Add Istio to vm and pod11 sites
[icn.git] / deploy / site / cluster-emco-management / emco-services.yaml
1 ---
2 apiVersion:
3 kind: HelmRelease
4 metadata:
5   name: services
6   namespace: emco
7 spec:
8   interval: 5m
9   chart:
10     spec:
11       chart: deployments/helm/emcoBase/emco-services
12       sourceRef:
13         kind: GitRepository
14         name: emco
15       interval: 1m
16   install:
17     remediation:
18       retries: -1
19   upgrade:
20     remediation:
21       retries: -1
22   dependsOn:
23   - name: db
24   values:
25     global:
26       repository:
27       pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
28       loglevel: warn
29     orchestrator:
30       imageTag: v21.12
31     ncm:
32       imageTag: v21.12
33     rsync:
34       imageTag: v21.12
35     clm:
36       imageTag: v21.12
37     ovnaction:
38       imageTag: v21.12
39     dcm:
40       imageTag: v21.12
41     dtc:
42       imageTag: v21.12
43     nps:
44       imageTag: v21.12
45     sds:
46       imageTag: v21.12
47     its:
48       imageTag: v21.12
49     gac:
50       imageTag: v21.12
51     sfc:
52       imageTag: v21.12
53     sfcclient:
54       imageTag: v21.12
55     hpa-ac:
56       common:
57         repository:
58         imageTag: v21.12
59     hpa-plc:
60       imageTag: v21.12