// Copyright (c) 2012-2016 The Revel Framework Authors, All rights reserved. // Revel Framework source code and usage is governed by a MIT style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package revel import "testing" func TestToBooleanForFalse(t *testing.T) { if ToBool(nil) || ToBool([]string{}) || ToBool(map[string]string{}) || ToBool(0) || ToBool(0.0) || ToBool("") || ToBool("false") || ToBool("0") || ToBool("0.0") || ToBool("off") || ToBool("f") { t.Error("Expected 'false' got 'true'") } } func TestToBooleanForTrue(t *testing.T) { if !ToBool([]string{"true"}) || !ToBool(map[string]string{"true": "value"}) || !ToBool(1) || !ToBool(0.1) || !ToBool("not empty") || !ToBool("true") || !ToBool("1") || !ToBool("1.0") || !ToBool("on") || !ToBool("t") { t.Error("Expected 'true' got 'false'") } }