// Copyright (c) 2012-2017 The Revel Framework Authors, All rights reserved. // Revel Framework source code and usage is governed by a MIT style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package revel import ( "encoding/json" "errors" "io/ioutil" "mime/multipart" "net/url" "os" "reflect" ) // Params provides a unified view of the request params. // Includes: // - URL query string // - Form values // - File uploads // // Warning: param maps other than Values may be nil if there were none. type Params struct { url.Values // A unified view of all the individual param maps below. // Set by the router Fixed url.Values // Fixed parameters from the route, e.g. App.Action("fixed param") Route url.Values // Parameters extracted from the route, e.g. /customers/{id} // Set by the ParamsFilter Query url.Values // Parameters from the query string, e.g. /index?limit=10 Form url.Values // Parameters from the request body. Files map[string][]*multipart.FileHeader // Files uploaded in a multipart form tmpFiles []*os.File // Temp files used during the request. JSON []byte // JSON data from request body } var paramsLogger = RevelLog.New("section", "params") // ParseParams parses the `http.Request` params into `revel.Controller.Params` func ParseParams(params *Params, req *Request) { params.Query = req.GetQuery() // Parse the body depending on the content type. switch req.ContentType { case "application/x-www-form-urlencoded": // Typical form. var err error if params.Form, err = req.GetForm(); err != nil { paramsLogger.Warn("ParseParams: Error parsing request body", "error", err) } case "multipart/form-data": // Multipart form. if mp, err := req.GetMultipartForm(); err != nil { paramsLogger.Warn("ParseParams: parsing request body:", "error", err) } else { params.Form = mp.GetValues() params.Files = mp.GetFiles() } case "application/json": fallthrough case "text/json": if body := req.GetBody(); body != nil { if content, err := ioutil.ReadAll(body); err == nil { // We wont bind it until we determine what we are binding too params.JSON = content } else { paramsLogger.Error("ParseParams: Failed to ready request body bytes", "error", err) } } else { paramsLogger.Info("ParseParams: Json post received with empty body") } } params.Values = params.calcValues() } // Bind looks for the named parameter, converts it to the requested type, and // writes it into "dest", which must be settable. If the value can not be // parsed, "dest" is set to the zero value. func (p *Params) Bind(dest interface{}, name string) { value := reflect.ValueOf(dest) if value.Kind() != reflect.Ptr { paramsLogger.Panic("Bind: revel/params: non-pointer passed to Bind: " + name) } value = value.Elem() if !value.CanSet() { paramsLogger.Panic("Bind: revel/params: non-settable variable passed to Bind: " + name) } // Remove the json from the Params, this will stop the binder from attempting // to use the json data to populate the destination interface. We do not want // to do this on a named bind directly against the param, it is ok to happen when // the action is invoked. jsonData := p.JSON p.JSON = nil value.Set(Bind(p, name, value.Type())) p.JSON = jsonData } // Bind binds the JSON data to the dest. func (p *Params) BindJSON(dest interface{}) error { value := reflect.ValueOf(dest) if value.Kind() != reflect.Ptr { paramsLogger.Warn("BindJSON: Not a pointer") return errors.New("BindJSON not a pointer") } if err := json.Unmarshal(p.JSON, dest); err != nil { paramsLogger.Warn("BindJSON: Unable to unmarshal request:", "error", err) return err } return nil } // calcValues returns a unified view of the component param maps. func (p *Params) calcValues() url.Values { numParams := len(p.Query) + len(p.Fixed) + len(p.Route) + len(p.Form) // If there were no params, return an empty map. if numParams == 0 { return make(url.Values, 0) } // If only one of the param sources has anything, return that directly. switch numParams { case len(p.Query): return p.Query case len(p.Route): return p.Route case len(p.Fixed): return p.Fixed case len(p.Form): return p.Form } // Copy everything into a param map, // order of priority is least to most trusted values := make(url.Values, numParams) // ?query string parameters are first for k, v := range p.Query { values[k] = append(values[k], v...) } // form parameters append for k, v := range p.Form { values[k] = append(values[k], v...) } // :/path parameters overwrite for k, v := range p.Route { values[k] = v } // fixed route parameters overwrite for k, v := range p.Fixed { values[k] = v } return values } func ParamsFilter(c *Controller, fc []Filter) { ParseParams(c.Params, c.Request) // Clean up from the request. defer func() { for _, tmpFile := range c.Params.tmpFiles { err := os.Remove(tmpFile.Name()) if err != nil { paramsLogger.Warn("ParamsFilter: Could not remove upload temp file:", err) } } }() fc[0](c, fc[1:]) }