# The dictionary of clusters to create. clusters: # The cluster name. ha-dhcp: # Example provider and site labels; additional labels may be # provided. clusterLabels: provider: icn site: test-site # The number of control plane nodes. numControlPlaneMachines: 3 # The number of worker nodes. numWorkerMachines: 2 # The control plane endpoint of the cluster. This is a virtual IP # managed by keepalived. controlPlaneEndpoint: controlPlanePrefix: 24 # keepalived uses the VRRP protocol to assign the control plane # endpoint among the control plane nodes. keepalived: # This interface must be the same as the baremetal interface. interface: ens6 routerId: 3 # Since DHCP is present, the network configuration of each machine # may be provided with a template containing the names of the # baremetal and provisioning interfaces. networks: baremetal: interface: ens6 provisioning: interface: ens5 # The user account created in all the machines. userData: name: ubuntu # mkpasswd --method=SHA-512 --rounds 4096 "mypasswd" hashedPassword: $6$rounds=4096$acxyX2VqfHJSAc2$sgVf5uTHHPCX6u50NHnJmhIoqbcL9J12jlBAaWKvd3w8uYO0iXgcBrEhtvHLgSGU7dcU.eqm9JwXEYbbRjPAi1 # This key will also be authorized to login as the root user sshAuthorizedKey: ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCrxu+fSrU51vgAO5zP5xWcTU8uLv4MkUZptE2m1BJE88JdQ80kz9DmUmq2AniMkVTy4pNeUW5PsmGJa+anN3MPM99CR9I37zRqy5i6rUDQgKjz8W12RauyeRMIBrbdy7AX1xasoTRnd6Ta47bP0egiFb+vUGnlTFhgfrbYfjbkJhVfVLCTgRw8Yj0NSK16YEyhYLbLXpix5udRpXSiFYIyAEWRCCsWJWljACr99P7EF82vCGI0UDGCCd/1upbUwZeTouD/FJBw9qppe6/1eaqRp7D36UYe3KzLpfHQNgm9AzwgYYZrD4tNN6QBMq/VUIuam0G1aLgG8IYRLs41HYkJ root@jump # Flux bootstrapping of the cluster. When enabled, the Flux # controllers will be installed into the cluster and begin # reconciling the resources located at the specified location. flux: repositoryName: icn url: https://gerrit.akraino.org/r/icn branch: master # The path at the repository to the resources to be applied to the # cluster path: ./deploy/test-site/ha-dhcp # The containerRuntime may be containerd or docker. containerRuntime: containerd # The POD CIDR. podCidr: # The only currently supported CNI is flannel. cni: flannel # All the version info is captured in one block here. Care must # be taken to ensure that the OS, Kubernetes, and CRI (containerd # or docker) versions are all compatible. # # Refer to the below for further information: # - https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/blob/master/build/dependencies.yaml # - https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu/dists/focal/stable/binary-amd64/Packages # # The OS image. imageName: focal-server-cloudimg-amd64.img # The version of Kubernetes installed. k8sVersion: v1.21.6 # The version of the kubelet, kubeadm, and kubectl packages. kubeVersion: 1.21.6-00 # The version of the CRI installed. containerdVersion: 1.4.11-1 dockerVersion: 5:20.10.10~3-0~ubuntu-focal