package provisioning import ( "context" "os" "fmt" "bytes" "regexp" "strings" "io/ioutil" "path/filepath" "os/user" "os/exec" bpav1alpha1 "" metav1 "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" logf "" "" "" ) var log = logf.Log.WithName("controller_provisioning") //Todo: Should be an input from the user var dhcpLeaseFile = "/var/lib/dhcp/dhcpd.leases" var kudInstallerScript = "/root/icn/deploy/kud/multicloud-k8s/kud/hosting_providers/vagrant" /** * USER ACTION REQUIRED: This is a scaffold file intended for the user to modify with their own Controller * business logic. Delete these comments after modifying this file.* */ // Add creates a new Provisioning Controller and adds it to the Manager. The Manager will set fields on the Controller // and Start it when the Manager is Started. func Add(mgr manager.Manager) error { return add(mgr, newReconciler(mgr)) } // newReconciler returns a new reconcile.Reconciler func newReconciler(mgr manager.Manager) reconcile.Reconciler { return &ReconcileProvisioning{client: mgr.GetClient(), scheme: mgr.GetScheme()} } // add adds a new Controller to mgr with r as the reconcile.Reconciler func add(mgr manager.Manager, r reconcile.Reconciler) error { // Create a new controller c, err := controller.New("provisioning-controller", mgr, controller.Options{Reconciler: r}) if err != nil { return err } // Watch for changes to primary resource Provisioning err = c.Watch(&source.Kind{Type: &bpav1alpha1.Provisioning{}}, &handler.EnqueueRequestForObject{}) if err != nil { return err } return nil } // blank assignment to verify that ReconcileProvisioning implements reconcile.Reconciler var _ reconcile.Reconciler = &ReconcileProvisioning{} // ReconcileProvisioning reconciles a Provisioning object type ReconcileProvisioning struct { // This client, initialized using mgr.Client() above, is a split client // that reads objects from the cache and writes to the apiserver client client.Client scheme *runtime.Scheme } // Reconcile reads that state of the cluster for a Provisioning object and makes changes based on the state read // and what is in the Provisioning.Spec // TODO(user): Modify this Reconcile function to implement your Controller logic. This example creates // a Pod as an example // Note: // The Controller will requeue the Request to be processed again if the returned error is non-nil or // Result.Requeue is true, otherwise upon completion it will remove the work from the queue. func (r *ReconcileProvisioning) Reconcile(request reconcile.Request) (reconcile.Result, error) { reqLogger := log.WithValues("Request.Namespace", request.Namespace, "Request.Name", request.Name) reqLogger.Info("Reconciling Provisioning") // Fetch the Provisioning instance provisioningInstance := &bpav1alpha1.Provisioning{} err := r.client.Get(context.TODO(), request.NamespacedName, provisioningInstance) if err != nil { if errors.IsNotFound(err) { // Request object not found, could have been deleted after reconcile request. // Owned objects are automatically garbage collected. For additional cleanup logic use finalizers. // Return and don't requeue return reconcile.Result{}, nil } // Error reading the object - requeue the request. return reconcile.Result{}, err } mastersList := provisioningInstance.Spec.Masters workersList := provisioningInstance.Spec.Workers bareMetalHostList, _ := listBareMetalHosts() var allString string var masterString string var workerString string //Iterate through mastersList and get all the mac addresses and IP addresses for _, masterMap := range mastersList { for masterLabel, master := range masterMap { containsMac, bmhCR := checkMACaddress(bareMetalHostList, master.MACaddress) if containsMac{ //fmt.Println( master.MACaddress) fmt.Printf("BareMetalHost CR %s has NIC with MAC Address %s\n", bmhCR, master.MACaddress) //Get IP address of master hostIPaddress, err := getHostIPaddress(master.MACaddress, dhcpLeaseFile ) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("IP address not found for host with MAC address %s \n", master.MACaddress) } allString += masterLabel + " ansible_ssh_host=" + hostIPaddress + " ansible_ssh_port=22" + "\n" masterString += masterLabel + "\n" fmt.Printf("%s : %s \n", hostIPaddress, master.MACaddress) } else { fmt.Printf("Host with MAC Address %s not found\n", master.MACaddress) } } } //Iterate through workersList and get all the mac addresses for _, workerMap := range workersList { for workerLabel, worker := range workerMap { containsMac, bmhCR := checkMACaddress(bareMetalHostList, worker.MACaddress) if containsMac{ //fmt.Println( worker.MACaddress) fmt.Printf("Host %s matches that macAddress\n", bmhCR) //Get IP address of worker hostIPaddress, err := getHostIPaddress(worker.MACaddress, dhcpLeaseFile ) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("IP address not found for host with MAC address %s \n", worker.MACaddress) } fmt.Printf("%s : %s \n", hostIPaddress, worker.MACaddress) allString += workerLabel + " ansible_ssh_host=" + hostIPaddress + " ansible_ssh_port=22" + "\n" workerString += workerLabel + "\n" }else { fmt.Printf("Host with MAC Address %s not found\n", worker.MACaddress) } } } //Create host.ini file iniHostFilePath := provisioningInstance.Spec.HostsFile newFile, err := os.Create(iniHostFilePath) defer newFile.Close() if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Error occured while creating file \n %v", err) } hostFile, err := ini.Load(iniHostFilePath) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Error occured while Loading file \n %v", err) } _, err = hostFile.NewRawSection("all", allString) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Error occured while creating section \n %v", err) } _, err = hostFile.NewRawSection("kube-master", masterString) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Error occured while creating section \n %v", err) } _, err = hostFile.NewRawSection("kube-node", workerString) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Error occured while creating section \n %v", err) } _, err = hostFile.NewRawSection("etcd", masterString) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Error occured while creating section \n %v", err) } _, err = hostFile.NewRawSection("k8s-cluser:children", "kube-node\n" + "kube-master") if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Error occured while creating section \n %v", err) } hostFile.SaveTo(iniHostFilePath) //TODO: Test KUD installer part //Copy host.ini file to the right path and install KUD dstIniPath := kudInstallerScript + "/inventory/hosts.ini" kudInstaller(iniHostFilePath, dstIniPath, kudInstallerScript) return reconcile.Result{}, nil } //Function to Get List containing baremetal hosts func listBareMetalHosts() (*unstructured.UnstructuredList, error) { //Get Current User and kube config file usr, err := user.Current() if err != nil { fmt.Println("Could not get current user\n") return &unstructured.UnstructuredList{}, err } kubeConfig := filepath.Join(usr.HomeDir, ".kube", "config") //Build Config Flags config, err := clientcmd.BuildConfigFromFlags("", kubeConfig) if err != nil { fmt.Println("Could not build config\n") return &unstructured.UnstructuredList{}, err } //Create Dynamic Client for BareMetalHost CRD bmhDynamicClient, err := dynamic.NewForConfig(config) if err != nil { fmt.Println("Could not create dynamic client for bareMetalHosts\n") return &unstructured.UnstructuredList{}, err } //Create GVR representing a BareMetalHost CR bmhGVR := schema.GroupVersionResource{ Group: "", Version: "v1alpha1", Resource: "baremetalhosts", } //Get List containing all BareMetalHosts CRs bareMetalHosts, err := bmhDynamicClient.Resource(bmhGVR).List(metav1.ListOptions{}) if err != nil { fmt.Println("Error occured, cannot get BareMetalHosts list\n") return &unstructured.UnstructuredList{}, err } return bareMetalHosts, nil } //Function to check if BareMetalHost containing MAC address exist func checkMACaddress(bareMetalHostList *unstructured.UnstructuredList, macAddress string) (bool, string) { //Convert macAddress to byte array for comparison macAddressByte := []byte(macAddress) macBool := false for _, bareMetalHost := range bareMetalHostList.Items { bmhJson, _ := bareMetalHost.MarshalJSON() macBool = bytes.Contains(bmhJson, macAddressByte) if macBool{ return macBool, bareMetalHost.GetName() } } return macBool, "" } func getHostIPaddress(macAddress string, dhcpLeaseFilePath string ) (string, error) { //Read the dhcp lease file dhcpFile, err := ioutil.ReadFile(dhcpLeaseFilePath) if err != nil { fmt.Println("Failed to read lease file\n") return "", err } dhcpLeases := string(dhcpFile) //Regex to use to search dhcpLeases regex := "lease.*{|ethernet.*" re, err := regexp.Compile(regex) if err != nil { fmt.Println("Could not create Regexp object\n") return "", err } //Get String containing leased Ip addresses and Corressponding MAC addresses out := re.FindAllString(dhcpLeases, -1) outString := strings.Join(out, " ") stringReplacer := strings.NewReplacer("lease", "", "{ ethernet ", "", ";", "") replaced := stringReplacer.Replace(outString) ipMacList := strings.Fields(replaced) //Get IP addresses corresponding to Input MAC Address for idx := len(ipMacList)-1 ; idx >= 0; idx -- { item := ipMacList[idx] if item == macAddress { ipAdd := ipMacList[idx -1] return ipAdd, nil } } return "", nil } func kudInstaller(srcIniPath, dstIniPath, kudInstallerPath string) { err := os.Chdir(kudInstallerPath) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Could not change directory %v", err) return } commands := "cp " + srcIniPath + " " + dstIniPath + "; ./| tee kud_installer.log" cmd := exec.Command("/bin/bash", "-c", commands) err = cmd.Run() if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Error Occured while running KUD install scripts %v", err) return } return }