// Copyright (c) 2012-2016 The Revel Framework Authors, All rights reserved. // Revel Framework source code and usage is governed by a MIT style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package revel import ( "go/build" "log" "path/filepath" "strings" "encoding/json" "fmt" "github.com/revel/config" "github.com/revel/revel/logger" "github.com/revel/revel/model" ) const ( // RevelImportPath Revel framework import path RevelImportPath = "github.com/revel/revel" ) const ( TEST_MODE_FLAG = "testModeFlag" SPECIAL_USE_FLAG = "specialUseFlag" ) // App details var ( RevelConfig *model.RevelContainer AppName string // e.g. "sample" AppRoot string // e.g. "/app1" BasePath string // e.g. "$GOPATH/src/corp/sample" AppPath string // e.g. "$GOPATH/src/corp/sample/app" ViewsPath string // e.g. "$GOPATH/src/corp/sample/app/views" ImportPath string // e.g. "corp/sample" SourcePath string // e.g. "$GOPATH/src" Config *config.Context RunMode string // Application-defined (by default, "dev" or "prod") DevMode bool // if true, RunMode is a development mode. // Revel installation details RevelPath string // e.g. "$GOPATH/src/github.com/revel/revel" // Where to look for templates // Ordered by priority. (Earlier paths take precedence over later paths.) CodePaths []string // Code base directories, for modules and app TemplatePaths []string // Template path directories manually added // ConfPaths where to look for configurations // Config load order // 1. framework (revel/conf/*) // 2. application (conf/*) // 3. user supplied configs (...) - User configs can override/add any from above ConfPaths []string // Server config. // // Alert: This is how the app is configured, which may be different from // the current process reality. For example, if the app is configured for // port 9000, HTTPPort will always be 9000, even though in dev mode it is // run on a random port and proxied. HTTPPort int // e.g. 9000 HTTPAddr string // e.g. "", "" HTTPSsl bool // e.g. true if using ssl HTTPSslCert string // e.g. "/path/to/cert.pem" HTTPSslKey string // e.g. "/path/to/key.pem" // All cookies dropped by the framework begin with this prefix. CookiePrefix string // Cookie domain CookieDomain string // Cookie flags CookieSecure bool // Revel request access log, not exposed from package. // However output settings can be controlled from app.conf // True when revel engine has been initialized (Init has returned) Initialized bool // Private secretKey []byte // Key used to sign cookies. An empty key disables signing. packaged bool // If true, this is running from a pre-built package. initEventList = []EventHandler{} // Event handler list for receiving events ) // Init initializes Revel -- it provides paths for getting around the app. // // Params: // mode - the run mode, which determines which app.conf settings are used. // importPath - the Go import path of the application. // srcPath - the path to the source directory, containing Revel and the app. // If not specified (""), then a functioning Go installation is required. func Init(inputmode, importPath, srcPath string) { RevelConfig = &model.RevelContainer{} // Ignore trailing slashes. ImportPath = strings.TrimRight(importPath, "/") SourcePath = srcPath RunMode = updateLog(inputmode) // If the SourcePath is not specified, find it using build.Import. var revelSourcePath string // may be different from the app source path if SourcePath == "" { revelSourcePath, SourcePath = findSrcPaths(importPath) } else { // If the SourcePath was specified, assume both Revel and the app are within it. SourcePath = filepath.Clean(SourcePath) revelSourcePath = SourcePath packaged = true } RevelPath = filepath.Join(revelSourcePath, filepath.FromSlash(RevelImportPath)) BasePath = filepath.Join(SourcePath, filepath.FromSlash(importPath)) AppPath = filepath.Join(BasePath, "app") ViewsPath = filepath.Join(AppPath, "views") CodePaths = []string{AppPath} if ConfPaths == nil { ConfPaths = []string{} } // Config load order // 1. framework (revel/conf/*) // 2. application (conf/*) // 3. user supplied configs (...) - User configs can override/add any from above ConfPaths = append( []string{ filepath.Join(RevelPath, "conf"), filepath.Join(BasePath, "conf"), }, ConfPaths...) TemplatePaths = []string{ ViewsPath, filepath.Join(RevelPath, "templates"), } // Load app.conf var err error Config, err = config.LoadContext("app.conf", ConfPaths) if err != nil || Config == nil { RevelLog.Fatal("Failed to load app.conf:", "error", err) } // After application config is loaded update the logger updateLog(inputmode) // Configure properties from app.conf DevMode = Config.BoolDefault("mode.dev", false) HTTPPort = Config.IntDefault("http.port", 9000) HTTPAddr = Config.StringDefault("http.addr", "") HTTPSsl = Config.BoolDefault("http.ssl", false) HTTPSslCert = Config.StringDefault("http.sslcert", "") HTTPSslKey = Config.StringDefault("http.sslkey", "") if HTTPSsl { if HTTPSslCert == "" { RevelLog.Fatal("No http.sslcert provided.") } if HTTPSslKey == "" { RevelLog.Fatal("No http.sslkey provided.") } } AppName = Config.StringDefault("app.name", "(not set)") AppRoot = Config.StringDefault("app.root", "") CookiePrefix = Config.StringDefault("cookie.prefix", "REVEL") CookieDomain = Config.StringDefault("cookie.domain", "") CookieSecure = Config.BoolDefault("cookie.secure", HTTPSsl) if secretStr := Config.StringDefault("app.secret", ""); secretStr != "" { SetSecretKey([]byte(secretStr)) } RaiseEvent(REVEL_BEFORE_MODULES_LOADED, nil) loadModules() RaiseEvent(REVEL_AFTER_MODULES_LOADED, nil) Initialized = true RevelLog.Info("Initialized Revel", "Version", Version, "BuildDate", BuildDate, "MinimumGoVersion", MinimumGoVersion) } // The input mode can be as simple as "prod" or it can be a JSON string like // {"mode":"%s","testModeFlag":true} // When this function is called it returns the true "inputmode" extracted from the parameter // and it sets the log context appropriately func updateLog(inputmode string) (returnMode string) { if inputmode == "" { returnMode = config.DefaultSection return } else { returnMode = inputmode } // Check to see if the mode is a json object modemap := map[string]interface{}{} var testModeFlag, specialUseFlag bool if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(inputmode), &modemap); err == nil { returnMode = modemap["mode"].(string) if testmode, found := modemap[TEST_MODE_FLAG]; found { testModeFlag, _ = testmode.(bool) } if specialUse, found := modemap[SPECIAL_USE_FLAG]; found { specialUseFlag, _ = specialUse.(bool) } } var newContext *config.Context // If the Config is nil, set the logger to minimal log messages by adding the option if Config == nil { newContext = config.NewContext() newContext.SetOption(TEST_MODE_FLAG, fmt.Sprint(true)) } else { // Ensure that the selected runmode appears in app.conf. // If empty string is passed as the mode, treat it as "DEFAULT" if !Config.HasSection(returnMode) { log.Fatalln("app.conf: No mode found:", returnMode) } Config.SetSection(returnMode) newContext = Config } // Only set the testmode flag if it doesnt exist if _, found := newContext.Bool(TEST_MODE_FLAG); !found { newContext.SetOption(TEST_MODE_FLAG, fmt.Sprint(testModeFlag)) } if _, found := newContext.Bool(SPECIAL_USE_FLAG); !found { newContext.SetOption(SPECIAL_USE_FLAG, fmt.Sprint(specialUseFlag)) } appHandle := logger.InitializeFromConfig(BasePath, newContext) // Set all the log handlers setAppLog(AppLog, appHandle) return } // Set the secret key func SetSecretKey(newKey []byte) error { secretKey = newKey return nil } // ResolveImportPath returns the filesystem path for the given import path. // Returns an error if the import path could not be found. func ResolveImportPath(importPath string) (string, error) { if packaged { return filepath.Join(SourcePath, importPath), nil } modPkg, err := build.Import(importPath, RevelPath, build.FindOnly) if err != nil { return "", err } return modPkg.Dir, nil } // CheckInit method checks `revel.Initialized` if not initialized it panics func CheckInit() { if !Initialized { RevelLog.Panic("CheckInit: Revel has not been initialized!") } } // findSrcPaths uses the "go/build" package to find the source root for Revel // and the app. func findSrcPaths(importPath string) (revelSourcePath, appSourcePath string) { var ( gopaths = filepath.SplitList(build.Default.GOPATH) goroot = build.Default.GOROOT ) if len(gopaths) == 0 { RevelLog.Fatal("GOPATH environment variable is not set. " + "Please refer to http://golang.org/doc/code.html to configure your Go environment.") } if ContainsString(gopaths, goroot) { RevelLog.Fatalf("GOPATH (%s) must not include your GOROOT (%s). "+ "Please refer to http://golang.org/doc/code.html to configure your Go environment.", gopaths, goroot) } appPkg, err := build.Import(importPath, "", build.FindOnly) if err != nil { RevelLog.Panic("Failed to import "+importPath+" with error:", "error", err) } revelPkg, err := build.Import(RevelImportPath, appPkg.Dir, build.FindOnly) if err != nil { RevelLog.Fatal("Failed to find Revel with error:", "error", err) } return revelPkg.Dir[:len(revelPkg.Dir)-len(RevelImportPath)], appPkg.SrcRoot }