel-plugin
15     spec:
16       containers:
17       - name: intel-qat-kernel-plugin
18         securityContext:
19           readOnlyRootFilesystem: true
20           privileged: true
21         image: intel/intel-qat-plugin:0.23.0
22         imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
23         args: ["-mode", "kernel"]
24         volumeMounts:
25         - name: devfs
26           mountPath: /dev
27         - name: etcdir
28           mountPath: /etc
29           readOnly: true
30         - name: kubeletsockets
31           mountPath: /var/lib/kubelet/device-plugins
32       volumes:
33       - name: etcdir
34         hostPath:
35           path: /etc
36       - name: kubeletsockets
37         hostPath:
38           path: /var/lib/kubelet/device-plugins
39       - name: devfs
40         hostPath:
41           path: /dev
42       nodeSelector:
43 amd64