package revel import ( "fmt" "" "go/build" "" "path/filepath" "sort" "strings" ) // Module specific functions type Module struct { Name, ImportPath, Path string ControllerTypeList []*ControllerType Log logger.MultiLogger initializedModules map[string]ModuleCallbackInterface } // Modules can be called back after they are loaded in revel by using this interface. type ModuleCallbackInterface func(*Module) // The namespace separator constant const namespaceSeperator = `\` // (note cannot be . or : as this is already used for routes) var ( Modules []*Module // The list of modules in use anyModule = &Module{} // Wildcard search for controllers for a module (for backward compatible lookups) appModule = &Module{Name: "App", initializedModules: map[string]ModuleCallbackInterface{}, Log: AppLog} // The app module moduleLog = RevelLog.New("section", "module") ) // Called by a module init() function, caller will receive the *Module object created for that module // This would be useful for assigning a logger for logging information in the module (since the module context would be correct) func RegisterModuleInit(callback ModuleCallbackInterface) { // Store the module that called this so we can do a callback when the app is initialized // The format %+k is from go-stack/Call.Format and returns the package path key := fmt.Sprintf("%+k", stack.Caller(1)) appModule.initializedModules[key] = callback if Initialized { RevelLog.Error("Application already initialized, initializing using app module", "key", key) callback(appModule) } } // Called on startup to make a callback so that modules can be initialized through the `RegisterModuleInit` function func init() { AddInitEventHandler(func(typeOf Event, value interface{}) (responseOf EventResponse) { if typeOf == REVEL_BEFORE_MODULES_LOADED { Modules = []*Module{appModule} appModule.Path = filepath.ToSlash(AppPath) appModule.ImportPath = filepath.ToSlash(AppPath) } return }) } // Returns the namespace for the module in the format `module_name|` func (m *Module) Namespace() (namespace string) { namespace = m.Name + namespaceSeperator return } // Returns the named controller and action that is in this module func (m *Module) ControllerByName(name, action string) (ctype *ControllerType) { comparison := name if strings.Index(name, namespaceSeperator) < 0 { comparison = m.Namespace() + name } for _, c := range m.ControllerTypeList { if c.Name() == comparison { ctype = c break } } return } // Adds the controller type to this module func (m *Module) AddController(ct *ControllerType) { m.ControllerTypeList = append(m.ControllerTypeList, ct) } // Based on the full path given return the relevant module // Only to be used on initialization func ModuleFromPath(path string, addGopathToPath bool) (module *Module) { path = filepath.ToSlash(path) gopathList := filepath.SplitList(build.Default.GOPATH) // Strip away the vendor folder if i := strings.Index(path, "/vendor/"); i > 0 { path = path[i+len("vendor/"):] } // See if the path exists in the module based for i := range Modules { if addGopathToPath { for _, gopath := range gopathList { if strings.Contains(filepath.ToSlash(filepath.Clean(filepath.Join(gopath, "src", path))), Modules[i].Path) { module = Modules[i] break } } } else { if strings.Contains(path, Modules[i].ImportPath) { module = Modules[i] break } } if module != nil { break } } // Default to the app module if not found if module == nil { module = appModule } return } // ModuleByName returns the module of the given name, if loaded, case insensitive. func ModuleByName(name string) (*Module, bool) { // If the name ends with the namespace separator remove it if name[len(name)-1] == []byte(namespaceSeperator)[0] { name = name[:len(name)-1] } name = strings.ToLower(name) if name == strings.ToLower(appModule.Name) { return appModule, true } for _, module := range Modules { if strings.ToLower(module.Name) == name { return module, true } } return nil, false } // Loads the modules specified in the config func loadModules() { keys := []string{} for _, key := range Config.Options("module.") { keys = append(keys, key) } // Reorder module order by key name, a poor mans sort but at least it is consistent sort.Strings(keys) for _, key := range keys { moduleLog.Debug("Sorted keys", "keys", key) } for _, key := range keys { moduleImportPath := Config.StringDefault(key, "") if moduleImportPath == "" { continue } modulePath, err := ResolveImportPath(moduleImportPath) if err != nil { moduleLog.Error("Failed to load module. Import of path failed", "modulePath", moduleImportPath, "error", err) } // Drop anything between module.???. subKey := key[len("module."):] if index := strings.Index(subKey, "."); index > -1 { subKey = subKey[index+1:] } addModule(subKey, moduleImportPath, modulePath) } // Modules loaded, now show module path for key, callback := range appModule.initializedModules { if m := ModuleFromPath(key, false); m != nil { callback(m) } else { RevelLog.Error("Callback for non registered module initializing with application module", "modulePath", key) callback(appModule) } } } // called by `loadModules`, creates a new `Module` instance and appends it to the `Modules` list func addModule(name, importPath, modulePath string) { if _, found := ModuleByName(name); found { moduleLog.Panic("Attempt to import duplicate module %s path %s aborting startup", "name", name, "path", modulePath) } Modules = append(Modules, &Module{Name: name, ImportPath: filepath.ToSlash(importPath), Path: filepath.ToSlash(modulePath), Log: RootLog.New("module", name)}) if codePath := filepath.Join(modulePath, "app"); DirExists(codePath) { CodePaths = append(CodePaths, codePath) if viewsPath := filepath.Join(modulePath, "app", "views"); DirExists(viewsPath) { TemplatePaths = append(TemplatePaths, viewsPath) } } moduleLog.Debug("Loaded module ", "module", filepath.Base(modulePath)) // Hack: There is presently no way for the testrunner module to add the // "test" subdirectory to the CodePaths. So this does it instead. if importPath == Config.StringDefault("module.testrunner", "") { joinedPath := filepath.Join(BasePath, "tests") moduleLog.Debug("Found testrunner module, adding `tests` path ", "path", joinedPath) CodePaths = append(CodePaths, joinedPath) } if testsPath := filepath.Join(modulePath, "tests"); DirExists(testsPath) { moduleLog.Debug("Found tests path ", "path", testsPath) CodePaths = append(CodePaths, testsPath) } }