# Installation guide ## Hardware ### Overview Due to the almost limitless number of possible hardware configurations, this installation guide has chosen a concrete configuration to use in the examples that follow. The configuration contains the following three machines.
Hostname CPU Model Memory Storage IPMI: IP/MAC, U/P 1GbE: NIC#, IP, MAC, VLAN, Network 10GbE: NIC#, IP, MAC, VLAN, Network
pod11-node5 2xE5-2699 64GB 3TB (Sata)<br/>180 (SSD) IF0: 00:1e:67:fc:ff:18<br/>U/P: root/root IF0: 00:1e:67:fc:ff:16 VLAN 110<br/>IF1: 00:1e:67:fc:ff:17 VLAN 111  
pod11-node3 2xE5-2699 64GB 3TB (Sata)<br/>180 (SSD) IF0: 00:1e:67:f1:5b:92<br/>U/P: root/root IF0: 00:1e:67:f1:5b:90 VLAN 110<br/>IF1: 00:1e:67:f1:5b:91 VLAN 111 IF3: 00:1e:67:f8:69:81 VLAN 113
pod11-node2 2xE5-2699 64GB 3TB (Sata)<br/>180 (SSD) IF0: 00:1e:67:fe:f4:1b<br/>U/P: root/root IF0: 00:1e:67:fe:f4:19 VLAN 110<br/>IF1: 00:1e:67:fe:f4:1a VLAN 111 IF3: 00:1e:67:f8:6a:41 VLAN 113
`pod11-node5` will be the Local Controller or *jump server*. The other two machines will form a two-node K8s cluster. Recommended hardware requirements are servers with 64GB Memory, 32 CPUs and SR-IOV network cards. The machines are connected in the following topology. ![img](./pod11-topology.png "Topology") There are three networks required by ICN: - The `baremetal` network, used as the control plane for K8s and for overlay networking. - The `provisioning` network, used during the infrastructure provisioning (OS installation) phase. - The `IPMI` network, also used during the infrastructure provisioning phase. In this configuration, the IPMI and baremetal interfaces share the same port and network. Care has been taken to ensure that the IP addresses do not conflict between the two interfaces. There is an additional network connected to a high-speed switch: - The `sriov` network, available for the application data plane. ### Configuration #### Baseboard Management Controller (BMC) configuration The BMC IP address should be statically assigned using the machine's BMC tool or application. To verify IPMI is configured correctly for each cluster machine, use ipmitool: # ipmitool -I lanplus -H -L ADMINISTRATOR -U root -R 7 -N 5 -P root power status Chassis Power is on If the ipmitool output looks like the following, enable the *RMCP+ Cipher Suite3 Configuration* using the machine's BMC tool or application. # ipmitool -I lanplus -H -L ADMINISTRATOR -U root -R 7 -N 5 -P root power status Error in open session response message : insufficient resources for session Error: Unable to establish IPMI v2 / RMCP+ session If the ipmitool output looks like the following, enable *IPMI over lan* using the machine's BMC tool or application. # ipmitool -I lan -H -L ADMINISTRATOR -U root -R 7 -N 5 -P root power status Error: Unable to establish LAN session Additional information on ipmitool may be found at [Configuring IPMI under Linux using ipmitool](https://www.thomas-krenn.com/en/wiki/Configuring_IPMI_under_Linux_using_ipmitool). #### PXE Boot configuration Each cluster machine must be configured to PXE boot from the interface attached to the `provisioning` network. One method of verifying PXE boot is configured correctly is to access the remote console of the machine and observe the boot process. If the machine is not attempting PXE boot or it is attempting to PXE boot on the wrong interface, reboot the machine into the BIOS and select the correct interface in the boot options. Additional verification can be done on the jump server using the tcpdump tool. The following command looks for DHCP or TFTP traffic arriving on any interface. Replace `any` with the interface attached to the provisioning network to verify end-to-end connectivity between the jump server and cluster machine. # tcpdump -i any port 67 or port 68 or port 69 If tcpdump does not show any traffic, verify that the any switches are configured properly to forward PXE boot requests (i.e. VLAN configuration). ## Jump server ### Configure the jump server The jump server is required to be pre-installed with an OS. ICN supports Ubuntu 20.04. Before provisioning the jump server, first edit `user_config.sh` to provide the name of the interface connected to the provisioning network. # ip --brief link show ... enp4s0f3 UP 00:1e:67:fc:ff:17 ... # cat user_config.sh #!/usr/bin/env bash export IRONIC_INTERFACE="enp4s0f3" ### Install the jump server components make jump_server ### Uninstallation make clean_jump_server ## Compute clusters ### Overview Before proceeding with the configuration, a basic understanding of the essential components used in ICN is required. ![img](./sw-diagram.png "Software Overview") #### Flux [Flux](https://fluxcd.io/) is a tool for implementing GitOps workflows where infrastructure and application configuration is committed to source control and continuously deployed in a K8s cluster. The important Flux resources ICN uses are: - GitRepository, which describes where configuration data is committed - HelmRelease, which describes an installation of a Helm chart - Kustomization, which describes application of K8s resources customized with a kustomization file #### Cluster API (CAPI) [Cluster API](https://cluster-api.sigs.k8s.io/) provides declarative APIs and tooling for provisioning, upgrading, and operating K8s clusters. There are a number of important CAPI resources that ICN uses. To ease deployment, ICN captures the resources into a Helm chart. #### Bare Metal Operator (BMO) Central to CAPI are infrastructure and bootstrap providers. There are pluggable components for configuring the OS and K8s installation respectively. ICN uses the [Cluster API Provider Metal3 for Managed Bare Metal Hardware](https://github.com/metal3-io/cluster-api-provider-metal3) for infrastructure provisioning, which in turn depends on the [Metal3 Bare Metal Operator](https://github.com/metal3-io/baremetal-operator) to do the actual work. The Bare Metal Operator uses [Ironic](https://ironicbaremetal.org/) to execute the low-level provisioning tasks. Similar to the CAPI resources that ICN uses, ICN captures the Bare Metal Operator resources it uses into a Helm chart. ### Configuration > NOTE: To assist in the migration of R5 and earlier release's use from > nodes.json and the Provisioning resource to the site YAML described > below, a helper script is provided at tools/migration/tor6.sh. #### Define the compute cluster The first step in provisioning a site with ICN is to define the desired day-0 configuration of the workload clusters. A [configuration](https://gerrit.akraino.org/r/gitweb?p=icn.git;a=tree;f=deploy/site/cluster-icn) containing all supported ICN components is available in the ICN repository. End-users may use this as a base and add or remove components as desired. Each YAML file in this configuration is one of the Flux resources described in the overview: GitRepository, HelmRelease, or Kustomization. #### Define the site A site definition is composed of BMO and CAPI resources, describing machines and clusters respectively. These resources are captured into the ICN machine and cluster Helm charts. Defining the site is therefore a matter of specifying the values needed by the charts. ##### Site-specific Considerations Documentation for the machine chart may be found in its [values.yaml](https://gerrit.akraino.org/r/gitweb?p=icn.git;a=blob;f=deploy/machine/values.yaml), and documentation for the cluster chart may be found in its [values.yaml](https://gerrit.akraino.org/r/gitweb?p=icn.git;a=blob;f=deploy/cluster/values.yaml). Please review those for more information; what follows is some site-specific considerations to be aware of. Note that there are a large number of ways to configure machines and especially clusters; for large scale deployments it may make sense to create custom charts to eliminate duplication in the values specification. ###### Control plane endpoint The K8s control plane endpoint address must be provided to the cluster chart. For a highly-available control plane, this would typically be a load-balanced virtual IP address. Configuration of an external load balancer is out of scope for this document. The chart also provides another mechanism to accomplish this using the VRRP protocol to assign the control plane endpoint among the selected control plane nodes; see the `keepalived` dictionary in the cluster chart values. For a single control plane node with a static IP address, some care must be taken to ensure that CAPI chooses the correct machine to provision as the control plane node. To do this, add a label to the `machineLabels` dictionary in the machine chart and specify a K8s match expression in the `controlPlaneHostSelector` dictionary of the cluster chart. Once done, the IP address of the labeled and selected machine can be used as the control plane endpoint address. ###### Static or dynamic baremetal network IPAM The cluster and machine charts support either static or dynamic IPAM in the baremetal network. Dynamic IPAM is configured by specifying the `networks` dictionary in the cluster chart. At least two entries must be included, the `baremetal` and `provisioning` networks. Under each entry, provide the predictable network interface name as the value of `interface` key. Note that this is in the cluster chart and therefore is in the form of a template for each machine used in the cluster. If the machines are sufficiently different such that the same interface name is not used on each machine, then the static approach below must be used instead. Static IPAM is configured by specifying the `networks` dictionary in the machine chart. At least two entries must be included, the `baremetal` and `provisioning` networks. From the chart example values: networks: baremetal: macAddress: 00:1e:67:fe:f4:19 # type is either ipv4 or ipv4_dhcp type: ipv4 # ipAddress is only valid for type ipv4 ipAddress: # gateway is only valid for type ipv4 gateway: # nameservers is an array of DNS servers; only valid for type ipv4 nameservers: [""] provisioning: macAddress: 00:1e:67:fe:f4:1a type: ipv4_dhcp The provisioning network must always be type `ipv4_dhcp`. In either the static or dynamic case additional networks may be included, however the static assignment option for an individual network exists only when the machine chart approach is used. ##### Prerequisites The first thing done is to create a `site.yaml` file containing a Namespace to hold the site resources and a GitRepository pointing to the ICN repository where the machine and cluster Helm charts are located. Note that when definining multiple sites it is only necessary to apply the Namespace and GitRepository once on the jump server managing the sites. --- apiVersion: v1 kind: Namespace metadata: name: metal3 --- apiVersion: source.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v1beta1 kind: GitRepository metadata: name: icn namespace: metal3 spec: gitImplementation: go-git interval: 1m0s ref: branch: master timeout: 20s url: https://gerrit.akraino.org/r/icn ##### Define a machine Important values in machine definition include: - **machineName:** the host name of the machine - **bmcAddress, bmcUsername, bmcPassword:** the bare metal controller (e.g. IPMI) access values Capture each machine's values into a HelmRelease in the site YAML: --- apiVersion: helm.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v2beta1 kind: HelmRelease metadata: name: pod11-node2 namespace: metal3 spec: interval: 5m chart: spec: chart: deploy/machine sourceRef: kind: GitRepository name: icn interval: 1m values: machineName: pod11-node2 machineLabels: machine: pod11-node2 bmcAddress: ipmi:// bmcUsername: root bmcPassword: root networks: baremetal: macAddress: 00:1e:67:fe:f4:19 type: ipv4 ipAddress: gateway: nameservers: - provisioning: macAddress: 00:1e:67:fe:f4:1a type: ipv4_dhcp private: macAddress: 00:1e:67:f8:6a:40 type: ipv4 ipAddress: storage: macAddress: 00:1e:67:f8:6a:41 type: ipv4 ipAddress: ##### Define a cluster Important values in cluster definition include: - **clusterName:** the name of the cluster - **numControlPlaneMachines:** the number of control plane nodes - **numWorkerMachines:** the number of worker nodes - **controlPlaneEndpoint:** see [Site-specific Considerations](#site-specific-considerations) above - **userData:** dictionary containing default username, password, and authorized SSH key - **flux:** dictionary containing location of day-0 configuration of cluster; see [Define the compute cluster](#define-the-compute-cluster) above Capture each cluster's values into a HelmRelease in the site YAML: --- apiVersion: helm.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v2beta1 kind: HelmRelease metadata: name: cluster-icn namespace: metal3 spec: interval: 5m chart: spec: chart: deploy/cluster sourceRef: kind: GitRepository name: icn interval: 1m values: clusterName: icn clusterLabels: site: pod11 controlPlaneEndpoint: controlPlaneHostSelector: matchLabels: machine: pod11-node3 workersHostSelector: matchLabels: machine: pod11-node2 userData: hashedPassword: $6$rounds=10000$PJLOBdyTv23pNp$9RpaAOcibbXUMvgJScKK2JRQioXW4XAVFMRKqgCB5jC4QmtAdbA70DU2jTcpAd6pRdEZIaWFjLCNQMBmiiL40. sshAuthorizedKey: ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCwLj/ekRDjp354W8kcGLagjudjTBZO8qBffJ4mNb01EJueUbLvM8EwCv2zu9lFKHD+nGkc1fkB3RyCn5OqzQDTAIpp82nOHXtrbKAZPg2ob8BlfVAz34h5r1bG78lnMH1xk7HKNbf73h9yzUEKiyrd8DlhJcJrsOZTPuTdRrIm7jxScDJpHFjy8tGISNMcnBGrNS9ukaRLK+PiEfDpuRtw/gOEf58NXgu38BcNm4tYfacHYuZFUbNCqj9gKi3btZawgybICcqrNqF36E/XXMfCS1qxZ7j9xfKjxWFgD9gW/HkRtV6K11NZFEvaYBFBA9S/GhLtk9aY+EsztABthE0J root@pod11-node5 flux: url: https://gerrit.akraino.org/r/icn branch: master path: ./deploy/site/cluster-icn ##### Encrypt secrets in site definition This step is optional, but recommended to protect sensitive information stored in the site definition. The site script is configured to protect the `bmcPassword` and `hashedPassword` values. Use an existing GPG key pair or create a new one, then encrypt the secrets contained in the site YAML using site.sh. The public key and SOPS configuration is created in the site YAML directory; these may be used to encrypt (but not decrypt) future secrets. # ./deploy/site/site.sh create-gpg-key site-secrets-key # ./deploy/site/site.sh sops-encrypt-site site.yaml site-secrets-key ##### Example site definitions Refer to the [pod11 site.yaml](https://gerrit.akraino.org/r/gitweb?p=icn.git;a=blob;f=deploy/site/pod11/site.yaml) and the [vm site.yaml](https://gerrit.akraino.org/r/gitweb?p=icn.git;a=blob;f=deploy/site/vm/site.yaml) for complete examples of site definitions for a static and dynamic baremetal network respectively. These site definitions are for simple two machine clusters used in ICN testing. #### Inform the Flux controllers of the site definition The final step is inform the jump server Flux controllers of the site definition be creating three resources: - a GitRepository containing the location where the site definition is committed - a Secret holding the GPG private key used to encrypt the secrets in the site definition - a Kustomization referencing the GitRepository, Secret, and path in the repository where the site definition is located This may be done with the help of the `site.sh` script: # ./deploy/site/site.sh flux-create-site URL BRANCH PATH KEY_NAME ### Deployment #### Monitoring progress The overall status of the cluster deployment can be monitored with `clusterctl`. # clusterctl -n metal3 describe cluster icn NAME READY SEVERITY REASON SINCE MESSAGE /icn False Warning ScalingUp 4m14s Scaling up control plane to 1 replicas (actual 0) ├─ClusterInfrastructure - Metal3Cluster/icn ├─ControlPlane - KubeadmControlPlane/icn False Warning ScalingUp 4m14s Scaling up control plane to 1 replicas (actual 0) │ └─Machine/icn-9sp7z False Info WaitingForInfrastructure 4m17s 1 of 2 completed │ └─MachineInfrastructure - Metal3Machine/icn-controlplane-khtsk └─Workers └─MachineDeployment/icn False Warning WaitingForAvailableMachines 4m49s Minimum availability requires 1 replicas, current 0 available └─Machine/icn-6b8dfc7f6f-tmgv7 False Info WaitingForInfrastructure 4m49s 0 of 2 completed ├─BootstrapConfig - KubeadmConfig/icn-workers-79pl9 False Info WaitingForControlPlaneAvailable 4m19s └─MachineInfrastructure - Metal3Machine/icn-workers-m7vb8 The status of OS provisioning can be monitored by inspecting the `BareMetalHost` resources. # kubectl -n metal3 get bmh NAME STATE CONSUMER ONLINE ERROR AGE pod11-node2 inspecting true 5m15s pod11-node3 inspecting true 5m14s Once the OS is installed, the status of K8s provisioning can be monitored by logging into the machine using the credentials from the `userData` section of the site values and inspecting the cloud-init logs. root@pod11-node2:~# tail -f /var/log/cloud-init-output.log ... Cloud-init v. 21.4-0ubuntu1~20.04.1 running 'modules:final' at Wed, 05 Jan 2022 01:34:41 +0000. Up 131.66 seconds. Cloud-init v. 21.4-0ubuntu1~20.04.1 finished at Wed, 05 Jan 2022 01:34:41 +0000. Datasource DataSourceConfigDrive [net,ver=2][source=/dev/sda2]. Up 132.02 seconds Once the cluster's control plane is ready, its kubeconfig can be obtained with `clusterctl` and the status of the cluster can be monitored with `kubectl`. # clusterctl -n metal3 get kubeconfig icn >icn-admin.conf # kubectl --kubeconfig=icn-admin.conf get pods -A NAMESPACE NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE emco db-emco-mongo-0 1/1 Running 0 15h emco emco-etcd-0 1/1 Running 0 15h ... #### Examining the deployment process The deployment resources can be examined with the kubectl and helm tools. The below example provides pointers to the resources in the jump server. # kubectl -n flux-system get GitRepository NAME URL READY STATUS AGE icn-master https://gerrit.akraino.org/r/icn True Fetched revision: master/0e93643e74f26bfc062a81c2f05ad947550f8d50 16h # kubectl -n flux-system get Kustomization NAME READY STATUS AGE icn-master-site-pod11 True Applied revision: master/0e93643e74f26bfc062a81c2f05ad947550f8d50 7m4s # kubectl -n metal3 get GitRepository NAME URL READY STATUS AGE icn https://gerrit.akraino.org/r/icn True Fetched revision: master/0e93643e74f26bfc062a81c2f05ad947550f8d50 7m22s # kubectl -n metal3 get HelmRelease NAME READY STATUS AGE cluster-icn True Release reconciliation succeeded 7m54s pod11-node2 True Release reconciliation succeeded 7m54s pod11-node3 True Release reconciliation succeeded 7m54s # kubectl -n metal3 get HelmChart NAME CHART VERSION SOURCE KIND SOURCE NAME READY STATUS AGE metal3-cluster-icn deploy/cluster * GitRepository icn True Fetched and packaged revision: 0.1.0 8m9s metal3-pod11-node2 deploy/machine * GitRepository icn True Fetched and packaged revision: 0.1.0 8m9s metal3-pod11-node3 deploy/machine * GitRepository icn True Fetched and packaged revision: 0.1.0 8m9s # helm -n metal3 ls NAME NAMESPACE REVISION UPDATED STATUS CHART APP VERSION cluster-icn metal3 2 2022-01-05 01:03:51.075860871 +0000 UTC deployed cluster-0.1.0 pod11-node2 metal3 2 2022-01-05 01:03:49.365432 +0000 UTC deployed machine-0.1.0 pod11-node3 metal3 2 2022-01-05 01:03:49.463726617 +0000 UTC deployed machine-0.1.0 # helm -n metal3 get values --all cluster-icn COMPUTED VALUES: clusterLabels: provider: icn site: pod11 clusterName: icn cni: flannel containerRuntime: containerd containerdVersion: 1.4.11-1 controlPlaneEndpoint: controlPlaneHostSelector: matchLabels: machine: pod11-node3 controlPlanePrefix: 24 dockerVersion: 5:20.10.10~3-0~ubuntu-focal flux: branch: master path: ./deploy/site/cluster-icn repositoryName: icn url: https://gerrit.akraino.org/r/icn imageName: focal-server-cloudimg-amd64.img k8sVersion: v1.21.6 kubeVersion: 1.21.6-00 numControlPlaneMachines: 1 numWorkerMachines: 1 podCidr: userData: hashedPassword: $6$rounds=10000$bhRsNADLl$BzCcBaQ7Tle9AizUHcMKN2fygyPMqBebOuvhApI8B.pELWyFUaAWRasPOz.5Gf9bvCihakRnBTwsi217n2qQs1 name: ubuntu sshAuthorizedKey: ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCwLj/ekRDjp354W8kcGLagjudjTBZO8qBffJ4mNb01EJueUbLvM8EwCv2zu9lFKHD+nGkc1fkB3RyCn5OqzQDTAIpp82nOHXtrbKAZPg2ob8BlfVAz34h5r1bG78lnMH1xk7HKNbf73h9yzUEKiyrd8DlhJcJrsOZTPuTdRrIm7jxScDJpHFjy8tGISNMcnBGrNS9ukaRLK+PiEfDpuRtw/gOEf58NXgu38BcNm4tYfacHYuZFUbNCqj9gKi3btZawgybICcqrNqF36E/XXMfCS1qxZ7j9xfKjxWFgD9gW/HkRtV6K11NZFEvaYBFBA9S/GhLtk9aY+EsztABthE0J root@pod11-node5 workersHostSelector: matchLabels: machine: pod11-node2 # helm -n metal3 get values --all pod11-node2 COMPUTED VALUES: bmcAddress: ipmi:// bmcPassword: root bmcUsername: root machineLabels: machine: pod11-node2 machineName: pod11-node2 networks: baremetal: gateway: ipAddress: macAddress: 00:1e:67:fe:f4:19 nameservers: - type: ipv4 provisioning: macAddress: 00:1e:67:fe:f4:1a type: ipv4_dhcp sriov: ipAddress: macAddress: 00:1e:67:f8:6a:41 type: ipv4 # helm -n metal3 get values --all pod11-node3 COMPUTED VALUES: bmcAddress: ipmi:// bmcPassword: root bmcUsername: root machineLabels: machine: pod11-node3 machineName: pod11-node3 networks: baremetal: gateway: ipAddress: macAddress: 00:1e:67:f1:5b:90 nameservers: - type: ipv4 provisioning: macAddress: 00:1e:67:f1:5b:91 type: ipv4_dhcp sriov: ipAddress: macAddress: 00:1e:67:f8:69:81 type: ipv4 Once the workload cluster is ready, the deployment resources may be examined similarly. root@jump:/icn# clusterctl -n metal3 get kubeconfig icn >icn-admin.conf root@pod11-node5:# kubectl --kubeconfig=icn-admin.conf get GitRepository -A NAMESPACE NAME URL READY STATUS AGE emco emco https://github.com/open-ness/EMCO True Fetched revision: openness-21.03.06/18ec480f755119d54aa42c1bc3bd248dfd477165 16h flux-system icn https://gerrit.akraino.org/r/icn True Fetched revision: master/0e93643e74f26bfc062a81c2f05ad947550f8d50 16h kud kud https://gerrit.onap.org/r/multicloud/k8s True Fetched revision: master/8157bf63753839ce4e9006978816fad3f63ca2de 16h root@pod11-node5:# kubectl --kubeconfig=icn-admin.conf get Kustomization -A NAMESPACE NAME READY STATUS AGE flux-system icn-flux-sync True Applied revision: master/0e93643e74f26bfc062a81c2f05ad947550f8d50 16h flux-system kata True Applied revision: master/0e93643e74f26bfc062a81c2f05ad947550f8d50 16h root@pod11-node5:# kubectl --kubeconfig=icn-admin.conf get HelmRelease -A NAMESPACE NAME READY STATUS AGE emco db True Release reconciliation succeeded 16h emco monitor True Release reconciliation succeeded 16h emco podsecurity True Release reconciliation succeeded 16h emco services True Release reconciliation succeeded 16h emco tools True Release reconciliation succeeded 16h kud cdi True Release reconciliation succeeded 16h kud cdi-operator True Release reconciliation succeeded 16h kud cpu-manager True Release reconciliation succeeded 16h kud kubevirt True Release reconciliation succeeded 16h kud kubevirt-operator True Release reconciliation succeeded 16h kud multus-cni True Release reconciliation succeeded 16h kud node-feature-discovery True Release reconciliation succeeded 16h kud ovn4nfv True Release reconciliation succeeded 16h kud ovn4nfv-network True Release reconciliation succeeded 16h kud podsecurity True Release reconciliation succeeded 16h kud qat-device-plugin True Release reconciliation succeeded 16h kud sriov-network True Release reconciliation succeeded 16h kud sriov-network-operator True Release reconciliation succeeded 16h root@pod11-node5:# kubectl --kubeconfig=icn-admin.conf get HelmChart -A NAMESPACE NAME CHART VERSION SOURCE KIND SOURCE NAME READY STATUS AGE emco emco-db deployments/helm/emcoOpenNESS/emco-db * GitRepository emco True Fetched and packaged revision: 0.1.0 16h emco emco-monitor deployments/helm/monitor * GitRepository emco True Fetched and packaged revision: 0.1.0 16h emco emco-services deployments/helm/emcoOpenNESS/emco-services * GitRepository emco True Fetched and packaged revision: 0.1.0 16h emco emco-tools deployments/helm/emcoOpenNESS/emco-tools * GitRepository emco True Fetched and packaged revision: 0.1.0 16h flux-system emco-podsecurity deploy/podsecurity * GitRepository icn True Fetched and packaged revision: 0.1.0 16h flux-system kud-podsecurity deploy/podsecurity * GitRepository icn True Fetched and packaged revision: 0.1.0 16h kud kud-cdi kud/deployment_infra/helm/cdi * GitRepository kud True Fetched and packaged revision: 0.1.0 16h kud kud-cdi-operator kud/deployment_infra/helm/cdi-operator * GitRepository kud True Fetched and packaged revision: 0.1.1 16h kud kud-cpu-manager kud/deployment_infra/helm/cpu-manager * GitRepository kud True Fetched and packaged revision: 0.1.0 16h kud kud-kubevirt kud/deployment_infra/helm/kubevirt * GitRepository kud True Fetched and packaged revision: 0.1.0 16h kud kud-kubevirt-operator kud/deployment_infra/helm/kubevirt-operator * GitRepository kud True Fetched and packaged revision: 0.1.0 16h kud kud-multus-cni kud/deployment_infra/helm/multus-cni * GitRepository kud True Fetched and packaged revision: 0.1.0 16h kud kud-node-feature-discovery kud/deployment_infra/helm/node-feature-discovery * GitRepository kud True Fetched and packaged revision: 0.1.0 16h kud kud-ovn4nfv kud/deployment_infra/helm/ovn4nfv * GitRepository kud True Fetched and packaged revision: 0.1.0 16h kud kud-ovn4nfv-network kud/deployment_infra/helm/ovn4nfv-network * GitRepository kud True Fetched and packaged revision: 0.1.0 16h kud kud-qat-device-plugin kud/deployment_infra/helm/qat-device-plugin * GitRepository kud True Fetched and packaged revision: 0.1.0 16h kud kud-sriov-network kud/deployment_infra/helm/sriov-network * GitRepository kud True Fetched and packaged revision: 0.1.0 16h kud kud-sriov-network-operator kud/deployment_infra/helm/sriov-network-operator * GitRepository kud True Fetched and packaged revision: 0.1.0 16h root@pod11-node5:# helm --kubeconfig=icn-admin.conf ls -A NAME NAMESPACE REVISION UPDATED STATUS CHART APP VERSION cdi kud 2 2022-01-05 01:54:28.39195226 +0000 UTC deployed cdi-0.1.0 v1.34.1 cdi-operator kud 2 2022-01-05 01:54:04.904465491 +0000 UTC deployed cdi-operator-0.1.1 v1.34.1 cpu-manager kud 2 2022-01-05 01:54:01.911819055 +0000 UTC deployed cpu-manager-0.1.0 v1.4.1-no-taint db emco 2 2022-01-05 01:53:36.096690949 +0000 UTC deployed emco-db-0.1.0 kubevirt kud 2 2022-01-05 01:54:12.563840437 +0000 UTC deployed kubevirt-0.1.0 v0.41.0 kubevirt-operator kud 2 2022-01-05 01:53:59.190388299 +0000 UTC deployed kubevirt-operator-0.1.0 v0.41.0 monitor emco 2 2022-01-05 01:53:36.085180458 +0000 UTC deployed monitor-0.1.0 1.16.0 multus-cni kud 2 2022-01-05 01:54:03.494462704 +0000 UTC deployed multus-cni-0.1.0 v3.7 node-feature-discovery kud 2 2022-01-05 01:53:58.489616047 +0000 UTC deployed node-feature-discovery-0.1.0 v0.7.0 ovn4nfv kud 2 2022-01-05 01:54:07.488105774 +0000 UTC deployed ovn4nfv-0.1.0 v3.0.0 ovn4nfv-network kud 2 2022-01-05 01:54:31.79127155 +0000 UTC deployed ovn4nfv-network-0.1.0 v2.2.0 podsecurity kud 2 2022-01-05 01:53:37.400019369 +0000 UTC deployed podsecurity-0.1.0 podsecurity emco 2 2022-01-05 01:53:35.993351972 +0000 UTC deployed podsecurity-0.1.0 qat-device-plugin kud 2 2022-01-05 01:54:03.598022943 +0000 UTC deployed qat-device-plugin-0.1.0 0.19.0-kerneldrv sriov-network kud 2 2022-01-05 01:54:31.695963579 +0000 UTC deployed sriov-network-0.1.0 4.8.0 sriov-network-operator kud 2 2022-01-05 01:54:07.787596951 +0000 UTC deployed sriov-network-operator-0.1.0 4.8.0 tools emco 2 2022-01-05 01:53:58.317119097 +0000 UTC deployed emco-tools-0.1.0 root@pod11-node5:# kubectl --kubeconfig=icn-admin.conf get pods -A -o wide NAMESPACE NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE IP NODE NOMINATED NODE READINESS GATES emco db-emco-mongo-0 1/1 Running 0 16h pod11-node2 emco emco-etcd-0 1/1 Running 0 16h pod11-node2 emco monitor-monitor-74649c5c64-dxhfn 1/1 Running 0 16h pod11-node2 emco services-clm-7ff876dfc-vgncs 1/1 Running 3 16h pod11-node2 ... ### Verification Basic self-tests of Kata, EMCO, and the other addons may be performed with the `kata.sh` and `addons.sh` test scripts once the workload cluster is ready. root@pod11-node5:# CLUSTER_NAME=icn ./deploy/kata/kata.sh test root@pod11-node5:# CLUSTER_NAME=icn ./deploy/addons/addons.sh test ### Uninstallation To destroy the workload cluster and deprovision its machines, it is only necessary to delete the site Kustomization. Uninstallation progress can be monitored similar to deployment with `clusterctl`, examining the `BareMetalHost` resources, etc. root@pod11-node5:# kubectl -n flux-system delete Kustomization icn-master-site-pod11