# # The name of the executable (default is current directory name) # TARGET := $(shell echo $${PWD\#\#*/}) # .DEFAULT_GOAL: $(TARGET) # # # These will be provided to the target # VERSION := 1.0.0 # BUILD := `git rev-parse HEAD` # # # Use linker flags to provide version/build settings to the target # LDFLAGS=-ldflags "-X=main.Version=$(VERSION) -X=main.Build=$(BUILD)" # # # go source files, ignore vendor directory # SRC = $(shell find . -type f -name '*.go' -not -path "./vendor/*") # # .PHONY: all build # # all: build # # $(TARGET): $(SRC) # @go build $(LDFLAGS) -o $(TARGET) # # build: $(TARGET) # @true .PHONY: build build: go build -mod=vendor -o build/_output/bin/bpa-restapi-agent main.go docker: docker build -t akraino.org/icn/bpa-restapi-agent:latest . -f build/Dockerfile