[icn.git] / nfd-worker-daemonset.yaml.template
1 apiVersion: apps/v1
2 kind: DaemonSet
3 metadata:
4   labels:
5     app: nfd-worker
6   name: nfd-worker
7   namespace: node-feature-discovery
8 spec:
9   selector:
10     matchLabels:
11       app: nfd-worker
12   template:
13     metadata:
14       labels:
15         app: nfd-worker
16     spec:
17       hostNetwork: true
18       dnsPolicy: ClusterFirstWithHostNet
19       containers:
20         - env:
21           - name: NODE_NAME
22             valueFrom:
23               fieldRef:
24                 fieldPath: spec.nodeName
25           image: quay.io/kubernetes_incubator/node-feature-discovery:v0.4.0
26           name: nfd-worker
27           command:
28             - "nfd-worker"
29           args:
30             - "--sleep-interval=60s"
31             - "--server=nfd-master:8080"
32 ## Enable TLS authentication (1/3)
33 ## The example below assumes having the root certificate named ca.crt stored in
34 ## a ConfigMap named nfd-ca-cert, and, the TLS authentication credentials stored
35 ## in a TLS Secret named nfd-worker-cert
36 #            - "--ca-file=/etc/kubernetes/node-feature-discovery/trust/ca.crt"
37 #            - "--key-file=/etc/kubernetes/node-feature-discovery/certs/tls.key"
38 #            - "--cert-file=/etc/kubernetes/node-feature-discovery/certs/tls.crt"
39           volumeMounts:
40             - name: host-boot
41               mountPath: "/host-boot"
42               readOnly: true
43             - name: host-os-release
44               mountPath: "/host-etc/os-release"
45               readOnly: true
46             - name: host-sys
47               mountPath: "/host-sys"
48             - name: source-d
49               mountPath: "/etc/kubernetes/node-feature-discovery/source.d/"
50             - name: features-d
51               mountPath: "/etc/kubernetes/node-feature-discovery/features.d/"
52 ## Enable TLS authentication (2/3)
53 #            - name: nfd-ca-cert
54 #              mountPath: "/etc/kubernetes/node-feature-discovery/trust"
55 #              readOnly: true
56 #            - name: nfd-worker-cert
57 #              mountPath: "/etc/kubernetes/node-feature-discovery/certs"
58 #              readOnly: true
59       volumes:
60         - name: host-boot
61           hostPath:
62             path: "/boot"
63         - name: host-os-release
64           hostPath:
65             path: "/etc/os-release"
66         - name: host-sys
67           hostPath:
68             path: "/sys"
69         - name: source-d
70           hostPath:
71             path: "/etc/kubernetes/node-feature-discovery/source.d/"
72         - name: features-d
73           hostPath:
74             path: "/etc/kubernetes/node-feature-discovery/features.d/"
75 ## Enable TLS authentication (3/3)
76 #        - name: nfd-ca-cert
77 #          configMap:
78 #            name: nfd-ca-cert
79 #        - name: nfd-worker-cert
80 #          secret:
81 #            secretName: nfd-worker-cert