package provisioning import ( "context" "testing" "io/ioutil" "os" bpav1alpha1 "" metav1 "" batchv1 "" logf "" "" "" "" "" "" "" fakedynamic "" ) func TestProvisioningController(t *testing.T) { logf.SetLogger(logf.ZapLogger(true)) bpaName1 := "bpa-test-cr" bpaName2 := "bpa-test-2" bpaName3 := "bpa-test-3" namespace := "default" clusterName := "test-cluster" clusterName2 := "test-cluster-2" clusterName3 := "test-cluster-3" macAddress1 := "08:00:27:00:ab:2c" macAddress2 := "08:00:27:00:ab:3d" macAddress3 := "08:00:27:00:ab:1c" // Create Fake DHCP file err := createFakeDHCP() if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Cannot create Fake DHCP file for testing\n") } // Create Fake baremetalhost bmhList := newBMList() // Create Fake Provisioning CR provisioning := newBPA(bpaName1, namespace, clusterName, macAddress1) provisioning2 := newBPA(bpaName2, namespace, clusterName2, macAddress2) provisioning3 := newBPA(bpaName3, namespace, clusterName3, macAddress3) // Objects to track in the fake Client objs := []runtime.Object{provisioning, provisioning2, provisioning3} // Register operator types with the runtime scheme sc := scheme.Scheme sc.AddKnownTypes(bpav1alpha1.SchemeGroupVersion, provisioning, provisioning2, provisioning3) // Create Fake Clients fakeClient := fake.NewFakeClient(objs...) fakeDyn := fakedynamic.NewSimpleDynamicClient(sc, bmhList,) r := &ReconcileProvisioning{client: fakeClient, scheme: sc, bmhClient: fakeDyn} // Mock request to simulate Reconcile() being called on an event for a watched resource req := simulateRequest(provisioning) _, err = r.Reconcile(req) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("reconcile: (%v)", err) } // Test 1: Check the job was created with the expected name job := &batchv1.Job{} err = r.client.Get(context.TODO(), types.NamespacedName{Name: "kud-test-cluster", Namespace: namespace}, job) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Error occured while getting job: (%v)", err) } // Test 2: Check that cluster name metadata in job is the expected cluster name jobClusterName := job.Labels["cluster"] if jobClusterName != clusterName { t.Fatalf("Job cluster Name is wrong") } // Test 3: Check that the right error is produced when host with MAC address does not exist req = simulateRequest(provisioning2) _, err = r.Reconcile(req) expectedErr := "Host with MAC Address " + macAddress2 + " not found\n" if err.Error() != expectedErr { t.Fatalf("Failed, Unexpected error occured %v\n", err) } // Test 4: Check that the right error is produced when MAC address is not found in the DHCP lease file req = simulateRequest(provisioning3) _, err = r.Reconcile(req) expectedErr = "IP address not found for host with MAC address " + macAddress3 + " \n" if err.Error() != expectedErr { t.Fatalf("Failed, Unexpected error occured %v\n", err) } // Delete Fake DHCP file and cluster directories err = os.Remove("/var/lib/dhcp/dhcpd.leases") if err != nil { t.Logf("\nUnable to delete fake DHCP file\n") } err = os.RemoveAll("/multi-cluster/" + clusterName) if err != nil { t.Logf("\nUnable to delete cluster directory %s\n", clusterName) } err = os.RemoveAll("/multi-cluster/" + clusterName2) if err != nil { t.Logf("\nUnable to delete cluster directory %s\n", clusterName2) } err = os.RemoveAll("/multi-cluster/" + clusterName3) if err != nil { t.Logf("\nUnable to delete cluster directory %s\n", clusterName3) } } func simulateRequest(bpaCR *bpav1alpha1.Provisioning) reconcile.Request { namespacedName := types.NamespacedName{ Name: bpaCR.ObjectMeta.Name, Namespace: bpaCR.ObjectMeta.Namespace, } return reconcile.Request{NamespacedName: namespacedName} } func newBPA(name, namespace, clusterName, macAddress string) *bpav1alpha1.Provisioning { provisioningCR := &bpav1alpha1.Provisioning{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: name, Namespace: namespace, Labels: map[string]string{ "cluster": clusterName, }, }, Spec: bpav1alpha1.ProvisioningSpec{ Masters: []map[string]bpav1alpha1.Master{ map[string]bpav1alpha1.Master{ "test-master" : bpav1alpha1.Master{ MACaddress: macAddress, }, }, }, }, } return provisioningCR } func newBMList() *unstructured.UnstructuredList{ bmMap := map[string]interface{}{ "apiVersion": "", "kind": "BareMetalHostList", "metaData": map[string]interface{}{ "continue": "", "resourceVersion": "11830058", "selfLink": "/apis/", }, } metaData := map[string]interface{}{ "creationTimestamp": "2019-10-24T04:51:15Z", "generation":"1", "name": "fake-test-bmh", "namespace": "default", "resourceVersion": "11829263", "selfLink": "/apis/", "uid": "e92cb312-f619-11e9-90bc-00219ba0c77a", } nicMap1 := map[string]interface{}{ "ip": "", "mac": "08:00:27:00:ab:2c", "model": "0x8086 0x1572", "name": "eth3", "pxe": "false", "speedGbps": "0", "vlanId": "0", } nicMap2 := map[string]interface{}{ "ip": "", "mac": "08:00:27:00:ab:1c", "model": "0x8086 0x1572", "name": "eth4", "pxe": "false", "speedGbps": "0", "vlanId": "0", } specMap := map[string]interface{}{ "status" : map[string]interface{}{ "errorMessage": "", "hardware": map[string]interface{}{ "nics": map[string]interface{}{ "nic1" : nicMap1, "nic2" : nicMap2, }, }, }, } itemMap := map[string]interface{}{ "apiVersion": "", "kind": "BareMetalHost", "metadata": metaData, "spec": specMap, } itemU := unstructured.Unstructured{ Object: itemMap, } itemsList := []unstructured.Unstructured{itemU,} bmhList := &unstructured.UnstructuredList{ Object: bmMap, Items: itemsList, } return bmhList } // Create DHCP file for testing func createFakeDHCP() error{ dhcpData := []byte(`lease { starts 4 2019/08/08 22:32:49; ends 4 2019/08/08 23:52:49; cltt 4 2019/08/08 22:32:49; binding state active; next binding state free; rewind binding state free; hardware ethernet 08:00:27:00:ab:2c; client-hostname "fake-test-bmh""; }`) err := ioutil.WriteFile("/var/lib/dhcp/dhcpd.leases", dhcpData, 0777) if (err != nil) { return err } return nil }