Merge "Upgrade ironic, baremetal-operator, cluster-api"
[icn.git] / deploy / site / cluster-icn / sriov-network-release.yaml
1 ---
2 apiVersion:
3 kind: HelmRelease
4 metadata:
5   name: sriov-network
6   namespace: kud
7 spec:
8   interval: 5m
9   chart:
10     spec:
11       chart: kud/deployment_infra/helm/sriov-network
12       sourceRef:
13         kind: GitRepository
14         name: kud
15       interval: 1m
16   install:
17     remediation:
18       retries: -1
19   upgrade:
20     remediation:
21       retries: -1
22   # Deployment of sriov-network causes the SR-IOV operator to drain
23   # the node, including the Flux controllers.  If the Helm controller
24   # is restarted while a chart install is pending, it is possible that
25   # the chart state becomes stuck in "pending-install" and manual
26   # intervention (deleting the Helm secret for the chart) is required
27   # to fix it.  Depending on the other charts in this cluster should
28   # prevent this issue from occurring.
29   dependsOn:
30   - name: cdi
31   - name: cpu-manager
32   - name: kubevirt
33   - name: ovn4nfv-network
34   - name: ovn4nfv
35   - name: node-feature-discovery
36   - name: qat-device-plugin
37   - name: sriov-network-operator
38   - namespace: emco
39     name: services
40   - namespace: emco
41     name: tools
42   - namespace: emco
43     name: monitor