# Quick start To get a taste of ICN, this guide will walk through creating a simple two machine cluster using virtual machines. A total of 3 virtual machines will be used: each with 8 CPUs, 24 GB RAM, and 30 GB disk. So grab a host machine, [install Vagrant with the libvirt provider](https://github.com/vagrant-libvirt/vagrant-libvirt#installation), and let's get started. TL;DR $ git clone https://gerrit.akraino.org/r/icn $ cd icn $ vagrant up --no-parallel $ vagrant ssh jump vagrant@jump:~$ sudo su root@jump:/home/vagrant# cd /icn root@jump:/icn# make jump_server root@jump:/icn# make vm_cluster > NOTE: vagrant destroy may fail due to > https://github.com/vagrant-libvirt/vagrant-libvirt/issues/1371. The > workaround is to destroy the machines manually > > $ virsh -c qemu:///system destroy vm-machine-1 > $ virsh -c qemu:///system undefine --nvram --remove-all-storage vm-machine-1 > $ virsh -c qemu:///system destroy vm-machine-2 > $ virsh -c qemu:///system undefine --nvram --remove-all-storage vm-machine-2 ## Create the virtual environment $ vagrant up --no-parallel Now let's take a closer look at what was created. $ virsh -c qemu:///system list Id Name State ---------------------------------------------------- 1207 vm-jump running 1208 vm-machine-1 running 1209 vm-machine-2 running $ virsh -c qemu:///system net-list Name State Autostart Persistent ---------------------------------------------------------- vm-baremetal active yes yes vm-provisioning active no yes $ vbmc list +--------------+---------+---------+------+ | Domain name | Status | Address | Port | +--------------+---------+---------+------+ | vm-machine-1 | running | :: | 6230 | | vm-machine-2 | running | :: | 6231 | +--------------+---------+---------+------+ We've created a jump server and the two machines that will form the cluster. The jump server will be responsible for creating the cluster. We also created two networks, baremetal and provisioning, and a third network overlaid upon the baremetal network using [VirtualBMC](https://opendev.org/openstack/virtualbmc) for issuing IPMI commands to the virtual machines. It's worth looking at these networks in more detail as they will be important during configuration of the jump server and cluster. $ virsh -c qemu:///system net-dumpxml vm-baremetal vm-baremetal 216db810-de49-4122-a284-13fd2e44da4b The baremetal network provides outbound network access through the host and also assigns DHCP addresses in the range `` to `` to the virtual machines (the host itself is ``). $ virsh -c qemu:///system net-dumpxml vm-provisioning vm-provisioning d06de3cc-b7ca-4b09-a49d-a1458c45e072 The provisioning network is a private network; only the virtual machines may communicate over it. Importantly, no DHCP server is present on this network. The `ironic` component of the jump server will be managing DHCP requests. The virtual baseband management controller controllers provided by VirtualBMC are listening at the address and port listed above on the host. To issue an IPMI command to `vm-machine-1` for example, the command will be issued to ``, and VirtualBMC will translate the the IPMI command into libvirt calls. Now let's look at the networks from inside the virtual machines. $ virsh -c qemu:///system dumpxml vm-jump ...
... The baremetal network NIC in the jump server is the first NIC present in the machine and depending on the device naming scheme in place will be called `ens5` or `eth0`. Similarly, the provisioning network NIC will be `ens6` or `eth1`. $ virsh -c qemu:///system dumpxml vm-machine-1 ...
... In contrast to the jump server, the provisioning network NIC is the first NIC present in the machine and will be named `ens5` or `eth0` and the baremetal network NIC will be `ens6` or `eth1`. The order of NICs is crucial here: the provisioning network NIC must be the NIC that the machine PXE boots from, and the BIOS used in this virtual machine is configured to use the first NIC in the machine. A physical machine will typically provide this as a configuration option in the BIOS settings. ## Install the jump server components $ vagrant ssh jump vagrant@jump:~$ sudo su root@jump:/home/vagrant# cd /icn Before telling ICN to start installing the components, it must first know which is the IPMI network NIC and which is the provisioning network NIC. Recall that in the jump server the IPMI network is overlaid onto the baremetal network and that the baremetal network NIC is `eth0`, and also that the provisioning network NIC is `eth1`. Edit `user_config.sh` to the below. #!/usr/bin/env bash export IRONIC_INTERFACE="eth1" Now install the jump server components. root@jump:/icn# make jump_server Let's walk quickly through some of the components installed. The first, and most fundamental, is that the jump server is now a single-node Kubernetes cluster. root@jump:/icn# kubectl cluster-info Kubernetes control plane is running at To further debug and diagnose cluster problems, use 'kubectl cluster-info dump'. The next is that [Cluster API](https://cluster-api.sigs.k8s.io/) is installed, with the [Metal3](https://github.com/metal3-io/cluster-api-provider-metal3) infrastructure provider and Kubeadm bootstrap provider. These components provide the base for creating clusters with ICN. root@jump:/icn# kubectl get deployments -A NAMESPACE NAME READY UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE AGE baremetal-operator-system baremetal-operator-controller-manager 1/1 1 1 96m capi-kubeadm-bootstrap-system capi-kubeadm-bootstrap-controller-manager 1/1 1 1 96m capi-kubeadm-control-plane-system capi-kubeadm-control-plane-controller-manager 1/1 1 1 96m capi-system capi-controller-manager 1/1 1 1 96m capm3-system capm3-controller-manager 1/1 1 1 96m capm3-system capm3-ironic 1/1 1 1 98m capm3-system ipam-controller-manager 1/1 1 1 96m ... A closer look at the above deployments shows two others of interest: `baremetal-operator-controller-manager` and `capm3-ironic`. These components are from the [Metal3](https://metal3.io/) project and are dependencies of the Metal3 infrastructure provider. Before moving on to the next step, let's take one last look at the provisioning NIC we set in `user_config.sh`. root@jump:/icn# ip link show dev eth1 3: eth1: mtu 1500 qdisc fq_codel master provisioning state UP mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000 link/ether 52:54:00:80:3d:4c brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff The `master provisioning` portion indicates that this interface is now attached to the `provisioning` bridge. The `provisioning` bridge was created during installation and is how the `capm3-ironic` deployment will communicate with the machines to be provisioned when it is time to install an operating system. ## Create a cluster root@jump:/icn# make vm_cluster Once complete, we'll have a K8s cluster up and running on the machines created earlier with all of the ICN addons configured and validated. root@jump:/icn# clusterctl -n metal3 describe cluster icn NAME READY SEVERITY REASON SINCE MESSAGE /icn True 81m ├─ClusterInfrastructure - Metal3Cluster/icn ├─ControlPlane - KubeadmControlPlane/icn True 81m │ └─Machine/icn-qhg4r True 81m │ └─MachineInfrastructure - Metal3Machine/icn-controlplane-r8g2f └─Workers └─MachineDeployment/icn True 73m └─Machine/icn-6b8dfc7f6f-qvrqv True 76m └─MachineInfrastructure - Metal3Machine/icn-workers-bxf52 root@jump:/icn# clusterctl -n metal3 get kubeconfig icn >icn-admin.conf root@jump:/icn# kubectl --kubeconfig=icn-admin.conf cluster-info Kubernetes control plane is running at CoreDNS is running at To further debug and diagnose cluster problems, use 'kubectl cluster-info dump'. ## Next steps At this point you may proceed with the [Installation guide](installation-guide.md) to learn more about the hardware and software configuration in a physical environment or jump directly to the [Deployment](installation-guide.md#Deployment) sub-section to examine the cluster creation process in more detail.