[yaml_builds.git] / site_type / sriov / airship-treasuremap / global / v4.0 / software / charts / ucp / divingbell / divingbell.yaml
1 ---
2 schema: armada/Chart/v1
3 metadata:
4   schema: metadata/Document/v1
5   name: ucp-divingbell-global
6   layeringDefinition:
7     abstract: true
8     layer: global
9   labels:
10     name: ucp-divingbell-global
11   storagePolicy: cleartext
12   substitutions:
13     # Chart source
14     - src:
15         schema: pegleg/SoftwareVersions/v1
16         name: software-versions
17         path: .charts.ucp.divingbell
18       dest:
19         path: .source
20     # Image Source
21     - src:
22         schema: pegleg/SoftwareVersions/v1
23         name: software-versions
24         path: .images.ucp.divingbell
25       dest:
26         path: .values.images
27 data:
28   chart_name: ucp-divingbell
29   release: ucp-divingbell
30   namespace: ucp
31   wait:
32     timeout: 300
33     labels:
34       release_group: airship-ucp-divingbell
35   install:
36     no_hooks: false
37   upgrade:
38     no_hooks: false
39     pre:
40       delete:
41         - type: job
42           labels:
43             release_group: airship-ucp-divingbell
44   values:
45     conf:
46       sysctl:
47         # Larger connection tracking table
48         net.nf_conntrack_max: '1048576'
49         # Reboot the node 60 seconds after a kernel panic, instead of default
50         # value of 0 (i.e. never reboot)
51         kernel.panic: '60'
52         # Accept gratuitous ARP to support failover scenarios
53         # https://bugs.launchpad.net/fuel/+bug/1456272
54         net.ipv4.conf.default.arp_accept: '1'
55         net.ipv4.conf.all.arp_accept: '1'
56         # Increased network backlog to optimize performance on fast networks
57         net.core.netdev_max_backlog: '261144'
58         # Optimizations for RabbitMQ failover
59         # https://bugs.launchpad.net/oslo.messaging/+bug/856764/comments/19
60         net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_intvl: '3'
61         net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_time: '30'
62         net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_probes: '8'
63         net.ipv4.tcp_retries2: '5'
64         # Larger thresholds
65         # "Neighbour table overflow" errors that filled kernel logs
66         net.ipv4.neigh.default.gc_thresh1: '4096'
67         net.ipv4.neigh.default.gc_thresh2: '8192'
68         net.ipv4.neigh.default.gc_thresh3: '16384'
69         # It was necessary to set rp_filter to zero to support certain
70         # multi-homed storage backends
71         net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter: '0'
72         # Enable byte/packet count for new connections to enable creation of
73         # rules for the connbytes netfilter module
74         net.netfilter.nf_conntrack_acct: '1'
75         # Added in response to error messages seen on genesis host when services
76         # were restarted. "Failed to add /run/systemd/ask-password to directory
77         # watch: No space left on device". https://bit.ly/2Mj5qn2 TDP bug 427616
78         fs.inotify.max_user_watches: '1048576'
79   dependencies:
80     - ucp-divingbell-htk
81 ---
82 schema: armada/Chart/v1
83 metadata:
84   schema: metadata/Document/v1
85   name: ucp-divingbell-htk
86   layeringDefinition:
87     abstract: false
88     layer: global
89   storagePolicy: cleartext
90   substitutions:
91     - src:
92         schema: pegleg/SoftwareVersions/v1
93         name: software-versions
94         path: .charts.ucp.divingbell-htk
95       dest:
96         path: .source
97 data:
98   chart_name: ucp-divingbell-htk
99   release: ucp-divingbell-htk
100   namespace: ucp-divingbell-htk
101   values: {}
102   dependencies: []
103 ...