# Copyright 2019 Nokia # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import socket import netaddr import subprocess import json from cmdatahandlers.api import configerror def validate_ipv4_address(address): try: socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET, address) except AttributeError: try: socket.inet_aton(address) except socket.error: raise configerror.ConfigError('Invalid ip %s' % address) if address.count('.') != 3: raise configerror.ConfigError('Invalid ip %s' % address) except socket.error: raise configerror.ConfigError('Invalid ip %s' % address) def validate_list_items_unique(l): if len(l) != len(set(l)): raise configerror.ConfigError('List is not unique') def validate_cidr(cidr): try: tok = cidr.split('/') if len(tok) != 2: raise configerror.ConfigError('Invalid cidr address %s' % cidr) validate_ipv4_address(tok[0]) except Exception as exp: raise configerror.ConfigError(str(exp)) def validate_ip_in_network(ip, cidr): try: if netaddr.IPAddress(ip) not in netaddr.IPNetwork(cidr): raise configerror.ConfigError('%s does not belong to network %s' % (ip, cidr)) except Exception as exp: raise configerror.ConfigError(str(exp)) def validate_keys_in_dictionary(keys, dictionary): for key in keys: if key not in dictionary: raise configerror.ConfigError('%s is not found' % key) def validate_vlan(vlan): if vlan < 0 or vlan > 4096: raise configerror.ConfigError('Vlan %d is not valid' % vlan) def get_own_hwmgmt_ip(): try: #try both ipv4 and ipv6 addresses ips=[] output=subprocess.check_output(['sudo', 'ipmitool', 'lan', 'print']) lines = output.split('\n') for line in lines: if 'IP Address' in line and 'IP Address Source' not in line: data = line.split(':') if len(data) != 2: raise configerror.ConfigError('Invalid hwmgmt ip configured') ip=data[1] import re ip=re.sub('[\s+]', '', ip) ips.append(ip) output_lan6=subprocess.check_output(['sudo', 'ipmitool', 'lan6', 'print'],stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) lines = output_lan6.split('\n') num_static_addr = 0 num_dynamic_addr = 0 #get max number of ipv6 static address for line in lines: if 'Static address max' in line: data = line.split(':') static_address = data[1] import re num_static_addr = int(re.sub('[\s+]', '', static_address)) if 'Dynamic address max' in line: data = line.split(':') dynamic_address = data[1] import re num_dynamic_addr = int(re.sub('[\s+]', '', dynamic_address)) for x in range(num_static_addr): address = 'IPv6 Static Address %s' %x for idx,val in enumerate(lines): if address in val: if 'Address' in lines[idx+2]: data=lines[idx+2].split(':',1) ip=data[1] import re ip=re.sub('[\s+]', '', ip) ip=ip.split('/',1)[0] ips.append(ip.strip()) for x in range(num_dynamic_addr): address = 'IPv6 Dynamic Address %s' %x for idx,val in enumerate(lines): if address in val: if 'Address' in lines[idx+2]: data=lines[idx+2].split(':',1) ip=data[1] import re ip=re.sub('[\s+]', '', ip) ip=ip.split('/',1)[0] ips.append(ip.strip()) return ips except Exception as exp: raise configerror.ConfigError(str(exp)) def is_virtualized(): f=open('/proc/cpuinfo') lines = f.readlines() f.close() for line in lines: if line.startswith('flags') and 'hypervisor' in line: return True return False def flatten_config_data(jsondata): result = {} for key, value in jsondata.iteritems(): try: result[key] = json.dumps(value) except Exception as exp: result[key] = value return result def unflatten_config_data(props): propsjson = {} for name, value in props.iteritems(): try: propsjson[name] = json.loads(value) except Exception as exp: propsjson[name] = value return propsjson def add_lists(l1, l2): result = l1 for v2 in l2: if v2 not in result: result.append(v2) return result