# Setup a private Jenkins server from a fresh Ubuntu 18.04 Akraino community has a public Jenkins cluster, we run CI jobs there. But the CD jobs, we need to run them in our private Jenkins cluster. For now, we support only one node private Jenkins deployment. The only supported OS is Ubuntu 18.04. ## How to setup Jenkins server We define vars in `vars.yaml` to customize the deployment. The default listening address is the default IP address of the Jenkins server. To override the listening address/domain name, please set `jenkins_hostname`. The default Jenkins username/password is `admin/admin`. To override it, please set `jenkins_admin_username` and `jenkins_admin_password`. 1. If deploying the Jenkins server on a machine configured with KuD (i.e. an ICN jump server), first remove the `ANSIBLE_CONFIG` line from `/etc/environment` and login again. ``` shell ./ci.sh cleanup-after-kud logout ``` 2. Install the Jenkins server into the machine. If the VM verifier Jenkins job will not be added later, set `WITH_VAGRANT=no` in the environment before running the install step. ``` shell # Use one of the following WITH_VAGRANT=no ./ci.sh install-jenkins ./ci.sh install-jenkins ``` After the script has completed, the Jenkins server can be visited at http://:8080. 3. Add the Gerrit ssh key as Jenkins credential, so that the jobs can pull code from Gerrit. `JENKINS_SSH_PRIVATE_KEY` is the path to the private key file of the `icn.jenkins` Gerrit account. ``` shell JENKINS_SSH_PRIVATE_KEY="path/to/icn.jenkins/id_rsa" ./ci.sh install-credentials ``` To use a different account, edit `git-url` in `jjb/defaults.yaml` with the account name and execute the above command with the username specified. ``` shell JENKINS_SSH_USERNAME="username" JENKINS_SSH_PRIVATE_KEY="path/to/username/id_rsa" ./ci.sh install-credentials ``` 4. To push the logs to Akraino Nexus server, we need to create the authentication file for lftools. ``` shell JENKINS_LFTOOLS_USERNAME="username" JENKINS_LFTOOLS_PASSWORD="password" ./ci.sh install-lftools-credentials ``` 5. Add the ICN Jenkins jobs to Jenkins. The script adds only a subset of the available jobs; review the script for information about other jobs. ``` shell ./ci.sh update-jobs ``` ## Job specific instructions ### icn-bluval The Bluval job requires that Jenkins ssh into the cluster control plane. The script can be used to create a new keypair for the `jenkins` user and install the credentials into an existing cluster. For example, where the control plane endpoint is at `` and there exists `/home/ubuntu/.kube/config`: ``` shell CLUSTER_MASTER_IP= CLUSTER_SSH_USER=root ./ci.sh install-jenkins-id ``` The same values of `CLUSTER_MASTER_IP` and `CLUSTER_SSH_USER` should be provided to the icn-bluval job in Jenkins. Note that `CLUSTER_SSH_USER` must be `root` for the Bluval Lynis testing to succeed.