# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import import os import tensorflow as tf ''' cls : person|| Recall: 0.9200530035335689 || Precison: 0.009050166947990866|| AP: 0.8413662097687251 ____________________ cls : cat|| Recall: 0.9608938547486033 || Precison: 0.0007414480221227399|| AP: 0.886410933036462 ____________________ cls : horse|| Recall: 0.9626436781609196 || Precison: 0.0007370072226707821|| AP: 0.880462817781879 ____________________ cls : boat|| Recall: 0.8783269961977186 || Precison: 0.000509740231082238|| AP: 0.6456185469835614 ____________________ cls : bottle|| Recall: 0.8656716417910447 || Precison: 0.0008665714718695106|| AP: 0.6480626365413494 ____________________ cls : bicycle|| Recall: 0.9228486646884273 || Precison: 0.0006832296772124229|| AP: 0.8550508887926864 ____________________ cls : bus|| Recall: 0.9577464788732394 || Precison: 0.00045156820340048565|| AP: 0.8631526839193041 ____________________ cls : sheep|| Recall: 0.9132231404958677 || Precison: 0.0004864327094081809|| AP: 0.7741568397678364 ____________________ cls : car|| Recall: 0.9600333055786844 || Precison: 0.0025449055537652685|| AP: 0.8914023804170609 ____________________ cls : motorbike|| Recall: 0.9538461538461539 || Precison: 0.0006737519288865706|| AP: 0.8495072139551133 ____________________ cls : chair|| Recall: 0.873015873015873 || Precison: 0.001433311906044233|| AP: 0.5759698175528438 ____________________ cls : aeroplane|| Recall: 0.9438596491228071 || Precison: 0.0006024690030817745|| AP: 0.8353670052573003 ____________________ cls : tvmonitor|| Recall: 0.9415584415584416 || Precison: 0.0006278089036291684|| AP: 0.7613581746623427 ____________________ cls : sofa|| Recall: 0.9707112970711297 || Precison: 0.0005222178954168627|| AP: 0.7987407803525022 ____________________ cls : bird|| Recall: 0.9281045751633987 || Precison: 0.0009227090390830091|| AP: 0.8159836473038345 ____________________ cls : dog|| Recall: 0.9611451942740287 || Precison: 0.0010255447933963644|| AP: 0.8951754362513265 ____________________ cls : cow|| Recall: 0.9467213114754098 || Precison: 0.0005056795917786568|| AP: 0.8497306852549179 ____________________ cls : diningtable|| Recall: 0.883495145631068 || Precison: 0.0004040099093419522|| AP: 0.7307392356452687 ____________________ cls : pottedplant|| Recall: 0.7729166666666667 || Precison: 0.0008064077902035582|| AP: 0.4738700691112566 ____________________ cls : train|| Recall: 0.9290780141843972 || Precison: 0.0005804331981204598|| AP: 0.8427500500899303 ____________________ mAP is : 0.7857438026222752 (USE_12_METRIC) cls : train|| Recall: 0.9290780141843972 || Precison: 0.0005804331981204598|| AP: 0.8101152343436091 ____________________ cls : bus|| Recall: 0.9577464788732394 || Precison: 0.00045156820340048565|| AP: 0.830722622273239 ____________________ cls : chair|| Recall: 0.873015873015873 || Precison: 0.001433311906044233|| AP: 0.5698849842652579 ____________________ cls : pottedplant|| Recall: 0.7729166666666667 || Precison: 0.0008064077902035582|| AP: 0.48047763621440476 ____________________ cls : horse|| Recall: 0.9626436781609196 || Precison: 0.0007370072226707821|| AP: 0.8512804991519783 ____________________ cls : person|| Recall: 0.9200530035335689 || Precison: 0.009050166947990866|| AP: 0.8107708491164711 ____________________ cls : bottle|| Recall: 0.8656716417910447 || Precison: 0.0008665714718695106|| AP: 0.63789938616088 ____________________ cls : bicycle|| Recall: 0.9228486646884273 || Precison: 0.0006832296772124229|| AP: 0.8166723684624742 ____________________ cls : dog|| Recall: 0.9611451942740287 || Precison: 0.0010255447933963644|| AP: 0.864470680916449 ____________________ cls : diningtable|| Recall: 0.883495145631068 || Precison: 0.0004040099093419522|| AP: 0.7122255048941863 ____________________ cls : bird|| Recall: 0.9281045751633987 || Precison: 0.0009227090390830091|| AP: 0.7832546811459113 ____________________ cls : sofa|| Recall: 0.9707112970711297 || Precison: 0.0005222178954168627|| AP: 0.778305908921783 ____________________ cls : sheep|| Recall: 0.9132231404958677 || Precison: 0.0004864327094081809|| AP: 0.7463330859344937 ____________________ cls : boat|| Recall: 0.8783269961977186 || Precison: 0.000509740231082238|| AP: 0.6291419623367831 ____________________ cls : car|| Recall: 0.9600333055786844 || Precison: 0.0025449055537652685|| AP: 0.8630428431995184 ____________________ cls : motorbike|| Recall: 0.9538461538461539 || Precison: 0.0006737519288865706|| AP: 0.8224280778332824 ____________________ cls : aeroplane|| Recall: 0.9438596491228071 || Precison: 0.0006024690030817745|| AP: 0.8001448356711514 ____________________ cls : cat|| Recall: 0.9608938547486033 || Precison: 0.0007414480221227399|| AP: 0.8582414148566436 ____________________ cls : cow|| Recall: 0.9467213114754098 || Precison: 0.0005056795917786568|| AP: 0.8242904910827928 ____________________ cls : tvmonitor|| Recall: 0.9415584415584416 || Precison: 0.0006278089036291684|| AP: 0.7388745216642896 ____________________ mAP is : 0.76142887942228 (USE_07_METRIC) ''' # ------------------------------------------------ VERSION = 'FPN_Res101_20181204' NET_NAME = 'resnet_v1_101' ADD_BOX_IN_TENSORBOARD = True # ---------------------------------------- System_config ROOT_PATH = os.path.abspath('../') print (20*"++--") print (ROOT_PATH) GPU_GROUP = "4" SHOW_TRAIN_INFO_INTE = 10 SMRY_ITER = 100 SAVE_WEIGHTS_INTE = 10000 SUMMARY_PATH = ROOT_PATH + '/output/summary' TEST_SAVE_PATH = ROOT_PATH + '/tools/test_result' INFERENCE_IMAGE_PATH = ROOT_PATH + '/tools/inference_image' INFERENCE_SAVE_PATH = ROOT_PATH + '/tools/inference_results' if NET_NAME.startswith("resnet"): weights_name = NET_NAME elif NET_NAME.startswith("MobilenetV2"): weights_name = "mobilenet/mobilenet_v2_1.0_224" else: raise NotImplementedError PRETRAINED_CKPT = ROOT_PATH + '/data/pretrained_weights/' + weights_name + '.ckpt' TRAINED_CKPT = os.path.join(ROOT_PATH, 'output/trained_weights') EVALUATE_DIR = ROOT_PATH + '/output/evaluate_result_pickle/' #test_annotate_path = '/home/yjr/DataSet/VOC/VOC_test/VOC2007/Annotations' test_annotate_path = '/home/gq123/dailinhui/FPN_success_dlh/data/pcb/Annotations' # ------------------------------------------ Train config RESTORE_FROM_RPN = False IS_FILTER_OUTSIDE_BOXES = False FIXED_BLOCKS = 0 # allow 0~3 USE_07_METRIC = False RPN_LOCATION_LOSS_WEIGHT = 1. RPN_CLASSIFICATION_LOSS_WEIGHT = 1.0 FAST_RCNN_LOCATION_LOSS_WEIGHT = 1.0 FAST_RCNN_CLASSIFICATION_LOSS_WEIGHT = 1.0 RPN_SIGMA = 3.0 FASTRCNN_SIGMA = 1.0 MUTILPY_BIAS_GRADIENT = None # 2.0 # if None, will not multipy GRADIENT_CLIPPING_BY_NORM = None # 10.0 if None, will not clip EPSILON = 1e-5 MOMENTUM = 0.9 LR = 0.001 # 0.001 # 0.0003 #DECAY_STEP = [60000, 80000] # 50000, 70000 DECAY_STEP = [1000, 1500] # 50000, 70000 #MAX_ITERATION = 150000 MAX_ITERATION = 2000 # ------------------------------------------- Data_preprocess_config DATASET_NAME = 'pcb' # 'ship', 'spacenet', 'pascal', 'coco' #PIXEL_MEAN = [123.68, 116.779, 103.939] # R, G, B. In tf, channel is RGB. In openCV, channel is BGR PIXEL_MEAN = [21.25, 85.936, 28.729] IMG_SHORT_SIDE_LEN = 1586 # 600 # 600 IMG_MAX_LENGTH = 3034 # 1000 # 1000 CLASS_NUM = 6 # --------------------------------------------- Network_config BATCH_SIZE = 1 INITIALIZER = tf.random_normal_initializer(mean=0.0, stddev=0.01) BBOX_INITIALIZER = tf.random_normal_initializer(mean=0.0, stddev=0.001) WEIGHT_DECAY = 0.00004 if NET_NAME.startswith('Mobilenet') else 0.0001 # ---------------------------------------------Anchor config USE_CENTER_OFFSET = False LEVLES = ['P2', 'P3', 'P4', 'P5', 'P6'] BASE_ANCHOR_SIZE_LIST = [32, 64, 128, 256, 512] # addjust the base anchor size for voc. ANCHOR_STRIDE_LIST = [4, 8, 16, 32, 64] ANCHOR_SCALES = [1.0] ANCHOR_RATIOS = [0.5, 1., 2.0] ROI_SCALE_FACTORS = [10., 10., 5.0, 5.0] ANCHOR_SCALE_FACTORS = None # --------------------------------------------FPN config SHARE_HEADS = True KERNEL_SIZE = 3 RPN_IOU_POSITIVE_THRESHOLD = 0.7 RPN_IOU_NEGATIVE_THRESHOLD = 0.3 TRAIN_RPN_CLOOBER_POSITIVES = False RPN_MINIBATCH_SIZE = 256 RPN_POSITIVE_RATE = 0.5 RPN_NMS_IOU_THRESHOLD = 0.7 RPN_TOP_K_NMS_TRAIN = 12000 RPN_MAXIMUM_PROPOSAL_TARIN = 2000 RPN_TOP_K_NMS_TEST = 6000 RPN_MAXIMUM_PROPOSAL_TEST = 1000 # specific settings for FPN # FPN_TOP_K_PER_LEVEL_TRAIN = 2000 # FPN_TOP_K_PER_LEVEL_TEST = 1000 # -------------------------------------------Fast-RCNN config ROI_SIZE = 14 ROI_POOL_KERNEL_SIZE = 2 USE_DROPOUT = False KEEP_PROB = 1.0 SHOW_SCORE_THRSHOLD = 0.6 # only show in tensorboard FAST_RCNN_NMS_IOU_THRESHOLD = 0.3 # 0.6 FAST_RCNN_NMS_MAX_BOXES_PER_CLASS = 100 FAST_RCNN_IOU_POSITIVE_THRESHOLD = 0.5 FAST_RCNN_IOU_NEGATIVE_THRESHOLD = 0.0 # 0.1 < IOU < 0.5 is negative FAST_RCNN_MINIBATCH_SIZE = 256 # if is -1, that is train with OHEM FAST_RCNN_POSITIVE_RATE = 0.25 ADD_GTBOXES_TO_TRAIN = False