--- swagger: "2.0" info: description: "Addresses deployment of workloads in the edge" version: "1.0.0" title: "ICN application" schemes: - "http" consumes: - "application/json" produces: - "application/json" paths: /: get: tags: - "container_images" operationId: "find_images" parameters: - name: "since" in: "query" required: false type: "integer" format: "int64" x-exportParamName: "Since" x-optionalDataType: "Int64" - name: "limit" in: "query" required: false type: "integer" default: 20 format: "int32" x-exportParamName: "Limit" x-optionalDataType: "Int32" responses: 200: description: "list the ICN operations" schema: type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/Request" default: description: "generic error response" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/error" post: tags: - "container_images" operationId: "addContainer" parameters: - in: "body" name: "body" required: false schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Request" x-exportParamName: "Body" responses: 201: description: "Created" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Request" default: description: "error" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/error" /{id}: put: tags: - "container_images" operationId: "updateImage" parameters: - name: "id" in: "path" required: true type: "integer" format: "int64" x-exportParamName: "Id" - in: "body" name: "body" required: false schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Request" x-exportParamName: "Body" responses: 200: description: "OK" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Request" default: description: "error" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/error" delete: tags: - "container_images" operationId: "destroyImage" parameters: - name: "id" in: "path" required: true type: "integer" format: "int64" x-exportParamName: "Id" responses: 204: description: "Deleted" default: description: "error" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/error" definitions: Request: type: "object" properties: image_id: type: "string" repo: type: "string" tag: type: "string" installed: type: "boolean" example: installed: true repo: "repo" tag: "tag" image_id: "image_id" error: type: "object" required: - "message" properties: code: type: "integer" format: "int64" message: type: "string"