package logger // Get all handlers based on the Config (if available) import ( "fmt" "" "log" "os" "path/filepath" "strings" ) func InitializeFromConfig(basePath string, config *config.Context) (c *CompositeMultiHandler) { // If running in test mode suppress anything that is not an error if config != nil && config.BoolDefault(TEST_MODE_FLAG, false) { // Preconfigure all the options config.SetOption("", "none") config.SetOption("log.debug.output", "none") config.SetOption("log.warn.output", "none") config.SetOption("log.error.output", "stderr") config.SetOption("log.crit.output", "stderr") } // If the configuration has an all option we can skip some c, _ = NewCompositeMultiHandler() // Filters are assigned first, non filtered items override filters if config != nil && !config.BoolDefault(TEST_MODE_FLAG, false) { initAllLog(c, basePath, config) } initLogLevels(c, basePath, config) if c.CriticalHandler == nil && c.ErrorHandler != nil { c.CriticalHandler = c.ErrorHandler } if config != nil && !config.BoolDefault(TEST_MODE_FLAG, false) { initFilterLog(c, basePath, config) if c.CriticalHandler == nil && c.ErrorHandler != nil { c.CriticalHandler = c.ErrorHandler } initRequestLog(c, basePath, config) } return c } // Init the log.all configuration options func initAllLog(c *CompositeMultiHandler, basePath string, config *config.Context) { if config != nil { extraLogFlag := config.BoolDefault(SPECIAL_USE_FLAG, false) if output, found := config.String("log.all.output"); found { // Set all output for the specified handler if extraLogFlag { log.Printf("Adding standard handler for levels to >%s< ", output) } initHandlerFor(c, output, basePath, NewLogOptions(config, true, nil, LvlAllList...)) } } } // Init the filter options // log.all.filter .... // log.error.filter .... func initFilterLog(c *CompositeMultiHandler, basePath string, config *config.Context) { if config != nil { extraLogFlag := config.BoolDefault(SPECIAL_USE_FLAG, false) for _, logFilter := range logFilterList { // Init for all filters for _, name := range []string{"all", "debug", "info", "warn", "error", "crit", "trace", // TODO trace is deprecated } { optionList := config.Options(logFilter.LogPrefix + name + logFilter.LogSuffix) for _, option := range optionList { splitOptions := strings.Split(option, ".") keyMap := map[string]interface{}{} for x := 3; x < len(splitOptions); x += 2 { keyMap[splitOptions[x]] = splitOptions[x+1] } phandler := logFilter.parentHandler(keyMap) if extraLogFlag { log.Printf("Adding key map handler %s %s output %s", option, name, config.StringDefault(option, "")) fmt.Printf("Adding key map handler %s %s output %s matching %#v\n", option, name, config.StringDefault(option, ""), keyMap) } if name == "all" { initHandlerFor(c, config.StringDefault(option, ""), basePath, NewLogOptions(config, false, phandler)) } else { initHandlerFor(c, config.StringDefault(option, ""), basePath, NewLogOptions(config, false, phandler, toLevel[name])) } } } } } } // Init the log.error, log.warn etc configuration options func initLogLevels(c *CompositeMultiHandler, basePath string, config *config.Context) { for _, name := range []string{"debug", "info", "warn", "error", "crit", "trace", // TODO trace is deprecated } { if config != nil { extraLogFlag := config.BoolDefault(SPECIAL_USE_FLAG, false) output, found := config.String("log." + name + ".output") if found { if extraLogFlag { log.Printf("Adding standard handler %s output %s", name, output) } initHandlerFor(c, output, basePath, NewLogOptions(config, true, nil, toLevel[name])) } // Gets the list of options with said prefix } else { initHandlerFor(c, "stderr", basePath, NewLogOptions(config, true, nil, toLevel[name])) } } } // Init the request log options func initRequestLog(c *CompositeMultiHandler, basePath string, config *config.Context) { // Request logging to a separate output handler // This takes the InfoHandlers and adds a MatchAbHandler handler to it to direct // context with the word "section=requestlog" to that handler. // Note if request logging is not enabled the MatchAbHandler will not be added and the // request log messages will be sent out the INFO handler outputRequest := "stdout" if config != nil { outputRequest = config.StringDefault("log.request.output", "") } oldInfo := c.InfoHandler c.InfoHandler = nil if outputRequest != "" { initHandlerFor(c, outputRequest, basePath, NewLogOptions(config, false, nil, LvlInfo)) } if c.InfoHandler != nil || oldInfo != nil { if c.InfoHandler == nil { c.InfoHandler = oldInfo } else { c.InfoHandler = MatchAbHandler("section", "requestlog", c.InfoHandler, oldInfo) } } } // Returns a handler for the level using the output string // Accept formats for output string are // LogFunctionMap[value] callback function // `stdout` `stderr` `full/file/path/to/location/app.log` `full/file/path/to/location/app.json` func initHandlerFor(c *CompositeMultiHandler, output, basePath string, options *LogOptions) { if options.Ctx != nil { options.SetExtendedOptions( "noColor", !options.Ctx.BoolDefault("log.colorize", true), "smallDate", options.Ctx.BoolDefault("log.smallDate", true), "maxSize", options.Ctx.IntDefault("log.maxsize", 1024*10), "maxAge", options.Ctx.IntDefault("log.maxage", 14), "maxBackups", options.Ctx.IntDefault("log.maxbackups", 14), "compressBackups", !options.Ctx.BoolDefault("log.compressBackups", true), ) } output = strings.TrimSpace(output) if funcHandler, found := LogFunctionMap[output]; found { funcHandler(c, options) } else { switch output { case "": fallthrough case "off": // No handler, discard data default: // Write to file specified if !filepath.IsAbs(output) { output = filepath.Join(basePath, output) } if err := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(output), 0755); err != nil { log.Panic(err) } if strings.HasSuffix(output, "json") { c.SetJsonFile(output, options) } else { // Override defaults for a terminal file options.SetExtendedOptions("noColor", true) options.SetExtendedOptions("smallDate", false) c.SetTerminalFile(output, options) } } } return }