# Welcome to IEC API Server The IEC API server is built on Revel web framework. So the following information is inherited from [Revel](https://github.com/revel/revel). We changed the default listening port of Revel from 9000 to 9131, which may be special for IEC use. # Welcome to Revel A high-productivity web framework for the [Go language](http://www.golang.org/). ### Start the web server: revel run apiserver prod ### Go to http://localhost:9131/v1/iec/status and you'll see: {"Status":"ok","Passed":true} ## Code Layout The directory structure of a generated Revel application: conf/ Configuration directory app.conf Main app configuration file routes Routes definition file app/ App sources init.go Interceptor registration controllers/ App controllers go here views/ Templates directory messages/ Message files public/ Public static assets css/ CSS files js/ Javascript files images/ Image files tests/ Test suites ## Help * The [Getting Started with Revel](http://revel.github.io/tutorial/gettingstarted.html). * The [Revel guides](http://revel.github.io/manual/index.html). * The [Revel sample apps](http://revel.github.io/examples/index.html). * The [API documentation](https://godoc.org/github.com/revel/revel).