# When libvirt_action==teardown we destroy the existing configuration libvirt_action: setup # For some baremetal testing we set this to "baremetal" so that only the # libvirt networking is configured, not the nodes vm_platform: libvirt # Which libvirt session should we use? Using `qemu://session` does # not require privileged access (but does require the setup performed by the # `environment/setup` role). libvirt_volume_pool: oooq_pool libvirt_domain_type: kvm libvirt_diskdev: sda libvirt_diskbus: scsi libvirt_arch: x86_64 libvirt_cpu_mode: host-model # how many disks should be created when using extradisks extradisks_list: - vdb # size of the disks to create when using extradisks extradisks_size: 8G # The packages required to set up our desired libvirt environment. # (Tested on Centos 7) libvirt_packages: - qemu-kvm - libvirt - libvirt-python - libguestfs-tools - python-lxml - polkit-pkla-compat - python-netaddr - python2-virtualbmc # We expect virtualbmc to already be installed on rhel8 as a pre-req to running this, # as there's no rhel package available yet. libvirt_packages_rhel8: - qemu-kvm - libvirt - python3-libvirt - libguestfs-tools - python3-lxml - polkit-pkla-compat - python3-netaddr ubuntu_libvirt_packages: - qemu-kvm - libvirt-bin - libvirt-clients - libvirt-dev - python3-libvirt - libguestfs-tools - python3-lxml - gir1.2-polkit-1.0 - libpolkit-agent-1-0 - libpolkit-backend-1-0 - libpolkit-gobject-1-0 # The name of the libvirt service. libvirtd_service: libvirtd