# Copyright 2019 Nokia # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import json import socket from jinja2 import Environment from cmframework.apis import cmansibleinventoryconfig from cmframework.apis import cmerror from cmdatahandlers.api import utils from cmdatahandlers.api import configerror from serviceprofiles import profiles json_text_setup = """ { "_meta": { "hostvars": { "{{ installation_controller }}": { "ansible_connection": "local", "aio_hostname": "{{ installation_controller }}", 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host.get_network_ip_holding_interface("infra_internal") }}", "netmask": null, "type": "veth" }, {% if tenant_network in hostsconf.get_host_networks(host.name) %} "tunnel_address": { "address": "{{ host.get_network_ip(tenant_network) }}", "bridge": "{{ host.get_network_ip_holding_interface(tenant_network) }}", "netmask": "null", "type": "veth" }, {% endif %} "storage_address": { "address": "{{ host.get_network_ip("infra_internal") }}", "bridge": "{{ host.get_network_ip_holding_interface("infra_internal") }}", "netmask": "null", "type": "veth" } }, {% if host.is_performance %} "heat_api_threads_max" : {{ host.os_max_threads }}, "nova_api_threads_max" : {{ host.os_max_threads }}, "cinder_osapi_volume_workers_max" : {{ host.os_max_threads }}, "glance_api_threads_max" : {{ host.os_max_threads }}, "neutron_api_threads_max" : {{ host.os_max_threads }}, {% endif %} "physical_host": "{{ host.name }}", {% if host.is_controller %} "physical_host_group": "orchestration_hosts" {% else %} "physical_host_group": "compute_hosts" {% endif %} } {% if not loop.last %},{% endif %} {% endfor %} } }, "all": { "vars": { "installation_controller": "{{ installation_controller }}", "is_metal": true, "haproxy_glance_api_nodes": ["glance-api"], "nova_vncserver_listen": "", "nova_novncproxy_base_url": "{% raw %}{{ nova_novncproxy_base_uri }}/vnc_auto.html{% endraw %}", "properties": { "is_metal": true }, {% if not virtual_environment %} "virtual_env": false, {% else %} "virtual_env": true, {% endif %} "container_cidr": "{{ infra_mgmt.cidr }}", "haproxy_whitelist_networks": [ {% for cidr in infra_mgmt.cidrs %}"{{ cidr }}"{%if not loop.last %},{% endif %}{% endfor %} ], {% if config_phase == 'postconfig' %} "external_lb_vip_address": "{{ has.haproxy.external_vip }}", "internal_lb_vip_address": "{{ has.haproxy.internal_vip }}", "haproxy_keepalived_external_vip_cird": "{{ has.haproxy.external_vip }}/32", "haproxy_keepalived_internal_vip_cidr": "{{ has.haproxy.external_vip }}/32", {% else 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"neutron_bgp_dragent": { "children": [], "hosts": [ {% for host in controllers %}"{{ host.name }}"{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}{% endfor %} ] }, "neutron_dhcp_agent": { "children": [], "hosts": [ {% for host in controllers %}"{{ host.name }}"{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}{% endfor %} ] }, "neutron_l3_agent": { "children": [], "hosts": [ {% for host in controllers %}"{{ host.name }}"{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}{% endfor %} ] }, "neutron_lbaas_agent": { "children": [], "hosts": [ {% for host in controllers %}"{{ host.name }}"{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}{% endfor %} ] }, "neutron_linuxbridge_agent": { "children": [], "hosts": [ {% for host in neutron_agent_hosts %}{% if not caas_only_deployment %}"{{ host.name }}"{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}{% endif %}{% endfor %} ] }, "neutron_metadata_agent": { "children": [], "hosts": [ {% for host in controllers %}"{{ host.name }}"{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}{% endfor %} ] }, "neutron_metering_agent": { "children": [], "hosts": [ {% for host in controllers %}"{{ host.name }}"{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}{% endfor %} ] }, "neutron_openvswitch_agent": { "children": [], "hosts": [ {% for host in neutron_agent_hosts %}{% if not caas_only_deployment %}"{{ host.name }}"{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}{% endif %}{% endfor %} ] }, "neutron_server": { "children": [], "hosts": [ {% for host in controllers %}"{{ host.name }}"{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}{% endfor %} ] }, "neutron_server_container": { "hosts": [] }, "neutron_sriov_nic_agent": { "children": [], "hosts": [ {% for host in computes %}"{{ host.name }}"{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}{% endfor %} ] }, "nova_all": { "children": [ "nova_console", "nova_scheduler", "ironic_compute", "nova_api_placement", "nova_api_metadata", "nova_api_os_compute", "nova_conductor", "nova_compute" ], "hosts": [] }, "nova_api_metadata": { "children": [], "hosts": [ {% for host in controllers %}"{{ host.name }}"{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}{% endfor %} ] }, "nova_api_metadata_container": { "hosts": [] }, "nova_api_os_compute": { "children": [], "hosts": [ {% for host in controllers %}"{{ host.name }}"{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}{% endfor %} ] }, "nova_api_os_compute_container": { "hosts": [] }, "nova_api_placement": { "children": [], "hosts": [ {% for host in controllers %}"{{ host.name }}"{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}{% endfor %} ] }, "nova_api_placement_container": { "hosts": [] }, "nova_compute": { "children": [], "hosts": [ {% for host in computes %}"{{ host.name }}"{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}{% endfor %} ] }, "nova_compute_container": { "hosts": [] }, "nova_conductor": { "children": [], "hosts": [ {% for host in controllers %}"{{ host.name }}"{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}{% endfor %} ] }, "nova_conductor_container": { "hosts": [] }, "nova_console": { "children": [], "hosts": [ {% for host in controllers %}"{{ host.name }}"{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}{% endfor %} ] }, "nova_console_container": { "hosts": [] }, "nova_scheduler": { "children": [], "hosts": [ {% for host in controllers %}"{{ host.name }}"{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}{% endfor %} ] }, "nova_scheduler_container": { "hosts": [] }, "operator_containers": { "children": [], "hosts": [] }, "operator_hosts": { "children": [], "hosts": [] }, "orchestration_all": { "hosts": [ {% for host in controllers %}"{{ host.name }}"{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}{% endfor %} ] }, "orchestration_containers": { "children": [ {% for host in controllers %}"{{ host.name }}-host_containers"{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}{% endfor %} ], "hosts": [] }, "orchestration_hosts": { "hosts": [ {% for host in controllers %}"{{ host.name }}"{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}{% endfor %} ] }, "os-infra_containers": { "children": [], "hosts": [] }, "os-infra_hosts": { "children": [], "hosts": [] }, "pkg_repo": { "children": [], "hosts": [] }, "rabbit_mq_container": { "hosts": [] }, "rabbitmq": { "children": [], "hosts": [ {% for host in management_nodes %}{% if not vnf_embedded_deployment %}"{{ host.name }}"{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}{% endif %}{% endfor %} ] }, "rabbitmq_all": { "children": [ "rabbitmq" ], "hosts": [] }, "repo-infra_containers": { "children": [], "hosts": [] }, "repo-infra_hosts": { "children": [], "hosts": [] }, "repo_all": { "children": [ "pkg_repo" ], "hosts": [] }, "repo_container": { "hosts": [] }, "rsyslog": { "children": [], "hosts": [] }, "rsyslog_all": { "children": [ "rsyslog" ], "hosts": [] }, "rsyslog_container": { "hosts": [] }, "shared-infra_hosts": { "hosts": [ {% if not vnf_embedded_deployment %}{% for host in management_nodes %}"{{ host.name }}"{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}{% endfor %}{% endif %} ] }, "storage-infra_all": { "hosts": [ {% for host in storages %}"{{ host.name }}"{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}{% endfor %} ] }, "storage-infra_containers": { "children": [ {% for host in storages %}"{{ host.name }}-host_containers"{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}{% endfor %} ], "hosts": [] }, "storage-infra_hosts": { "hosts": [ {% for host in storages %}"{{ host.name }}"{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}{% endfor %} ] }, "storage_all": { "hosts": [ {% for host in storages %}"{{ host.name }}"{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}{% endfor %} ] }, "storage_containers": { "children": [ {% for host in storages %}"{{ host.name }}-host_containers"{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}{% endfor %} ], "hosts": [] }, "storage_hosts": { "hosts": [ {% for host in storages %}"{{ host.name }}"{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}{% endfor %} ] }, "unbound": { "children": [], "hosts": [] }, "unbound_all": { "children": [ "unbound" ], "hosts": [] }, "unbound_container": { "hosts": [] }, "unbound_containers": { "children": [], "hosts": [] }, "unbound_hosts": { "children": [], "hosts": [] }, "utility": { "children": [], "hosts": [ {% for host in controllers %}"{{ host.name }}"{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}{% endfor %} ] }, "utility_all": { "children": [ "utility" ], "hosts": [] }, "utility_container": { "hosts": [] }, "vnf-nodes": { "hosts": [ {% for host in hosts %}{% if vnf_embedded_deployment %} "{{ host.name }}"{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}{% endif %}{% endfor %} ] } } """ class General: def __init__(self): self.dns_servers = [] self.ntp_servers = [] self.zone = None self.admin = None self.password = None self.openstack_password = None class Network: def __init__(self): self.name = None self.cidr = None self.cidrs = set() self.vlan = None self.gateway = None class HostNetwork: def __init__(self): self.network = None self.interface = None self.ip_holding_interface = None self.is_bonding = False self.linux_bonding_options = None self.members = [] self.ip = None class ProviderNetwork: def __init__(self): self.cidr = None self.cidrs = None self.interface = None self.ip = None self.gateway = None class Host: def __init__(self): self.name = None self.is_controller = False self.is_caas_master = False self.is_compute = False self.is_storage = False self.is_management = False self.networks = [] self.hwmgmt_address = None self.hwmgmt_password = None self.hwmgmt_user = None self.hwmgmt_priv_level = 'ADMINISTRATOR' self.mgmt_mac = None self.is_performance = False self.os_max_threads = 16 def get_network_ip(self, networkname): for network in self.networks: if network.network.name == networkname: return network.ip.split('/')[0] def get_network_ip_holding_interface(self, networkname): for network in self.networks: if network.network.name == networkname: return network.ip_holding_interface class HAProxy: def __init__(self): self.internal_vip = None self.external_vip = None class HAS: def __init__(self): self.haproxy = HAProxy() class openstackinventory(cmansibleinventoryconfig.CMAnsibleInventoryConfigPlugin): def __init__(self, confman, inventory, ownhost): super(openstackinventory, self).__init__(confman, inventory, ownhost) self.networks = [] self.hosts = [] self.controllers = [] self.managements = [] self.caas_masters = [] self.computes = [] self.storages = [] self.neutron_agent_hosts = set() self.has = HAS() self.general = General() self._init_jinja_environment() self.orig_inventory = inventory.copy() def handle_bootstrapping(self): self.handle('bootstrapping') def handle_provisioning(self): self.handle('provisioning') def handle_postconfig(self): self.handle('postconfig') def handle_setup(self): try: ownhostobj = None for host in self.hosts: if host.name == self.ownhost: ownhostobj = host break if not ownhostobj: raise cmerror.CMError('Invalid own host configuration %s' % self.ownhost) text = Environment().from_string(json_text_setup).render(host=ownhostobj, installation_controller=self.ownhost, general=self.general) inventory = json.loads(text) #add some variables from the original inventory self.inventory.update(inventory) self.inventory['all'] = {'hosts': [self.ownhost]} self.inventory['all']['vars'] = {} setuphosts = {} setupnetworking = {} setupnetworkprofiles = {} if 'hosts' in self.orig_inventory['all']['vars'] and self.ownhost in self.orig_inventory['all']['vars']['hosts']: setuphosts = self.orig_inventory['all']['vars']['hosts'][self.ownhost] if 'networking' in self.orig_inventory['all']['vars']: setupnetworking = self.orig_inventory['all']['vars']['networking'] if 'network_profiles' in self.orig_inventory['all']['vars']: setupnetworkprofiles = self.orig_inventory['all']['vars']['network_profiles'] if setuphosts: self.inventory['all']['vars']['hosts'] = {self.ownhost: setuphosts} if setupnetworking: self.inventory['all']['vars']['networking'] = setupnetworking if setupnetworkprofiles: self.inventory['all']['vars']['network_profiles'] = setupnetworkprofiles #add networking configuration to own host if self.ownhost in self.orig_inventory['_meta']['hostvars'] and 'networking' in self.orig_inventory['_meta']['hostvars'][self.ownhost]: self.inventory['_meta']['hostvars'][self.ownhost]['networking'] = self.orig_inventory['_meta']['hostvars'][self.ownhost]['networking'] except Exception as exp: raise cmerror.CMError(str(exp)) def handle(self, phase): try: networkingconf = self.confman.get_networking_config_handler() hostsconf = self.confman.get_hosts_config_handler() infrainternal = networkingconf.get_infra_internal_network_name() infraexternal = networkingconf.get_infra_external_network_name() installation_controller = socket.gethostname() # sort management nodes so that installation_controlle is the first modified_list = [] for entry in self.managements: if entry.name == installation_controller: modified_list.append(entry) for entry in self.managements: if entry.name != installation_controller: modified_list.append(entry) self.managements = modified_list installation_controller_ip = networkingconf.get_host_ip(installation_controller, infrainternal) installation_network_domain = hostsconf.get_host_network_domain(installation_controller) virtual_environment = utils.is_virtualized() openstackconfig = self.confman.get_openstack_config_handler() storagebackend = openstackconfig.get_storage_backend() #construct privder netwrks based on the installation controller infra_mgmt = ProviderNetwork() infra_external = ProviderNetwork() host = self._get_host(installation_controller) #Installation controller has to be the first one in the controllers list #Most of the openstack ansbile modules are executed on first host in the list. This does not work properly. if self.controllers: self.controllers.remove(host) self.controllers.insert(0, host) for hostnet in host.networks: if hostnet.network.name == infrainternal: infra_mgmt.cidr = hostnet.network.cidr infra_mgmt.cidrs = hostnet.network.cidrs infra_mgmt.interface = hostnet.ip_holding_interface infra_mgmt.ip = networkingconf.get_host_ip(installation_controller, infrainternal) elif hostnet.network.name == infraexternal: infra_external.cidr = hostnet.network.cidr infra_external.interface = hostnet.ip_holding_interface infra_external.ip = networkingconf.get_host_ip(installation_controller, infraexternal) infra_external.gateway = networkingconf.get_network_gateway(infraexternal, installation_network_domain) caas_conf = self.confman.get_caas_config_handler() text = Environment().from_string(json_text).render(hosts=self.hosts, networks=self.networks, general=self.general, has=self.has, virtual_environment=virtual_environment, installation_controller=installation_controller, installation_controller_ip=installation_controller_ip, infra_mgmt=infra_mgmt, infra_external=infra_external, controllers=self.controllers, computes=self.computes, storages=self.storages, neutron_agent_hosts=self.neutron_agent_hosts, config_phase=phase, hostsconf=hostsconf, networkingconf=networkingconf, storagebackend=storagebackend, vnf_embedded_deployment = caas_conf.get_vnf_flag(), caas_only_deployment = caas_conf.get_caas_only(), management_nodes = self.managements) #print(text) inventory = json.loads(text) #process host vars for host in inventory['_meta']['hostvars'].keys(): for var, value in inventory['_meta']['hostvars'][host].iteritems(): self.add_host_var(host, var, value) #process all vars for var, value in inventory['all']['vars'].iteritems(): self.add_global_var(var, value) #process groups for var, value in inventory.iteritems(): if var == '_meta' or var == 'all': continue self.inventory[var] = value #create a mapping between service-groups and vips to be added to /etc/hosts if phase == "postconfig": sgvips = {} sgvips['config-manager'] = networkingconf.get_internal_vip() sgvips['haproxyvip'] = networkingconf.get_internal_vip() self.add_global_var('extra_hosts_entries', sgvips) except Exception as exp: raise cmerror.CMError(str(exp)) def _is_host_controller(self, host): hostsconf = self.confman.get_hosts_config_handler() node_service_profiles = hostsconf.get_service_profiles(host) controller_profile = profiles.Profiles.get_controller_service_profile() for profile in node_service_profiles: if profile == controller_profile: return True return False def _is_host_caas_master(self, host): hostsconf = self.confman.get_hosts_config_handler() node_service_profiles = hostsconf.get_service_profiles(host) caas_master_profile = profiles.Profiles.get_caasmaster_service_profile() for profile in node_service_profiles: if profile == caas_master_profile: return True return False def _is_host_management(self, host): hostsconf = self.confman.get_hosts_config_handler() node_service_profiles = hostsconf.get_service_profiles(host) management_profile = profiles.Profiles.get_management_service_profile() for profile in node_service_profiles: if profile == management_profile: return True return False def _is_host_compute(self, host): hostsconf = self.confman.get_hosts_config_handler() node_service_profiles = hostsconf.get_service_profiles(host) compute_profile = profiles.Profiles.get_compute_service_profile() for profile in node_service_profiles: if profile == compute_profile: return True return False def _is_host_storage(self, host): hostsconf = self.confman.get_hosts_config_handler() node_service_profiles = hostsconf.get_service_profiles(host) storage_profile = profiles.Profiles.get_storage_service_profile() for profile in node_service_profiles: if profile == storage_profile: return True return False def _get_network(self, name, host): for network in self.networks: if network.name == name: return network hostsconf = self.confman.get_hosts_config_handler() domain = hostsconf.get_host_network_domain(host) networkingconf = self.confman.get_networking_config_handler() network = Network() network.name = name network.cidr = networkingconf.get_network_cidr(name, domain) for dom in networkingconf.get_network_domains(name): network.cidrs.add(networkingconf.get_network_cidr(name, dom)) network.vlan = None try: network.vlan = networkingconf.get_network_vlan_id(name, domain) except configerror.ConfigError: pass network.gateway = None try: network.gateway = networkingconf.get_network_gateway(name, domain) except configerror.ConfigError: pass self.networks.append(network) return network def _get_platform_cpus(self, host): hostsconf = self.confman.get_hosts_config_handler() cpus = 0 try: perfprofconf = self.confman.get_performance_profiles_config_handler() pprofile = hostsconf.get_performance_profiles(host.name)[0] platform_cpus = perfprofconf.get_platform_cpus(pprofile) if platform_cpus: for alloc in platform_cpus.values(): cpus = cpus + int(alloc) except configerror.ConfigError: pass except IndexError: pass except KeyError: pass return cpus def _get_host(self, name): for host in self.hosts: if host.name == name: return host hostsconf = self.confman.get_hosts_config_handler() networkprofilesconf = self.confman.get_network_profiles_config_handler() networkingconf = self.confman.get_networking_config_handler() host = Host() host.name = name host.is_controller = self._is_host_controller(name) host.is_caas_master = self._is_host_caas_master(name) host.is_compute = self._is_host_compute(name) host.is_storage = self._is_host_storage(name) host.is_management = self._is_host_management(name) host.hwmgmt_address = hostsconf.get_hwmgmt_ip(name) host.hwmgmt_user = hostsconf.get_hwmgmt_user(name) host.hwmgmt_password = hostsconf.get_hwmgmt_password(name) host.hwmgmt_priv_level = hostsconf.get_hwmgmt_priv_level(name) host.mgmt_mac = hostsconf.get_mgmt_mac(name) platform_cpus = self._get_platform_cpus(host) if platform_cpus: host.os_max_threads = platform_cpus host.is_performance = True hostnetprofiles = hostsconf.get_network_profiles(name) hostnetnames = hostsconf.get_host_networks(name) domain = hostsconf.get_host_network_domain(name) for net in hostnetnames: hostnetwork = HostNetwork() hostnetwork.network = self._get_network(net, name) hostnetwork.interface = hostsconf.get_host_network_interface(name, net) hostnetwork.ip_holding_interface = hostsconf.get_host_network_ip_holding_interface(name, net) hostnetwork.ip = networkingconf.get_host_ip(name, net) mask = networkingconf.get_network_mask(net, domain) hostnetwork.ip = hostnetwork.ip + '/' + str(mask) hostnetwork.is_bonding = False for profile in hostnetprofiles: try: bondinginterfaces = networkprofilesconf.get_profile_bonding_interfaces(profile) if hostnetwork.interface in bondinginterfaces: hostnetwork.is_bonding = True hostnetwork.members = networkprofilesconf.get_profile_bonded_interfaces(profile, hostnetwork.interface) hostnetwork.linux_bonding_options = networkprofilesconf.get_profile_linux_bonding_options(profile) break except configerror.ConfigError: pass host.networks.append(hostnetwork) self.hosts.append(host) if host.is_controller: self.controllers.append(host) self.neutron_agent_hosts.add(host) if host.is_caas_master: self.caas_masters.append(host) if host.is_management: self.managements.append(host) if host.is_compute: self.computes.append(host) self.neutron_agent_hosts.add(host) if host.is_storage: self.storages.append(host) def _init_jinja_environment(self): # initialize networks and hosts networkingconf = self.confman.get_networking_config_handler() networks = networkingconf.get_networks() hostsconf = self.confman.get_hosts_config_handler() hosts = hostsconf.get_enabled_hosts() for net in networks: for host in hosts: self._get_network(net, host) self._get_host(host) # initialize HAS self.has.haproxy.external_vip = networkingconf.get_external_vip() self.has.haproxy.internal_vip = networkingconf.get_internal_vip() # initialize general self.general.dns_servers = networkingconf.get_dns() timeconf = self.confman.get_time_config_handler() self.general.ntp_servers = timeconf.get_ntp_servers() self.general.zone = timeconf.get_zone() usersconf = self.confman.get_users_config_handler() self.general.admin = usersconf.get_admin_user() self.general.password = usersconf.get_admin_user_password() caas_conf = self.confman.get_caas_config_handler() if caas_conf.get_caas_only(): self.general.openstack_password = usersconf.get_admin_password() else: openstackconfighandler = self.confman.get_openstack_config_handler() self.general.openstack_password = openstackconfighandler.get_admin_password()