# machineName is the host name of the machine. machineName: machine-1 # machineLabels is a dictionary of labels. The machine label is shown # as an example only; additional labels may be provided. #machineLabels: # machine: machine-1 # bmcAddress is the address of the machine's bare metal controller. bmcAddress: ipmi:// # bmcUsername is the username used to access the machine's bare metal # controller. bmcUsername: admin # bmcPassword is the password used to access the machine's bare metal # controller. bmcPassword: password # bootMACAddress is the MAC address of the NIC that will PXE boot. # This is only required when using virtual machines. #bootMACAddress: 00:1e:67:fe:f4:1a # networks is used to provide per-machine network configuration. # Where feasible (such as when DHCP is available or static IP pools # can be used), the use of templates at the cluster level is # encouraged instead. #networks: # baremetal: # macAddress: 00:1e:67:fe:f4:19 # # type is either ipv4 or ipv4_dhcp # type: ipv4 # # ipAddress is only valid for type ipv4 # ipAddress: # # gateway is only valid for type ipv4 # gateway: # # nameservers is an array of DNS servers; only valid for type ipv4 # nameservers: [""] # provisioning: # macAddress: 00:1e:67:fe:f4:1a # type: ipv4_dhcp # private: # macAddress: 00:1e:67:f8:6a:40 # type: ipv4 # ipAddress: # storage: # macAddress: 00:1e:67:f8:6a:41 # type: ipv4 # ipAddress: # userData is used to provide per-machine cloud-init data. Again, # where feasible, the use of templates at the cluster level is # encouraged instead. #userData: # name: ubuntu # hashedPassword: $6$rounds=10000$PJLOBdyTv23pNp$9RpaAOcibbXUMvgJScKK2JRQioXW4XAVFMRKqgCB5jC4QmtAdbA70DU2jTcpAd6pRdEZIaWFjLCNQMBmiiL40. # sshAuthorizedKey: ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCrxu+fSrU51vgAO5zP5xWcTU8uLv4MkUZptE2m1BJE88JdQ80kz9DmUmq2AniMkVTy4pNeUW5PsmGJa+anN3MPM99CR9I37zRqy5i6rUDQgKjz8W12RauyeRMIBrbdy7AX1xasoTRnd6Ta47bP0egiFb+vUGnlTFhgfrbYfjbkJhVfVLCTgRw8Yj0NSK16YEyhYLbLXpix5udRpXSiFYIyAEWRCCsWJWljACr99P7EF82vCGI0UDGCCd/1upbUwZeTouD/FJBw9qppe6/1eaqRp7D36UYe3KzLpfHQNgm9AzwgYYZrD4tNN6QBMq/VUIuam0G1aLgG8IYRLs41HYkJ root@jump # fqdn: machine-1.akraino.icn.org # Legacy ICN support only, do not use with R6 or later #imageName: focal-server-cloudimg-amd64.img