# Copyright 2019 Nokia # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import json import time import requests from cmframework.apis import cmerror from cmframework.apis import cmchangestate class CMClientImpl(object): def __init__(self, server_ip, server_port, verbose_logger): self.version = 'v1.0' self.server_ip = server_ip self.server_port = server_port base_url = str.format('http://{ip}:{port}/cm/{api}', ip=self.server_ip, port=self.server_port, api=self.version) self.props_base_url = str.format('{base}/properties', base=base_url) self.snapshots_base_url = str.format('{base}/snapshots', base=base_url) self.activator_url = str.format('{base}/activator', base=base_url) self.reboot_url = str.format('{base}/reboot', base=base_url) self.changes_url = str.format('{base}/changes', base=base_url) self.verbose_logger = verbose_logger def get_property(self, prop_name, snapshot_name=None): resource = str.format('{base}/{prop}', base=self.props_base_url, prop=prop_name) if snapshot_name: resource = str.format('{}?snapshot={snapshot}', resource, snapshot=snapshot_name) result = self._get_rpc(resource) try: value = result['value'] except KeyError: raise cmerror.CMError('Invalid response') except TypeError: raise cmerror.CMError('Invalid response') except Exception as exp: # pylint: disable=broad-except raise cmerror.CMError(str(exp)) return value def get_properties(self, prop_filter, snapshot_name=None): resource = str.format('{base}?prop-name-filter={f}', base=self.props_base_url, f=prop_filter) if snapshot_name: resource = str.format('{}&snapshot={snapshot}', resource, snapshot=snapshot_name) result = self._get_rpc(resource) props = {} try: properties = result['properties'] for item in properties: name = item['name'] value = item['value'] props[name] = value except KeyError as exp: raise cmerror.CMError('Invalid response') except TypeError as exp: raise cmerror.CMError('Invalid response') except Exception as exp: raise cmerror.CMError(str(exp)) return props def set_property(self, prop_name, prop_value): resource = str.format('{base}/{prop}', base=self.props_base_url, prop=prop_name) body = {} body['value'] = prop_value result = self._post_rpc(resource, body) return result['change-uuid'] def set_properties(self, props, overwrite=False): body = {} items = [] for key, value in props.iteritems(): item = {} item['name'] = key item['value'] = value items.append(item) body['overwrite'] = overwrite body['properties'] = items result = self._post_rpc(self.props_base_url, body) return result['change-uuid'] def delete_property(self, prop_name): resource = str.format('{base}/{prop}', base=self.props_base_url, prop=prop_name) result = self._delete_rpc(resource, None) return result['change-uuid'] def delete_properties(self, arg): result = {} if isinstance(arg, str): resource = str.format('{base}?prop-name-filter={f}', base=self.props_base_url, f=arg) result = self._delete_rpc(resource, None) else: resource = str.format('{base}', base=self.props_base_url) body = {} body['properties'] = arg result = self._delete_rpc(resource, body) return result['change-uuid'] def create_snapshot(self, snapshot_name): resource = str.format('{base}/{snapshot}', base=self.snapshots_base_url, snapshot=snapshot_name) self._get_rpc(resource) def restore_snapshot(self, snapshot_name): resource = str.format('{base}/{snapshot}', base=self.snapshots_base_url, snapshot=snapshot_name) self._post_rpc(resource, None) def delete_snapshot(self, snapshot_name): resource = str.format('{base}/{snapshot}', base=self.snapshots_base_url, snapshot=snapshot_name) self._delete_rpc(resource, None) def list_snapshots(self): resource = str.format('{base}', base=self.snapshots_base_url) result = self._get_rpc(resource) return result['snapshots'] def activate(self, node_name): if not node_name: resource = str.format('{base}', base=self.activator_url) else: resource = str.format('{base}/{node}', base=self.activator_url, node=node_name) result = self._post_rpc(resource, None) return result['change-uuid'] def activate_node(self, node_name): resource = str.format('{base}/agent/{node}', base=self.activator_url, node=node_name) result = self._get_rpc(resource) try: return result['reboot'] except KeyError as exp: raise cmerror.CMError('Invalid response') except TypeError as exp: raise cmerror.CMError('Invalid response') except Exception as exp: raise cmerror.CMError(str(exp)) def reboot_node(self, node_name): resource = str.format('{base}?node-name={f}', base=self.reboot_url, f=node_name) result = self._get_rpc(resource) try: return result['node-name'] except KeyError as exp: raise cmerror.CMError('Invalid response') except TypeError as exp: raise cmerror.CMError('Invalid response') except Exception as exp: raise cmerror.CMError(str(exp)) def enable_automatic_activation(self): resource = str.format('{base}/enable', base=self.activator_url) self._post_rpc(resource, None) def disable_automatic_activation(self): resource = str.format('{base}/disable', base=self.activator_url) self._post_rpc(resource, None) def get_changes_states(self, change_uuid): if change_uuid: resource = str.format('{base}?change-uuid-filter={change_uuid}', base=self.changes_url, change_uuid=change_uuid) else: resource = str.format('{base}', base=self.changes_url) result = self._get_rpc(resource) return result def wait_activation(self, change_uuid): self.verbose_log('Waiting for activation (%s) to finish' % change_uuid) state = None failed_plugins = None while True: try: changes = self.get_changes_states(change_uuid) state = changes[change_uuid]['state'] failed_plugins = changes[change_uuid]['failed-plugins'] self.verbose_log('State of change is %s' % state) if state != cmchangestate.CM_CHANGE_STATE_ONGOING: break time.sleep(5) except Exception as exp: # pylint: disable=broad-except raise cmerror.CMError(str(exp)) if state != cmchangestate.CM_CHANGE_STATE_OK: raise cmerror.CMError("Activation was unsuccessful! Failed plugins: {}" .format(failed_plugins)) def verbose_log(self, msg): if self.verbose_logger: self.verbose_logger(msg) def _get_rpc(self, resource): self.verbose_log('Sending GET %s' % resource) response = requests.get(resource) return self._handle_response(response) def _post_rpc(self, resource, body): self.verbose_log('Sending POST %s' % resource) self.verbose_log(' BODY %s' % body) if body: headers = {} headers['Content-type'] = 'application/json' response = requests.post(resource, data=json.dumps(body), headers=headers) else: response = requests.post(resource) return self._handle_response(response) def _delete_rpc(self, resource, body): self.verbose_log('Sending DELETE %s' % resource) self.verbose_log(' BODY %s' % body) if body: headers = {} headers['Content-type'] = 'application/json' response = requests.delete(resource, data=json.dumps(body), headers=headers) else: headers = {} headers['Content-type'] = 'text' response = requests.delete(resource) return self._handle_response(response) def _handle_response(self, response): self.verbose_log('Got STATUS %s' % response.reason) self.verbose_log(' CONTENT %s' % response.content) if not response.ok: raise cmerror.CMError(response.reason) try: if response.content: return response.json() except ValueError as exp: raise cmerror.CMError(str(exp)) return None