{% set lvars = { 'host_ip' : '', 'pxe_network' : False} %} {% for network in networks %} {% if (not (network.forward_mode is defined and network.forward_mode == 'nat') and lvars['pxe_network'] == False) %} {% if lvars.update({'pxe_network' : network.name}) %}{% endif %} {% endif %} {% if network.address is defined and lvars['host_ip'] == '' %} {% if lvars.update({'host_ip' : network.address}) %}{% endif %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} { "nodes": [ {% for node in vm_nodes %} { "name": "{{ node.name|replace('_', '-') }}", "driver": "ipmi", "resource_class": "baremetal", "driver_info": { "ipmi_username": "admin", "ipmi_password": "password", "ipmi_address": "{{ lvars['host_ip'] }}", "ipmi_port": "{{ node.virtualbmc_port }}", "deploy_kernel": "", "deploy_ramdisk": "" }, "ports": [{ "address": "{{ node_mac_map.get(node.name).get(lvars['pxe_network']) }}", "pxe_enabled": true }], "properties": { "local_gb": "{{ flavors[node.flavor].disk }}", "cpu_arch": "{{ libvirt_arch }}" }, "net": { "links": [ {% for network in networks %} { "id": "{{ network.name }}_nic", "ethernet_mac_address": "{{ node_mac_map.get(node.name).get(network.name) }}", "type": "phy" }{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %} {% endfor %} ], "networks": [ {% for network in networks %} { "id": "{{ network.name }}", "link": "{{ network.name }}_nic", "type": "ipv4_dhcp" }{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %} {% endfor %} ], "services": [] } }{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %} {% endfor %} ] }