--- - publisher: name: icn-infra-publish # lf-infra macro to finish up a build. # # Handles the following: # - Shipping logs to Nexus logs site repository # - Cleanup workspace publishers: - postbuildscript: builders: - role: BOTH build-on: - ABORTED - FAILURE - NOT_BUILT - SUCCESS - UNSTABLE build-steps: - lf-infra-sysstat - lf-infra-package-listing - icn-infra-ship-logs mark-unstable-if-failed: true - workspace-cleanup: exclude: # Do not clean up *.jenkins-trigger files for jobs that use a # properties file as input for triggering another build. - "**/*.jenkins-trigger" fail-build: false - builder: name: icn-infra-ship-logs builders: # Ensure no pre-existing .netrc files are overriding logs config #- lf-provide-maven-settings-cleanup #- config-file-provider: # files: # - file-id: "jenkins-log-archives-settings" # variable: "SETTINGS_FILE" #- lf-infra-create-netrc: # server-id: logs - shell: !include-raw: # Ensure python-tools are installed in case job template does not # call the lf-infra-pre-build macro. - ../../../ci-management/jjb/global-jjb/shell/python-tools-install.sh - shell: !include-raw: - shell/org-logs-deploy.sh #- shell: !include-raw: # - ../../../ci-management/jjb/global-jjb/shell/logs-clear-credentials.sh - description-setter: regexp: "^Build logs: .*"