/* Copyright 2018 The Kubernetes Authors. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package metrics import ( "net/url" "time" "github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus" reflectormetrics "k8s.io/client-go/tools/cache" clientmetrics "k8s.io/client-go/tools/metrics" workqueuemetrics "k8s.io/client-go/util/workqueue" ) // this file contains setup logic to initialize the myriad of places // that client-go registers metrics. We copy the names and formats // from Kubernetes so that we match the core controllers. var ( // client metrics requestLatency = prometheus.NewHistogramVec( prometheus.HistogramOpts{ Name: "rest_client_request_latency_seconds", Help: "Request latency in seconds. Broken down by verb and URL.", Buckets: prometheus.ExponentialBuckets(0.001, 2, 10), }, []string{"verb", "url"}, ) requestResult = prometheus.NewCounterVec( prometheus.CounterOpts{ Name: "rest_client_requests_total", Help: "Number of HTTP requests, partitioned by status code, method, and host.", }, []string{"code", "method", "host"}, ) // reflector metrics // TODO(directxman12): update these to be histograms once the metrics overhaul KEP // PRs start landing. reflectorSubsystem = "reflector" listsTotal = prometheus.NewCounterVec(prometheus.CounterOpts{ Subsystem: reflectorSubsystem, Name: "lists_total", Help: "Total number of API lists done by the reflectors", }, []string{"name"}) listsDuration = prometheus.NewSummaryVec(prometheus.SummaryOpts{ Subsystem: reflectorSubsystem, Name: "list_duration_seconds", Help: "How long an API list takes to return and decode for the reflectors", }, []string{"name"}) itemsPerList = prometheus.NewSummaryVec(prometheus.SummaryOpts{ Subsystem: reflectorSubsystem, Name: "items_per_list", Help: "How many items an API list returns to the reflectors", }, []string{"name"}) watchesTotal = prometheus.NewCounterVec(prometheus.CounterOpts{ Subsystem: reflectorSubsystem, Name: "watches_total", Help: "Total number of API watches done by the reflectors", }, []string{"name"}) shortWatchesTotal = prometheus.NewCounterVec(prometheus.CounterOpts{ Subsystem: reflectorSubsystem, Name: "short_watches_total", Help: "Total number of short API watches done by the reflectors", }, []string{"name"}) watchDuration = prometheus.NewSummaryVec(prometheus.SummaryOpts{ Subsystem: reflectorSubsystem, Name: "watch_duration_seconds", Help: "How long an API watch takes to return and decode for the reflectors", }, []string{"name"}) itemsPerWatch = prometheus.NewSummaryVec(prometheus.SummaryOpts{ Subsystem: reflectorSubsystem, Name: "items_per_watch", Help: "How many items an API watch returns to the reflectors", }, []string{"name"}) lastResourceVersion = prometheus.NewGaugeVec(prometheus.GaugeOpts{ Subsystem: reflectorSubsystem, Name: "last_resource_version", Help: "Last resource version seen for the reflectors", }, []string{"name"}) // workqueue metrics workQueueSubsystem = "workqueue" depth = prometheus.NewGaugeVec(prometheus.GaugeOpts{ Subsystem: workQueueSubsystem, Name: "depth", Help: "Current depth of workqueue", }, []string{"name"}) adds = prometheus.NewCounterVec(prometheus.CounterOpts{ Subsystem: workQueueSubsystem, Name: "adds_total", Help: "Total number of adds handled by workqueue", }, []string{"name"}) latency = prometheus.NewHistogramVec(prometheus.HistogramOpts{ Subsystem: workQueueSubsystem, Name: "queue_latency_seconds", Help: "How long in seconds an item stays in workqueue before being requested.", Buckets: prometheus.ExponentialBuckets(10e-9, 10, 10), }, []string{"name"}) workDuration = prometheus.NewHistogramVec(prometheus.HistogramOpts{ Subsystem: workQueueSubsystem, Name: "work_duration_seconds", Help: "How long in seconds processing an item from workqueue takes.", Buckets: prometheus.ExponentialBuckets(10e-9, 10, 10), }, []string{"name"}) retries = prometheus.NewCounterVec(prometheus.CounterOpts{ Subsystem: workQueueSubsystem, Name: "retries_total", Help: "Total number of retries handled by workqueue", }, []string{"name"}) longestRunning = prometheus.NewGaugeVec(prometheus.GaugeOpts{ Subsystem: workQueueSubsystem, Name: "longest_running_processor_microseconds", Help: "How many microseconds has the longest running " + "processor for workqueue been running.", }, []string{"name"}) unfinishedWork = prometheus.NewGaugeVec(prometheus.GaugeOpts{ Subsystem: workQueueSubsystem, Name: "unfinished_work_seconds", Help: "How many seconds of work has done that " + "is in progress and hasn't been observed by work_duration. Large " + "values indicate stuck threads. One can deduce the number of stuck " + "threads by observing the rate at which this increases.", }, []string{"name"}) ) func init() { registerClientMetrics() registerReflectorMetrics() registerWorkqueueMetrics() } // registerClientMetrics sets up the client latency metrics from client-go func registerClientMetrics() { // register the metrics with our registry Registry.MustRegister(requestLatency) Registry.MustRegister(requestResult) // register the metrics with client-go clientmetrics.Register(&latencyAdapter{metric: requestLatency}, &resultAdapter{metric: requestResult}) } // registerReflectorMetrics sets up reflector (reconile) loop metrics func registerReflectorMetrics() { Registry.MustRegister(listsTotal) Registry.MustRegister(listsDuration) Registry.MustRegister(itemsPerList) Registry.MustRegister(watchesTotal) Registry.MustRegister(shortWatchesTotal) Registry.MustRegister(watchDuration) Registry.MustRegister(itemsPerWatch) Registry.MustRegister(lastResourceVersion) reflectormetrics.SetReflectorMetricsProvider(reflectorMetricsProvider{}) } // registerWorkQueueMetrics sets up workqueue (other reconcile) metrics func registerWorkqueueMetrics() { Registry.MustRegister(depth) Registry.MustRegister(adds) Registry.MustRegister(latency) Registry.MustRegister(workDuration) Registry.MustRegister(retries) Registry.MustRegister(longestRunning) Registry.MustRegister(unfinishedWork) workqueuemetrics.SetProvider(workqueueMetricsProvider{}) } // this section contains adapters, implementations, and other sundry organic, artisinally // hand-crafted syntax trees required to convince client-go that it actually wants to let // someone use its metrics. // Client metrics adapters (method #1 for client-go metrics), // copied (more-or-less directly) from k8s.io/kubernetes setup code // (which isn't anywhere in an easily-importable place). type latencyAdapter struct { metric *prometheus.HistogramVec } func (l *latencyAdapter) Observe(verb string, u url.URL, latency time.Duration) { l.metric.WithLabelValues(verb, u.String()).Observe(latency.Seconds()) } type resultAdapter struct { metric *prometheus.CounterVec } func (r *resultAdapter) Increment(code, method, host string) { r.metric.WithLabelValues(code, method, host).Inc() } // Reflector metrics provider (method #2 for client-go metrics), // copied (more-or-less directly) from k8s.io/kubernetes setup code // (which isn't anywhere in an easily-importable place). type reflectorMetricsProvider struct{} func (reflectorMetricsProvider) NewListsMetric(name string) reflectormetrics.CounterMetric { return listsTotal.WithLabelValues(name) } func (reflectorMetricsProvider) NewListDurationMetric(name string) reflectormetrics.SummaryMetric { return listsDuration.WithLabelValues(name) } func (reflectorMetricsProvider) NewItemsInListMetric(name string) reflectormetrics.SummaryMetric { return itemsPerList.WithLabelValues(name) } func (reflectorMetricsProvider) NewWatchesMetric(name string) reflectormetrics.CounterMetric { return watchesTotal.WithLabelValues(name) } func (reflectorMetricsProvider) NewShortWatchesMetric(name string) reflectormetrics.CounterMetric { return shortWatchesTotal.WithLabelValues(name) } func (reflectorMetricsProvider) NewWatchDurationMetric(name string) reflectormetrics.SummaryMetric { return watchDuration.WithLabelValues(name) } func (reflectorMetricsProvider) NewItemsInWatchMetric(name string) reflectormetrics.SummaryMetric { return itemsPerWatch.WithLabelValues(name) } func (reflectorMetricsProvider) NewLastResourceVersionMetric(name string) reflectormetrics.GaugeMetric { return lastResourceVersion.WithLabelValues(name) } // Workqueue metrics (method #3 for client-go metrics), // copied (more-or-less directly) from k8s.io/kubernetes setup code // (which isn't anywhere in an easily-importable place). // TODO(directxman12): stop "cheating" and calling histograms summaries when we pull in the latest deps type workqueueMetricsProvider struct{} func (workqueueMetricsProvider) NewDepthMetric(name string) workqueuemetrics.GaugeMetric { return depth.WithLabelValues(name) } func (workqueueMetricsProvider) NewAddsMetric(name string) workqueuemetrics.CounterMetric { return adds.WithLabelValues(name) } func (workqueueMetricsProvider) NewLatencyMetric(name string) workqueuemetrics.SummaryMetric { return latency.WithLabelValues(name) } func (workqueueMetricsProvider) NewWorkDurationMetric(name string) workqueuemetrics.SummaryMetric { return workDuration.WithLabelValues(name) } func (workqueueMetricsProvider) NewRetriesMetric(name string) workqueuemetrics.CounterMetric { return retries.WithLabelValues(name) } func (workqueueMetricsProvider) NewLongestRunningProcessorMicrosecondsMetric(name string) workqueuemetrics.SettableGaugeMetric { return longestRunning.WithLabelValues(name) } func (workqueueMetricsProvider) NewUnfinishedWorkSecondsMetric(name string) workqueuemetrics.SettableGaugeMetric { return unfinishedWork.WithLabelValues(name) }