package revel import ( "bytes" "errors" "fmt" "" "html" "html/template" "reflect" "strings" "time" ) var ( // The functions available for use in the templates. TemplateFuncs = map[string]interface{}{ "url": ReverseURL, "set": func(viewArgs map[string]interface{}, key string, value interface{}) template.JS { viewArgs[key] = value return template.JS("") }, "append": func(viewArgs map[string]interface{}, key string, value interface{}) template.JS { if viewArgs[key] == nil { viewArgs[key] = []interface{}{value} } else { viewArgs[key] = append(viewArgs[key].([]interface{}), value) } return template.JS("") }, "field": NewField, "firstof": func(args ...interface{}) interface{} { for _, val := range args { switch val.(type) { case nil: continue case string: if val == "" { continue } return val default: return val } } return nil }, "option": func(f *Field, val interface{}, label string) template.HTML { selected := "" if f.Flash() == val || (f.Flash() == "" && f.Value() == val) { selected = " selected" } return template.HTML(fmt.Sprintf(``, html.EscapeString(fmt.Sprintf("%v", val)), selected, html.EscapeString(label))) }, "radio": func(f *Field, val string) template.HTML { checked := "" if f.Flash() == val { checked = " checked" } return template.HTML(fmt.Sprintf(``, html.EscapeString(f.Name), html.EscapeString(val), checked)) }, "checkbox": func(f *Field, val string) template.HTML { checked := "" if f.Flash() == val { checked = " checked" } return template.HTML(fmt.Sprintf(``, html.EscapeString(f.Name), html.EscapeString(val), checked)) }, // Pads the given string with  's up to the given width. "pad": func(str string, width int) template.HTML { if len(str) >= width { return template.HTML(html.EscapeString(str)) } return template.HTML(html.EscapeString(str) + strings.Repeat(" ", width-len(str))) }, "errorClass": func(name string, viewArgs map[string]interface{}) template.HTML { errorMap, ok := viewArgs["errors"].(map[string]*ValidationError) if !ok || errorMap == nil { templateLog.Warn("errorClass: Called 'errorClass' without 'errors' in the view args.") return template.HTML("") } valError, ok := errorMap[name] if !ok || valError == nil { return template.HTML("") } return template.HTML(ErrorCSSClass) }, "msg": func(viewArgs map[string]interface{}, message string, args ...interface{}) template.HTML { str, ok := viewArgs[CurrentLocaleViewArg].(string) if !ok { return "" } return template.HTML(MessageFunc(str, message, args...)) }, // Replaces newlines with
"nl2br": func(text string) template.HTML { return template.HTML(strings.Replace(template.HTMLEscapeString(text), "\n", "
", -1)) }, // Skips sanitation on the parameter. Do not use with dynamic data. "raw": func(text string) template.HTML { return template.HTML(text) }, // Pluralize, a helper for pluralizing words to correspond to data of dynamic length. // items - a slice of items, or an integer indicating how many items there are. // pluralOverrides - optional arguments specifying the output in the // singular and plural cases. by default "" and "s" "pluralize": func(items interface{}, pluralOverrides ...string) string { singular, plural := "", "s" if len(pluralOverrides) >= 1 { singular = pluralOverrides[0] if len(pluralOverrides) == 2 { plural = pluralOverrides[1] } } switch v := reflect.ValueOf(items); v.Kind() { case reflect.Int: if items.(int) != 1 { return plural } case reflect.Slice: if v.Len() != 1 { return plural } default: templateLog.Error("pluralize: unexpected type: ", "value", v) } return singular }, // Format a date according to the application's default date(time) format. "date": func(date time.Time) string { return date.Format(DateFormat) }, "datetime": func(date time.Time) string { return date.Format(DateTimeFormat) }, // Fetch an object from the session. "session": func(key string, viewArgs map[string]interface{}) interface{} { if viewArgs != nil { if c, found := viewArgs["_controller"]; found { if v, err := c.(*Controller).Session.Get(key); err == nil { return v } else { templateLog.Errorf("template.session, key %s error %v", key, err) } } else { templateLog.Warnf("template.session, key %s requested without controller", key) } } else { templateLog.Warnf("template.session, key %s requested passing in view args", key) } return "" }, "slug": Slug, "even": func(a int) bool { return (a % 2) == 0 }, // Using "timeago": TimeAgo, "i18ntemplate": func(args ...interface{}) (template.HTML, error) { templateName, lang := "", "" var viewArgs interface{} switch len(args) { case 0: templateLog.Error("i18ntemplate: No arguments passed to template call") case 1: // Assume only the template name is passed in templateName = args[0].(string) case 2: // Assume template name and viewArgs is passed in templateName = args[0].(string) viewArgs = args[1] // Try to extract language from the view args if viewargsmap, ok := viewArgs.(map[string]interface{}); ok { lang, _ = viewargsmap[CurrentLocaleViewArg].(string) } default: // Assume third argument is the region templateName = args[0].(string) viewArgs = args[1] lang, _ = args[2].(string) if len(args) > 3 { templateLog.Error("i18ntemplate: Received more parameters then needed for", "template", templateName) } } var buf bytes.Buffer // Get template tmpl, err := MainTemplateLoader.TemplateLang(templateName, lang) if err == nil { err = tmpl.Render(&buf, viewArgs) } else { templateLog.Error("i18ntemplate: Failed to render i18ntemplate ", "name", templateName, "error", err) } return template.HTML(buf.String()), err }, } ) ///////////////////// // Template functions ///////////////////// // ReverseURL returns a url capable of invoking a given controller method: // "Application.ShowApp 123" => "/app/123" func ReverseURL(args ...interface{}) (template.URL, error) { if len(args) == 0 { return "", errors.New("no arguments provided to reverse route") } action := args[0].(string) if action == "Root" { return template.URL(AppRoot), nil } pathData, found := splitActionPath(nil, action, true) if !found { return "", fmt.Errorf("reversing '%s', expected 'Controller.Action'", action) } // Look up the types. if pathData.TypeOfController == nil { return "", fmt.Errorf("Failed reversing %s: controller not found %#v", action, pathData) } // Note method name is case insensitive search methodType := pathData.TypeOfController.Method(pathData.MethodName) if methodType == nil { return "", errors.New("revel/controller: In " + action + " failed to find function " + pathData.MethodName) } if len(methodType.Args) < len(args)-1 { return "", fmt.Errorf("reversing %s: route defines %d args, but received %d", action, len(methodType.Args), len(args)-1) } // Unbind the arguments. argsByName := make(map[string]string) // Bind any static args first fixedParams := len(pathData.FixedParamsByName) for i, argValue := range args[1:] { Unbind(argsByName, methodType.Args[i+fixedParams].Name, argValue) } return template.URL(MainRouter.Reverse(args[0].(string), argsByName).URL), nil } func Slug(text string) string { separator := "-" text = strings.ToLower(text) text = invalidSlugPattern.ReplaceAllString(text, "") text = whiteSpacePattern.ReplaceAllString(text, separator) text = strings.Trim(text, separator) return text } var timeAgoLangs = map[string]timeago.Config{} func TimeAgo(args ...interface{}) string { datetime := time.Now() lang := "" var viewArgs interface{} switch len(args) { case 0: templateLog.Error("TimeAgo: No arguments passed to timeago") case 1: // only the time is passed in datetime = args[0].(time.Time) case 2: // time and region is passed in datetime = args[0].(time.Time) switch v := reflect.ValueOf(args[1]); v.Kind() { case reflect.String: // second params type string equals region lang, _ = args[1].(string) case reflect.Map: // second params type map equals viewArgs viewArgs = args[1] if viewargsmap, ok := viewArgs.(map[string]interface{}); ok { lang, _ = viewargsmap[CurrentLocaleViewArg].(string) } default: templateLog.Error("TimeAgo: unexpected type: ", "value", v) } default: // Assume third argument is the region datetime = args[0].(time.Time) if reflect.ValueOf(args[1]).Kind() != reflect.Map { templateLog.Error("TimeAgo: unexpected type", "value", args[1]) } if reflect.ValueOf(args[2]).Kind() != reflect.String { templateLog.Error("TimeAgo: unexpected type: ", "value", args[2]) } viewArgs = args[1] lang, _ = args[2].(string) if len(args) > 3 { templateLog.Error("TimeAgo: Received more parameters then needed for timeago") } } if lang == "" { lang, _ = Config.String(defaultLanguageOption) if lang == "en" { timeAgoLangs[lang] = timeago.English } } _, ok := timeAgoLangs[lang] if !ok { timeAgoLangs[lang] = timeago.Config{ PastPrefix: "", PastSuffix: " " + MessageFunc(lang, "ago"), FuturePrefix: MessageFunc(lang, "in") + " ", FutureSuffix: "", Periods: []timeago.FormatPeriod{ {time.Second, MessageFunc(lang, "about a second"), MessageFunc(lang, "%d seconds")}, {time.Minute, MessageFunc(lang, "about a minute"), MessageFunc(lang, "%d minutes")}, {time.Hour, MessageFunc(lang, "about an hour"), MessageFunc(lang, "%d hours")}, {timeago.Day, MessageFunc(lang, "one day"), MessageFunc(lang, "%d days")}, {timeago.Month, MessageFunc(lang, "one month"), MessageFunc(lang, "%d months")}, {timeago.Year, MessageFunc(lang, "one year"), MessageFunc(lang, "%d years")}, }, Zero: MessageFunc(lang, "about a second"), Max: 73 * time.Hour, DefaultLayout: "2006-01-02", } } return timeAgoLangs[lang].Format(datetime) }