# Copyright 2019 Nokia # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from cmdatahandlers.api import configerror from cmdatahandlers.api import config from cmdatahandlers.api import utils class Config(config.Config): def __init__(self, confman): super(Config, self).__init__(confman) self.ROOT = 'cloud.storage_profiles' self.DOMAIN = 'storage_profiles' def init(self): pass def validate(self): self.validate_root() self._validate_storage_profiles() def _validate_storage_profiles(self): profiles = self.get_storage_profiles() utils.validate_list_items_unique(profiles) for profile in profiles: self._validate_storage_profile(profile) def _validate_storage_profile(self, profile): backend = self.get_profile_backend(profile) storageconf = self.confman.get_storage_config_handler() backends = storageconf.get_storage_backends() if backend not in backends: raise configerror.ConfigError( 'Invalid backend %s provided in profile %s' % (backend, profile)) if backend == 'ceph': self.get_profile_nr_of_ceph_osd_disks(profile) elif backend == 'lvm': self.get_profile_lvm_cinder_storage_partitions(profile) self.get_profile_lvm_instance_storage_partitions(profile) self.get_profile_lvm_instance_cow_lv_storage_percentage(profile) self.get_profile_instance_storage_percentage(profile) def is_valid_profile(self, profile): self.validate_root() profiles = self.get_storage_profiles() if profile not in profiles: raise configerror.ConfigError('Invalid profile name %s' % profile) def get_storage_profiles(self): """ get the storage profiles list Return: A list of storage profile(s) names Raise: ConfigError in-case of an error """ return self.config[self.ROOT].keys() def get_profile_ceph_osd_disks(self, profile): """ get the ceph osd disks Argument: profile name Return: The ceph osd disks Raise: ConfigError in-case of an error """ return self._get_attribute(profile, 'ceph_osd_disks') def get_profile_ceph_osd_journal_disk(self, profile): """ get the ceph osd journal disk Argument: profile name Return: The ceph osd journal disk Raise: ConfigError in-case of an error """ return self._get_attribute(profile, 'ceph_osd_journal_disk') def get_profile_ceph_openstack_pg_proportion(self, profile): openstack_pg_ratio, caas_pg_ratio = self._get_ceph_pg_share_ratios(profile) return openstack_pg_ratio / (openstack_pg_ratio + caas_pg_ratio) def _get_ceph_pg_share_ratios(self, profile): pg_share_ratios = self.get_profile_ceph_openstack_caas_pg_ratio(profile).split(':') return map(lambda r: float(r), pg_share_ratios) def get_profile_ceph_caas_pg_proportion(self, profile): openstack_pg_ratio, caas_pg_ratio = self._get_ceph_pg_share_ratios(profile) return caas_pg_ratio / (openstack_pg_ratio + caas_pg_ratio) def get_profile_ceph_openstack_caas_pg_ratio(self, profile): """ get the ceph openstack-caas pg share ratio Argument: profile name Return: The ceph osd share ratio Raise: ConfigError in-case of an error """ return self._get_optional_attribute( profile, 'ceph_pg_openstack_caas_share_ratio', "1:0") def get_profile_nr_of_ceph_osd_disks(self, profile): """ get the number of ceph osd disks Argument: profile name Return: The number of ceph osd disks Raise: ConfigError in-case of an error """ self.validate_root() self.is_valid_profile(profile) if 'nr_of_ceph_osd_disks' not in self.config[self.ROOT][profile]: ceph_osd_disks = self._get_attribute(profile, 'ceph_osd_disks') return len(ceph_osd_disks) return self.config[self.ROOT][profile]['nr_of_ceph_osd_disks'] def get_profile_lvm_cinder_storage_partitions(self, profile): """ get the lvm_cinder_storage_partitions Argument: profile name Return: The lvm_cinder_storage_partitions Raise: ConfigError in-case of an error """ return self._get_attribute(profile, 'lvm_cinder_storage_partitions') def get_profile_backend(self, profile): """ get the storage profile backend Argument: profile name Return: The profile backend Raise: ConfigError in-case of an error """ return self._get_attribute(profile, 'backend') def get_profile_lvm_instance_storage_partitions(self, profile): """ get the lvm_instance_storage_partitions Argument: profile name Return: The lvm_instance_storage_partitions Raise: ConfigError in-case of an error """ return self._get_attribute(profile, 'lvm_instance_storage_partitions') def get_profile_lvm_instance_cow_lv_storage_percentage(self, profile): """ get the lvm_instance_cow_lv_storage_percentage Argument: profile name Return: The lvm_instance_cow_lv_storage_percentage Raise: ConfigError in-case of an error """ return self._get_attribute(profile, 'lvm_instance_cow_lv_storage_percentage') def get_profile_instance_storage_percentage(self, profile): """ get the instance_storage_percentage Argument: profile name Return: The instance_storage_percentage Raise: ConfigError in-case of an error """ return self._get_attribute(profile, 'instance_storage_percentage') def get_profile_bare_lvm_mount_options(self, profile): """ get the mount_options Argument: profile name Return: The mount_options Raise: ConfigError in-case of an error """ return self._get_optional_attribute(profile, 'mount_options') def get_profile_bare_lvm_mount_dir(self, profile): """ get the mount_dir Argument: profile name Return: The mount_dir Raise: ConfigError in-case of an error """ return self._get_attribute(profile, 'mount_dir') def get_profile_bare_lvm_lv_name(self, profile): """ get the lv_name Argument: profile name Return: The lv_name Raise: ConfigError in-case of an error """ return self._get_attribute(profile, 'lv_name') def _get_attribute(self, profile, attribute): """ get arbirary storage profile attribute Arguments: - profile name - attribute name Return: The attribute Raise: ConfigError in-case of an error """ self.validate_root() self.is_valid_profile(profile) if attribute not in self.config[self.ROOT][profile]: raise configerror.ConfigError( 'Profile %s does not have %s configured' % (attribute, profile)) return self.config[self.ROOT][profile][attribute] def _get_optional_attribute(self, profile, attribute, default_value=""): """ get arbirary optional storage profile attribute Arguments: - profile name - attribute name Return: The attribute Raise: ConfigError in-case of an error """ self.validate_root() self.is_valid_profile(profile) if attribute not in self.config[self.ROOT][profile]: return default_value return self.config[self.ROOT][profile][attribute]