package org.edgegallery.example_app.service; import io.kubernetes.client.ApiException; import io.kubernetes.client.apis.CoreV1Api; import io.kubernetes.client.models.V1PodList; import io.kubernetes.client.models.V1Status; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import io.kubernetes.client.models.V1DeleteOptions; @Service public class deleteNamespaceImp implements deleteNamespace { @Override public String deleteNS() throws ApiException { String namespace = "test"; CoreV1Api api = new CoreV1Api(); // invokes the CoreV1Api client //TODO: this API delete the namespace but it crash after execute. need to check some example for this API to // cnfirm the para api.deleteNamespace(namespace, null, new V1DeleteOptions(),null,null,null,null); System.out.println("k8s api is ok"); return "success"; } }