# # Copyright 2021 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # The image tag here could only be latest, and helm tag could only be 1.1.0 EG_IMAGE_TAG: v1.3.2 HELM_TAG: 1.3.2 # Mode for online or offline install, currently only support offline NETWORK_MODE: offline # Absolute file path of source offline .tar.gz file on ansible host node TARBALL_FILE: "{{ inventory_dir }}/../ansible-{{ EG_IMAGE_TAG }}.tar.gz" # Target path where offline tarball be decompossed into TARBALL_PATH: /home/edgegallery-offline # Whether copy the offline package from the ansible host node to other node COPY_TAR_TO_TARGET: yes # Whether clean the TARBALL_PATH before install and after uninstall # true means clean and false means not clean TARBALL_PATH_CLEANUP: true # Whether enable ingress # true means enable and false means disable ENABLE_INGRESS: true # Whether deploy appPkgTransTool # true means deploy and false means undeploy ENABLE_APPD: true HELM_CHARTS_PATH: "{{ TARBALL_PATH }}/helm/helm-charts" MEP_HELM_RELEASE_NAME: mep-edgegallery MEPM_HELM_RELEASE_NAME: mecm-mepm-edgegallery APPSTORE_HELM_RELEASE_NAME: appstore-edgegallery DEVELOPER_HELM_RELEASE_NAME: developer-edgegallery MECM_MEO_HELM_RELEASE_NAME: mecm-meo-edgegallery ATP_HELM_RELEASE_NAME: atp-edgegallery EG_VIEW_HELM_RELEASE_NAME: eg-view-edgegallery MEPM_PORT: 30097 APPSTORE_PORT: 30091 DEVELOPER_PORT: 30092 MECM_PORT: 30093 ATP_PORT: 30094 EDGEGALLERY_PORT: 30095 USER_MGMT_PORT: 30067 LAB_PORT: 30096 HEALTHCHECK_PORT: 32759 HEALTHCHECK_M_PORT: 32757 # Set the Passwords for developer OpenStack Ubuntu VM developerVMImagePassword: # certPassword is used for generating SSL keys certPassword: # used for signature SIGNATURE_SECRET_NAME: # If harbor is setup in a remote system, then mention the remote system IP as harbor IP #HarborIP: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx # If SIGNATURE_CERT_P12 and SIGNATURE_CERT_CER are set here, will use it. Otherwise will generate them automatically #SIGNATURE_CERT_P12: xxx/xxx/xxx.p12 #SIGNATURE_CERT_CER: xxx/xxx/xxx.cer # If the above 2 files are given, should also give the password used to generate them #SIGNATURE_PWD: xxx # Params used by EG NFS persistence storage EGUSER_NAME: eguser EGGROUP_NAME: eggroup EGUSER_UID: 166 EGGROUP_GID: 166 APPSTORE_PACKAGES: /edgegallery/appstore/packages FILE_SYSTEM_PACKAGES: /edgegallery/filesystem/images