tox: coala: Ignore TYPE3 source code
[iec.git] / src / foundation / scripts / cni / cilium / quick-install.yaml
1 # yamllint disable rule:hyphens rule:commas rule:indentation rule:line-length rule:comments rule:comments-indentation
2 ---
3 # Source: cilium/charts/config/templates/configmap.yaml
4 apiVersion: v1
5 kind: ConfigMap
6 metadata:
7   name: cilium-config
8   namespace: kube-system
9 data:
11   # Identity allocation mode selects how identities are shared between cilium
12   # nodes by setting how they are stored. The options are "crd" or "kvstore".
13   # - "crd" stores identities in kubernetes as CRDs (custom resource definition).
14   #   These can be queried with:
15   #     kubectl get ciliumid
16   # - "kvstore" stores identities in a kvstore, etcd or consul, that is
17   #   configured below. Cilium versions before 1.6 supported only the kvstore
18   #   backend. Upgrades from these older cilium versions should continue using
19   #   the kvstore by commenting out the identity-allocation-mode below, or
20   #   setting it to "kvstore".
21   identity-allocation-mode: crd
23   # If you want to run cilium in debug mode change this value to true
24   debug: "true"
26   # Enable IPv4 addressing. If enabled, all endpoints are allocated an IPv4
27   # address.
28   enable-ipv4: "true"
30   # Enable IPv6 addressing. If enabled, all endpoints are allocated an IPv6
31   # address.
32   enable-ipv6: "false"
34   # If you want cilium monitor to aggregate tracing for packets, set this level
35   # to "low", "medium", or "maximum". The higher the level, the less packets
36   # that will be seen in monitor output.
37   monitor-aggregation: medium
39   # ct-global-max-entries-* specifies the maximum number of connections
40   # supported across all endpoints, split by protocol: tcp or other. One pair
41   # of maps uses these values for IPv4 connections, and another pair of maps
42   # use these values for IPv6 connections.
43   #
44   # If these values are modified, then during the next Cilium startup the
45   # tracking of ongoing connections may be disrupted. This may lead to brief
46   # policy drops or a change in loadbalancing decisions for a connection.
47   #
48   # For users upgrading from Cilium 1.2 or earlier, to minimize disruption
49   # during the upgrade process, comment out these options.
50   bpf-ct-global-tcp-max: "524288"
51   bpf-ct-global-any-max: "262144"
53   # Pre-allocation of map entries allows per-packet latency to be reduced, at
54   # the expense of up-front memory allocation for the entries in the maps. The
55   # default value below will minimize memory usage in the default installation;
56   # users who are sensitive to latency may consider setting this to "true".
57   #
58   # This option was introduced in Cilium 1.4. Cilium 1.3 and earlier ignore
59   # this option and behave as though it is set to "true".
60   #
61   # If this value is modified, then during the next Cilium startup the restore
62   # of existing endpoints and tracking of ongoing connections may be disrupted.
63   # This may lead to policy drops or a change in loadbalancing decisions for a
64   # connection for some time. Endpoints may need to be recreated to restore
65   # connectivity.
66   #
67   # If this option is set to "false" during an upgrade from 1.3 or earlier to
68   # 1.4 or later, then it may cause one-time disruptions during the upgrade.
69   preallocate-bpf-maps: "false"
71   # Regular expression matching compatible Istio sidecar istio-proxy
72   # container image names
73   sidecar-istio-proxy-image: "cilium/istio_proxy"
75   # Encapsulation mode for communication between nodes
76   # Possible values:
77   #   - disabled
78   #   - vxlan (default)
79   #   - geneve
80   tunnel: vxlan
82   # Name of the cluster. Only relevant when building a mesh of clusters.
83   cluster-name: default
85   # DNS Polling periodically issues a DNS lookup for each `matchName` from
86   # cilium-agent. The result is used to regenerate endpoint policy.
87   # DNS lookups are repeated with an interval of 5 seconds, and are made for
88   # A(IPv4) and AAAA(IPv6) addresses. Should a lookup fail, the most recent IP
89   # data is used instead. An IP change will trigger a regeneration of the Cilium
90   # policy for each endpoint and increment the per cilium-agent policy
91   # repository revision.
92   #
93   # This option is disabled by default starting from version 1.4.x in favor
94   # of a more powerful DNS proxy-based implementation, see [0] for details.
95   # Enable this option if you want to use FQDN policies but do not want to use
96   # the DNS proxy.
97   #
98   # To ease upgrade, users may opt to set this option to "true".
99   # Otherwise please refer to the Upgrade Guide [1] which explains how to
100   # prepare policy rules for upgrade.
101   #
102   # [0]
103   # [1]
104   tofqdns-enable-poller: "false"
106   # wait-bpf-mount makes init container wait until bpf filesystem is mounted
107   wait-bpf-mount: "false"
109   # Enable fetching of container-runtime specific metadata
110   #
111   # By default, the Kubernetes pod and namespace labels are retrieved and
112   # associated with endpoints for identification purposes. By integrating
113   # with the container runtime, container runtime specific labels can be
114   # retrieved, such labels will be prefixed with container:
115   #
116   # CAUTION: The container runtime labels can include information such as pod
117   # annotations which may result in each pod being associated a unique set of
118   # labels which can result in excessive security identities being allocated.
119   # Please review the labels filter when enabling container runtime labels.
120   #
121   # Supported values:
122   # - containerd
123   # - crio
124   # - docker
125   # - none
126   # - auto (automatically detect the container runtime)
127   #
128   container-runtime: none
130   masquerade: "true"
132   install-iptables-rules: "true"
133   auto-direct-node-routes: "false"
134   enable-node-port: "false"
136 ---
137 # Source: cilium/charts/agent/templates/serviceaccount.yaml
138 apiVersion: v1
139 kind: ServiceAccount
140 metadata:
141   name: cilium
142   namespace: kube-system
144 ---
145 # Source: cilium/charts/operator/templates/serviceaccount.yaml
146 apiVersion: v1
147 kind: ServiceAccount
148 metadata:
149   name: cilium-operator
150   namespace: kube-system
152 ---
153 # Source: cilium/charts/agent/templates/clusterrole.yaml
154 apiVersion:
155 kind: ClusterRole
156 metadata:
157   name: cilium
158 rules:
159 - apiGroups:
160   -
161   resources:
162   - networkpolicies
163   verbs:
164   - get
165   - list
166   - watch
167 - apiGroups:
168   - ""
169   resources:
170   - namespaces
171   - services
172   - nodes
173   - endpoints
174   verbs:
175   - get
176   - list
177   - watch
178 - apiGroups:
179   - ""
180   resources:
181   - pods
182   - nodes
183   verbs:
184   - get
185   - list
186   - watch
187   - update
188 - apiGroups:
189   - ""
190   resources:
191   - nodes
192   - nodes/status
193   verbs:
194   - patch
195 - apiGroups:
196   - extensions
197   resources:
198   - ingresses
199   verbs:
200   - create
201   - get
202   - list
203   - watch
204 - apiGroups:
205   -
206   resources:
207   - customresourcedefinitions
208   verbs:
209   - create
210   - get
211   - list
212   - watch
213   - update
214 - apiGroups:
215   -
216   resources:
217   - ciliumnetworkpolicies
218   - ciliumnetworkpolicies/status
219   - ciliumclusterwidenetworkpolicies
220   - ciliumclusterwidenetworkpolicies/status
221   - ciliumendpoints
222   - ciliumendpoints/status
223   - ciliumnodes
224   - ciliumnodes/status
225   - ciliumidentities
226   - ciliumidentities/status
227   verbs:
228   - '*'
230 ---
231 # Source: cilium/charts/operator/templates/clusterrole.yaml
232 apiVersion:
233 kind: ClusterRole
234 metadata:
235   name: cilium-operator
236 rules:
237 - apiGroups:
238   - ""
239   resources:
240   # to automatically delete [core|kube]dns pods so that are starting to being
241   # managed by Cilium
242   - pods
243   verbs:
244   - get
245   - list
246   - watch
247   - delete
248 - apiGroups:
249   - ""
250   resources:
251   # to automatically read from k8s and import the node's pod CIDR to cilium's
252   # etcd so all nodes know how to reach another pod running in in a different
253   # node.
254   - nodes
255   # to perform the translation of a CNP that contains `ToGroup` to its endpoints
256   - services
257   - endpoints
258   # to check apiserver connectivity
259   - namespaces
260   verbs:
261   - get
262   - list
263   - watch
264 - apiGroups:
265   -
266   resources:
267   - ciliumnetworkpolicies
268   - ciliumnetworkpolicies/status
269   - ciliumclusterwidenetworkpolicies
270   - ciliumclusterwidenetworkpolicies/status
271   - ciliumendpoints
272   - ciliumendpoints/status
273   - ciliumnodes
274   - ciliumnodes/status
275   - ciliumidentities
276   - ciliumidentities/status
277   verbs:
278   - '*'
280 ---
281 # Source: cilium/charts/agent/templates/clusterrolebinding.yaml
282 apiVersion:
283 kind: ClusterRoleBinding
284 metadata:
285   name: cilium
286 roleRef:
287   apiGroup:
288   kind: ClusterRole
289   name: cilium
290 subjects:
291 - kind: ServiceAccount
292   name: cilium
293   namespace: kube-system
295 ---
296 # Source: cilium/charts/operator/templates/clusterrolebinding.yaml
297 apiVersion:
298 kind: ClusterRoleBinding
299 metadata:
300   name: cilium-operator
301 roleRef:
302   apiGroup:
303   kind: ClusterRole
304   name: cilium-operator
305 subjects:
306 - kind: ServiceAccount
307   name: cilium-operator
308   namespace: kube-system
310 ---
311 # Source: cilium/charts/agent/templates/daemonset.yaml
312 apiVersion: apps/v1
313 kind: DaemonSet
314 metadata:
315   labels:
316     k8s-app: cilium
317 "true"
318   name: cilium
319   namespace: kube-system
320 spec:
321   selector:
322     matchLabels:
323       k8s-app: cilium
324 "true"
325   template:
326     metadata:
327       annotations:
328         # This annotation plus the CriticalAddonsOnly toleration makes
329         # cilium to be a critical pod in the cluster, which ensures cilium
330         # gets priority scheduling.
331         #
332 ""
333 '[{"key":"dedicated","operator":"Equal","value":"master","effect":"NoSchedule"}]'
334       labels:
335         k8s-app: cilium
336 "true"
337     spec:
338       containers:
339       - args:
340         - --config-dir=/tmp/cilium/config-map
341         command:
342         - cilium-agent
343         env:
344         - name: K8S_NODE_NAME
345           valueFrom:
346             fieldRef:
347               apiVersion: v1
348               fieldPath: spec.nodeName
349         - name: CILIUM_K8S_NAMESPACE
350           valueFrom:
351             fieldRef:
352               apiVersion: v1
353               fieldPath: metadata.namespace
355           valueFrom:
356             configMapKeyRef:
357               key: flannel-master-device
358               name: cilium-config
359               optional: true
361           valueFrom:
362             configMapKeyRef:
363               key: flannel-uninstall-on-exit
364               name: cilium-config
365               optional: true
367           value: /var/lib/cilium/clustermesh/
368         - name: CILIUM_CNI_CHAINING_MODE
369           valueFrom:
370             configMapKeyRef:
371               key: cni-chaining-mode
372               name: cilium-config
373               optional: true
374         - name: CILIUM_CUSTOM_CNI_CONF
375           valueFrom:
376             configMapKeyRef:
377               key: custom-cni-conf
378               name: cilium-config
379               optional: true
380         image: "iecedge/cilium:latest"
381         imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
382         lifecycle:
383           postStart:
384             exec:
385               command:
386               - /
387           preStop:
388             exec:
389               command:
390               - /
391         livenessProbe:
392           exec:
393             command:
394             - cilium
395             - status
396             - --brief
397           failureThreshold: 10
398           # The initial delay for the liveness probe is intentionally large to
399           # avoid an endless kill & restart cycle if in the event that the initial
400           # bootstrapping takes longer than expected.
401           initialDelaySeconds: 120
402           periodSeconds: 30
403           successThreshold: 1
404           timeoutSeconds: 5
405         name: cilium-agent
406         readinessProbe:
407           exec:
408             command:
409             - cilium
410             - status
411             - --brief
412           failureThreshold: 3
413           initialDelaySeconds: 5
414           periodSeconds: 30
415           successThreshold: 1
416           timeoutSeconds: 5
417         securityContext:
418           capabilities:
419             add:
420             - NET_ADMIN
421             - SYS_MODULE
422           privileged: true
423         volumeMounts:
424         - mountPath: /sys/fs/bpf
425           name: bpf-maps
426         - mountPath: /var/run/cilium
427           name: cilium-run
428         - mountPath: /host/opt/cni/bin
429           name: cni-path
430         - mountPath: /host/etc/cni/net.d
431           name: etc-cni-netd
432         - mountPath: /var/lib/cilium/clustermesh
433           name: clustermesh-secrets
434           readOnly: true
435         - mountPath: /tmp/cilium/config-map
436           name: cilium-config-path
437           readOnly: true
438           # Needed to be able to load kernel modules
439         - mountPath: /lib/modules
440           name: lib-modules
441           readOnly: true
442         - mountPath: /run/xtables.lock
443           name: xtables-lock
444       hostNetwork: true
445       initContainers:
446       - command:
447         - /
448         env:
449         - name: CILIUM_ALL_STATE
450           valueFrom:
451             configMapKeyRef:
452               key: clean-cilium-state
453               name: cilium-config
454               optional: true
455         - name: CILIUM_BPF_STATE
456           valueFrom:
457             configMapKeyRef:
458               key: clean-cilium-bpf-state
459               name: cilium-config
460               optional: true
461         - name: CILIUM_WAIT_BPF_MOUNT
462           valueFrom:
463             configMapKeyRef:
464               key: wait-bpf-mount
465               name: cilium-config
466               optional: true
467         image: "iecedge/cilium:latest"
468         imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
469         name: clean-cilium-state
470         securityContext:
471           capabilities:
472             add:
473             - NET_ADMIN
474           privileged: true
475         volumeMounts:
476         - mountPath: /sys/fs/bpf
477           name: bpf-maps
478         - mountPath: /var/run/cilium
479           name: cilium-run
480       restartPolicy: Always
481       serviceAccount: cilium
482       serviceAccountName: cilium
483       terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 1
484       tolerations:
485       - operator: Exists
486       volumes:
487         # To keep state between restarts / upgrades
488       - hostPath:
489           path: /var/run/cilium
490           type: DirectoryOrCreate
491         name: cilium-run
492         # To keep state between restarts / upgrades for bpf maps
493       - hostPath:
494           path: /sys/fs/bpf
495           type: DirectoryOrCreate
496         name: bpf-maps
497       # To install cilium cni plugin in the host
498       - hostPath:
499           path: /opt/cni/bin
500           type: DirectoryOrCreate
501         name: cni-path
502         # To install cilium cni configuration in the host
503       - hostPath:
504           path: /etc/cni/net.d
505           type: DirectoryOrCreate
506         name: etc-cni-netd
507         # To be able to load kernel modules
508       - hostPath:
509           path: /lib/modules
510         name: lib-modules
511         # To access iptables concurrently with other processes (e.g. kube-proxy)
512       - hostPath:
513           path: /run/xtables.lock
514           type: FileOrCreate
515         name: xtables-lock
516         # To read the clustermesh configuration
517       - name: clustermesh-secrets
518         secret:
519           defaultMode: 420
520           optional: true
521           secretName: cilium-clustermesh
522         # To read the configuration from the config map
523       - configMap:
524           name: cilium-config
525         name: cilium-config-path
526   updateStrategy:
527     rollingUpdate:
528       maxUnavailable: 2
529     type: RollingUpdate
531 ---
532 # Source: cilium/charts/operator/templates/deployment.yaml
533 apiVersion: apps/v1
534 kind: Deployment
535 metadata:
536   labels:
537     io.cilium/app: operator
538     name: cilium-operator
539   name: cilium-operator
540   namespace: kube-system
541 spec:
542   replicas: 1
543   selector:
544     matchLabels:
545       io.cilium/app: operator
546       name: cilium-operator
547   strategy:
548     rollingUpdate:
549       maxSurge: 1
550       maxUnavailable: 1
551     type: RollingUpdate
552   template:
553     metadata:
554       annotations:
555       labels:
556         io.cilium/app: operator
557         name: cilium-operator
558     spec:
559       containers:
560       - args:
561         - --debug=$(CILIUM_DEBUG)
562         - --identity-allocation-mode=$(CILIUM_IDENTITY_ALLOCATION_MODE)
563         command:
564         - cilium-operator
565         env:
566         - name: CILIUM_K8S_NAMESPACE
567           valueFrom:
568             fieldRef:
569               apiVersion: v1
570               fieldPath: metadata.namespace
571         - name: K8S_NODE_NAME
572           valueFrom:
573             fieldRef:
574               apiVersion: v1
575               fieldPath: spec.nodeName
576         - name: CILIUM_DEBUG
577           valueFrom:
578             configMapKeyRef:
579               key: debug
580               name: cilium-config
581               optional: true
582         - name: CILIUM_CLUSTER_NAME
583           valueFrom:
584             configMapKeyRef:
585               key: cluster-name
586               name: cilium-config
587               optional: true
588         - name: CILIUM_CLUSTER_ID
589           valueFrom:
590             configMapKeyRef:
591               key: cluster-id
592               name: cilium-config
593               optional: true
594         - name: CILIUM_IPAM
595           valueFrom:
596             configMapKeyRef:
597               key: ipam
598               name: cilium-config
599               optional: true
601           valueFrom:
602             configMapKeyRef:
603               key: disable-endpoint-crd
604               name: cilium-config
605               optional: true
606         - name: CILIUM_KVSTORE
607           valueFrom:
608             configMapKeyRef:
609               key: kvstore
610               name: cilium-config
611               optional: true
612         - name: CILIUM_KVSTORE_OPT
613           valueFrom:
614             configMapKeyRef:
615               key: kvstore-opt
616               name: cilium-config
617               optional: true
618         - name: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
619           valueFrom:
620             secretKeyRef:
621               key: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
622               name: cilium-aws
623               optional: true
624         - name: AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
625           valueFrom:
626             secretKeyRef:
627               key: AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
628               name: cilium-aws
629               optional: true
630         - name: AWS_DEFAULT_REGION
631           valueFrom:
632             secretKeyRef:
633               key: AWS_DEFAULT_REGION
634               name: cilium-aws
635               optional: true
637           valueFrom:
638             configMapKeyRef:
639               key: identity-allocation-mode
640               name: cilium-config
641               optional: true
642         image: "iecedge/operator:latest"
643         imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
644         name: cilium-operator
645         livenessProbe:
646           httpGet:
647             path: /healthz
648             port: 9234
649             scheme: HTTP
650           initialDelaySeconds: 60
651           periodSeconds: 10
652           timeoutSeconds: 3
654       hostNetwork: true
655       restartPolicy: Always
656       serviceAccount: cilium-operator
657       serviceAccountName: cilium-operator
659 ---
660 # Source: cilium/charts/agent/templates/servicemonitor.yaml
662 ---
663 # Source: cilium/charts/agent/templates/svc.yaml
665 ---
666 # Source: cilium/charts/operator/templates/servicemonitor.yaml
668 ---
669 # Source: cilium/charts/operator/templates/svc.yaml