/* Package tokens provides information and interaction with the token API resource for the OpenStack Identity service. For more information, see: http://developer.openstack.org/api-ref-identity-v2.html#identity-auth-v2 Example to Create an Unscoped Token from a Password authOpts := gophercloud.AuthOptions{ Username: "user", Password: "pass" } token, err := tokens.Create(identityClient, authOpts).ExtractToken() if err != nil { panic(err) } Example to Create a Token from a Tenant ID and Password authOpts := gophercloud.AuthOptions{ Username: "user", Password: "password", TenantID: "fc394f2ab2df4114bde39905f800dc57" } token, err := tokens.Create(identityClient, authOpts).ExtractToken() if err != nil { panic(err) } Example to Create a Token from a Tenant Name and Password authOpts := gophercloud.AuthOptions{ Username: "user", Password: "password", TenantName: "tenantname" } token, err := tokens.Create(identityClient, authOpts).ExtractToken() if err != nil { panic(err) } */ package tokens