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[iec.git] / src / foundation / scripts / cni / ovn-kubernetes / templates / ovnkube-db-vip.yaml.j2
1 # service to expose the ovnkube-db pod
2 apiVersion: v1
3 kind: Service
4 metadata:
5   name: ovnkube-db
6   namespace: ovn-kubernetes
7 spec:
8   ports:
9   - name: north
10     port: 6641
11     protocol: TCP
12     targetPort: 6641
13   - name: south
14     port: 6642
15     protocol: TCP
16     targetPort: 6642
17   sessionAffinity: None
18   clusterIP: None
19   type: ClusterIP
21 ---
23 # ovnkube-db HA using Corosync/Pacemaker
24 # daemonset version 3
25 # starts ovn NB/SB ovsdb daemons in a single container
26 kind: Deployment
27 apiVersion: apps/v1
28 metadata:
29   name: ovnkube-db
30   # namespace set up by install
31   namespace: ovn-kubernetes
32   annotations:
33     kubernetes.io/description: |
34       This daemonset launches the OVN NB/SB DB server in a single container.
35 spec:
36   progressDeadlineSeconds: 600
37   replicas: {{ ovn_db_replicas | default(3) }}
38   revisionHistoryLimit: 10
39   selector:
40     matchLabels:
41       name: ovnkube-db
42   strategy:
43     rollingUpdate:
44       maxSurge: 25%
45       maxUnavailable: 25%
46     type: RollingUpdate
47   template:
48     metadata:
49       labels:
50         name: ovnkube-db
51         component: network
52         type: infra
53         kubernetes.io/os: "linux"
54       annotations:
55         scheduler.alpha.kubernetes.io/critical-pod: ''
56     spec:
57       # Requires fairly broad permissions - ability to read all services and network functions as well
58       # as all pods.
59       serviceAccountName: ovn
60       hostNetwork: true
61       # required to be scheduled on node with openvswitch.org/ovnkube-db=true label but can
62       # only have one instance per node
63       affinity:
64         nodeAffinity:
65           requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
66             nodeSelectorTerms:
67             - matchExpressions:
68               - key: openvswitch.org/ovnkube-db
69                 operator: In
70                 values:
71                 - "true"
72         podAntiAffinity:
73           requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
74           - labelSelector:
75               matchExpressions:
76               - key: name
77                 operator: In
78                 values:
79                 - ovnkube-db
80             topologyKey: kubernetes.io/hostname
82       containers:
83       # ovsdb with corosync in one container - v3
84       - name: ovsdb
85         image: "{{ ovn_db_vip_image | default('docker.io/ovnkube/ovndb-vip-u:latest') }}"
86         imagePullPolicy: "{{ ovn_image_pull_policy | default('IfNotPresent') }}"
87         command: ["/root/ovndb-vip.sh", "run-ovndb"]
89         securityContext:
90           runAsUser: 0
91           capabilities:
92             add: ["NET_ADMIN"]
94         terminationMessagePolicy: FallbackToLogsOnError
95         volumeMounts:
96         # ovn db is stored in the pod in /etc/openvswitch
97         # (or in /etc/ovn if OVN from new repository is used)
98         # and on the host in /var/lib/openvswitch/
99         - mountPath: /etc/openvswitch/
100           name: host-var-lib-ovs
101         - mountPath: /etc/ovn/
102           name: host-var-lib-ovs
103         - mountPath: /var/log/openvswitch/
104           name: host-var-log-ovs
105         - mountPath: /var/log/ovn/
106           name: host-var-log-ovs
107         - mountPath: /etc/corosync
108           name: host-etc-corosync
109         - mountPath: /var/log/corosync
110           name: host-var-log-corosync
111         - mountPath: /dev/shm
112           name: dshm
114         resources:
115           requests:
116             cpu: 100m
117             memory: 1024Mi
118         env:
119         - name: OVN_DAEMONSET_VERSION
120           value: "3"
121         - name: OVN_LOGLEVEL_NB
122           value: "{{ ovn_loglevel_nb }}"
123         - name: K8S_APISERVER
124           valueFrom:
125             configMapKeyRef:
126               name: ovn-config
127               key: k8s_apiserver
128         - name: OVN_KUBERNETES_NAMESPACE
129           valueFrom:
130             fieldRef:
131               fieldPath: metadata.namespace
132         - name: K8S_NODE_IP
133           valueFrom:
134             fieldRef:
135               fieldPath: status.hostIP
136         - name: OVN_DB_VIP
137           value: "{{ ovn_db_vip }}"
138       # end of container
140       volumes:
141       - name: host-var-lib-ovs
142         hostPath:
143           path: /var/lib/openvswitch
144       - name: host-var-log-ovs
145         hostPath:
146           path: /var/log/openvswitch
147       - name: host-var-log-corosync
148         hostPath:
149           path: /var/log/corosync
150       - name: host-etc-corosync
151         hostPath:
152           path: /etc/corosync
153       - name: dshm
154         emptyDir:
155           medium: Memory
157       tolerations:
158       - operator: "Exists"