// Copyright (c) 2012-2016 The Revel Framework Authors, All rights reserved. // Revel Framework source code and usage is governed by a MIT style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package revel_test import ( "fmt" "github.com/revel/revel" "net" "reflect" "regexp" "strings" "testing" "time" ) const ( errorsMessage = "validation for %s should not be satisfied with %s\n" noErrorsMessage = "validation for %s should be satisfied with %s\n" ) type Expect struct { input interface{} expectedResult bool errorMessage string } func performTests(validator revel.Validator, tests []Expect, t *testing.T) { for _, test := range tests { if validator.IsSatisfied(test.input) != test.expectedResult { if test.expectedResult { t.Errorf(noErrorsMessage, reflect.TypeOf(validator), test.errorMessage) } else { t.Errorf(errorsMessage, reflect.TypeOf(validator), test.errorMessage) } } } } func TestRequired(t *testing.T) { tests := []Expect{ {nil, false, "nil data"}, {"Testing", true, "non-empty string"}, {"", false, "empty string"}, {true, true, "true boolean"}, {false, false, "false boolean"}, {1, true, "positive integer"}, {-1, true, "negative integer"}, {0, false, "0 integer"}, {time.Now(), true, "current time"}, {time.Time{}, false, "a zero time"}, {func() {}, true, "other non-nil data types"}, {net.IP(""), false, "empty IP address"}, } // testing both the struct and the helper method for _, required := range []revel.Required{{}, revel.ValidRequired()} { performTests(required, tests, t) } } func TestMin(t *testing.T) { tests := []Expect{ {11, true, "val > min"}, {10, true, "val == min"}, {9, false, "val < min"}, {true, false, "TypeOf(val) != int"}, } for _, min := range []revel.Min{{10}, revel.ValidMin(10)} { performTests(min, tests, t) } } func TestMax(t *testing.T) { tests := []Expect{ {9, true, "val < max"}, {10, true, "val == max"}, {11, false, "val > max"}, {true, false, "TypeOf(val) != int"}, } for _, max := range []revel.Max{{10}, revel.ValidMax(10)} { performTests(max, tests, t) } } func TestRange(t *testing.T) { tests := []Expect{ {50, true, "min <= val <= max"}, {10, true, "val == min"}, {100, true, "val == max"}, {9, false, "val < min"}, {101, false, "val > max"}, } goodValidators := []revel.Range{ {revel.Min{10}, revel.Max{100}}, revel.ValidRange(10, 100), } for _, rangeValidator := range goodValidators { performTests(rangeValidator, tests, t) } testsFloat := []Expect{ {50, true, "min <= val <= max"}, {10.25, true, "val == min"}, {100, true, "val == max"}, {9, false, "val < min"}, {101, false, "val > max"}, } goodValidatorsFloat := []revel.Range{ {revel.Min{10.25}, revel.Max{100.5}}, revel.ValidRangeFloat(10.25, 100.5), } for _, rangeValidator := range goodValidatorsFloat { performTests(rangeValidator, testsFloat, t) } tests = []Expect{ {10, true, "min == val == max"}, {9, false, "val < min && val < max && min == max"}, {11, false, "val > min && val > max && min == max"}, } goodValidators = []revel.Range{ {revel.Min{10}, revel.Max{10}}, revel.ValidRange(10, 10), } for _, rangeValidator := range goodValidators { performTests(rangeValidator, tests, t) } tests = make([]Expect, 7) for i, num := range []int{50, 100, 10, 9, 101, 0, -1} { tests[i] = Expect{ num, false, "min > val < max", } } // these are min/max with values swapped, so the min is the high // and max is the low. rangeValidator.IsSatisfied() should ALWAYS // result in false since val can never be greater than min and less // than max when min > max badValidators := []revel.Range{ {revel.Min{100}, revel.Max{10}}, revel.ValidRange(100, 10), } for _, rangeValidator := range badValidators { performTests(rangeValidator, tests, t) } badValidatorsFloat := []revel.Range{ {revel.Min{100}, revel.Max{10}}, revel.ValidRangeFloat(100, 10), } for _, rangeValidator := range badValidatorsFloat { performTests(rangeValidator, tests, t) } } func TestMinSize(t *testing.T) { greaterThanMessage := "len(val) >= min" tests := []Expect{ {"12", true, greaterThanMessage}, {"123", true, greaterThanMessage}, {[]int{1, 2}, true, greaterThanMessage}, {[]int{1, 2, 3}, true, greaterThanMessage}, {"", false, "len(val) <= min"}, {"手", false, "len(val) <= min"}, {[]int{}, false, "len(val) <= min"}, {nil, false, "TypeOf(val) != string && TypeOf(val) != slice"}, } for _, minSize := range []revel.MinSize{{2}, revel.ValidMinSize(2)} { performTests(minSize, tests, t) } } func TestMaxSize(t *testing.T) { lessThanMessage := "len(val) <= max" tests := []Expect{ {"", true, lessThanMessage}, {"12", true, lessThanMessage}, {"ルビー", true, lessThanMessage}, {[]int{}, true, lessThanMessage}, {[]int{1, 2}, true, lessThanMessage}, {[]int{1, 2, 3}, true, lessThanMessage}, {"1234", false, "len(val) >= max"}, {[]int{1, 2, 3, 4}, false, "len(val) >= max"}, } for _, maxSize := range []revel.MaxSize{{3}, revel.ValidMaxSize(3)} { performTests(maxSize, tests, t) } } func TestLength(t *testing.T) { tests := []Expect{ {"12", true, "len(val) == length"}, {"火箭", true, "len(val) == length"}, {[]int{1, 2}, true, "len(val) == length"}, {"123", false, "len(val) > length"}, {[]int{1, 2, 3}, false, "len(val) > length"}, {"1", false, "len(val) < length"}, {[]int{1}, false, "len(val) < length"}, {nil, false, "TypeOf(val) != string && TypeOf(val) != slice"}, } for _, length := range []revel.Length{{2}, revel.ValidLength(2)} { performTests(length, tests, t) } } func TestMatch(t *testing.T) { tests := []Expect{ {"bca123", true, `"[abc]{3}\d*" matches "bca123"`}, {"bc123", false, `"[abc]{3}\d*" does not match "bc123"`}, {"", false, `"[abc]{3}\d*" does not match ""`}, } regex := regexp.MustCompile(`[abc]{3}\d*`) for _, match := range []revel.Match{{regex}, revel.ValidMatch(regex)} { performTests(match, tests, t) } } func TestEmail(t *testing.T) { // unicode char included validStartingCharacters := strings.Split("!#$%^&*_+1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzñ", "") invalidCharacters := strings.Split(" ()", "") definiteInvalidDomains := []string{ "", // any empty string (x@) ".com", // only the TLD (x@.com) ".", // only the . (x@.) ".*", // TLD containing symbol (x@.*) "asdf", // no TLD "a!@#$%^&*()+_.com", // characters which are not ASCII/0-9/dash(-) in a domain "-a.com", // host starting with any symbol "a-.com", // host ending with any symbol "aå.com", // domain containing unicode (however, unicode domains do exist in the state of xn--.com e.g. å.com = xn--5ca.com) } // Email pattern is not exposed emailPattern := regexp.MustCompile("^[\\w!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+(?:\\.[\\w!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+)*@(?:[\\w](?:[\\w-]*[\\w])?\\.)+[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[\\w-]*[\\w])?$") for _, email := range []revel.Email{{revel.Match{emailPattern}}, revel.ValidEmail()} { var currentEmail string // test invalid starting chars for _, startingChar := range validStartingCharacters { currentEmail = fmt.Sprintf("%sñbc+123@do-main.com", startingChar) if email.IsSatisfied(currentEmail) { t.Errorf(noErrorsMessage, "starting characters", fmt.Sprintf("email = %s", currentEmail)) } // validation should fail because of multiple @ symbols currentEmail = fmt.Sprintf("%s@ñbc+123@do-main.com", startingChar) if email.IsSatisfied(currentEmail) { t.Errorf(errorsMessage, "starting characters with multiple @ symbols", fmt.Sprintf("email = %s", currentEmail)) } // should fail simply because of the invalid char for _, invalidChar := range invalidCharacters { currentEmail = fmt.Sprintf("%sñbc%s+123@do-main.com", startingChar, invalidChar) if email.IsSatisfied(currentEmail) { t.Errorf(errorsMessage, "invalid starting characters", fmt.Sprintf("email = %s", currentEmail)) } } } // test invalid domains for _, invalidDomain := range definiteInvalidDomains { currentEmail = fmt.Sprintf("a@%s", invalidDomain) if email.IsSatisfied(currentEmail) { t.Errorf(errorsMessage, "invalid domain", fmt.Sprintf("email = %s", currentEmail)) } } // should always be satisfied if !email.IsSatisfied("t0.est+email123@1abc0-def.com") { t.Errorf(noErrorsMessage, "guaranteed valid email", fmt.Sprintf("email = %s", "t0.est+email123@1abc0-def.com")) } // should never be satisfied (this is redundant given the loops above) if email.IsSatisfied("a@xcom") { t.Errorf(noErrorsMessage, "guaranteed invalid email", fmt.Sprintf("email = %s", "a@xcom")) } if email.IsSatisfied("a@@x.com") { t.Errorf(noErrorsMessage, "guaranteed invalid email", fmt.Sprintf("email = %s", "a@@x.com")) } } } func runIPAddrTestfunc(t *testing.T, test_type int, ipaddr_list map[string]bool, msg_fmt string) { // generate dataset for test test_ipaddr_list := []Expect{} for ipaddr, expected := range ipaddr_list { test_ipaddr_list = append(test_ipaddr_list, Expect{input: ipaddr, expectedResult: expected, errorMessage: fmt.Sprintf(msg_fmt, ipaddr)}) } for _, ip_test_list := range []revel.IPAddr{{[]int{test_type}}, revel.ValidIPAddr(test_type)} { performTests(ip_test_list, test_ipaddr_list, t) } } func TestIPAddr(t *testing.T) { //IPv4 test_ipv4_ipaddrs := map[string]bool{ "": true, "": true, "": true, "": true, "": true, "912.456.123.123": false, "999.999.999.999": false, "": false, } //IPv4 with CIDR test_ipv4_with_cidr_ipaddrs := map[string]bool{ "": true, "": true, "": true, "": true, "": true, "": false, "": false, "": false, "": false, "": false, } //IPv6 test_ipv6_ipaddrs := map[string]bool{ "2607:f0d0:1002:51::4": true, "2607:f0d0:1002:0051:0000:0000:0000:0004": true, "ff05::1:3": true, "FE80:0000:0000:0000:0202:B3FF:FE1E:8329": true, "FE80::0202:B3FF:FE1E:8329": true, "fe80::202:b3ff:fe1e:8329": true, "fe80:0000:0000:0000:0202:b3ff:fe1e:8329": true, "2001:470:1f09:495::3": true, "2001:470:1f1d:275::1": true, "2600:9000:5304:200::1": true, "2600:9000:5306:d500::1": true, "2600:9000:5301:b600::1": true, "2600:9000:5303:900::1": true, "127:12:12:12:12:12:!2:!2": false, "": false, "234:23:23:23:23:23:23": false, } //IPv6 with CIDR test_ipv6_with_cidr_ipaddrs := map[string]bool{ "2000::/5": true, "2000::/15": true, "2001:db8::/33": true, "2001:db8::/48": true, "fc00::/7": true, } //IPv4-Mapped Embedded IPv6 Address test_ipv4_mapped_ipv6_ipaddrs := map[string]bool{ "2001:470:1f09:495::3:": true, "2001:470:1f1d:275::1:": true, "2600:9000:5304:200::1:": true, "2600:9000:5306:d500::1:": true, "2600:9000:5301:b600::1:": true, "2600:9000:5303:900::1:": true, "0:0:0:0:0:FFFF:": true, "::FFFF:": true, "0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:FFFF:": true, "": false, "12.12/12": false, } runIPAddrTestfunc(t, revel.IPv4, test_ipv4_ipaddrs, "invalid (%s) IPv4 address") runIPAddrTestfunc(t, revel.IPv4CIDR, test_ipv4_with_cidr_ipaddrs, "invalid (%s) IPv4 with CIDR address") runIPAddrTestfunc(t, revel.IPv6, test_ipv6_ipaddrs, "invalid (%s) IPv6 address") runIPAddrTestfunc(t, revel.IPv6CIDR, test_ipv6_with_cidr_ipaddrs, "invalid (%s) IPv6 with CIDR address") runIPAddrTestfunc(t, revel.IPv4MappedIPv6, test_ipv4_mapped_ipv6_ipaddrs, "invalid (%s) IPv4-Mapped Embedded IPv6 address") } func TestMacAddr(t *testing.T) { macaddr_list := map[string]bool{ "02:f3:71:eb:9e:4b": true, "02-f3-71-eb-9e-4b": true, "02f3.71eb.9e4b": true, "87:78:6e:3e:90:40": true, "87-78-6e-3e-90-40": true, "8778.6e3e.9040": true, "e7:28:b9:57:ab:36": true, "e7-28-b9-57-ab-36": true, "e728.b957.ab36": true, "eb:f8:2b:d7:e9:62": true, "eb-f8-2b-d7-e9-62": true, "ebf8.2bd7.e962": true, } test_macaddr_list := []Expect{} for macaddr, expected := range macaddr_list { test_macaddr_list = append(test_macaddr_list, Expect{input: macaddr, expectedResult: expected, errorMessage: fmt.Sprintf("invalid (%s) MAC address", macaddr)}) } for _, mac_test_list := range []revel.MacAddr{{}, revel.ValidMacAddr()} { performTests(mac_test_list, test_macaddr_list, t) } } func TestDomain(t *testing.T) { test_domains := map[string]bool{ "대한민국.xn-korea.co.kr": true, "google.com": true, "masełkowski.pl": true, "maselkowski.pl": true, "m.maselkowski.pl": true, "www.masełkowski.pl.com": true, "xn--masekowski-d0b.pl": true, "中国互联网络信息中心.中国": true, "masełkowski.pl.": false, "中国互联网络信息中心.xn--masekowski-d0b": false, "a.jp": true, "a.co": true, "a.co.jp": true, "a.co.or": true, "a.or.kr": true, "qwd-qwdqwd.com": true, "qwd-qwdqwd.co_m": false, "qwd-qwdqwd.c": false, "qwd-qwdqwd.-12": false, "qwd-qwdqwd.1212": false, "qwd-qwdqwd.org": true, "qwd-qwdqwd.ac.kr": true, "qwd-qwdqwd.gov": true, "chicken.beer": true, "aa.xyz": true, "google.asn.au": true, "google.com.au": true, "google.net.au": true, "google.priv.at": true, "google.ac.at": true, "google.gv.at": true, "google.avocat.fr": true, "google.geek.nz": true, "google.gen.nz": true, "google.kiwi.nz": true, "google.org.il": true, "google.net.il": true, "www.google.edu.au": true, "www.google.gov.au": true, "www.google.csiro.au": true, "www.google.act.au": true, "www.google.avocat.fr": true, "www.google.aeroport.fr": true, "www.google.co.nz": true, "www.google.geek.nz": true, "www.google.gen.nz": true, "www.google.kiwi.nz": true, "www.google.parliament.nz": true, "www.google.muni.il": true, "www.google.idf.il": true, } tests := []Expect{} for domain, expected := range test_domains { tests = append(tests, Expect{input: domain, expectedResult: expected, errorMessage: fmt.Sprintf("invalid (%s) domain", domain)}) } for _, domain := range []revel.Domain{{}, revel.ValidDomain()} { performTests(domain, tests, t) } } func TestURL(t *testing.T) { test_urls := map[string]bool{ "https://www.google.co.kr/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web": true, "http://stackoverflow.com/questions/27812164/can-i-import-3rd-party-package-into-golang-playground": true, "https://tour.golang.org/welcome/4": true, "https://revel.github.io/": true, "https://github.com/revel/revel/commit/bd1d083ee4345e919b3bca1e4c42ca682525e395#diff-972a2b2141d27e9d7a8a4149a7e28eef": true, "https://github.com/ndevilla/iniparser/pull/82#issuecomment-261817064": true, "http://www.baidu.com/s?ie=utf-8&f=8&rsv_bp=0&rsv_idx=1&tn=baidu&wd=golang": true, "http://www.baidu.com/link?url=DrWkM_beo2M5kB5sLYnItKSQ0Ib3oDhKcPprdtLzAWNfFt_VN5oyD3KwnAKT6Xsk": true, } tests := []Expect{} for url, expected := range test_urls { tests = append(tests, Expect{input: url, expectedResult: expected, errorMessage: fmt.Sprintf("invalid (%s) url", url)}) } for _, url := range []revel.URL{{}, revel.ValidURL()} { performTests(url, tests, t) } } func TestPureTextNormal(t *testing.T) { test_txts := map[string]bool{ `qd08j123lneqw\t\nqwedojiqwd\rqwdoihjqwd1d[08jaedl;jkqwd\r\nqdolijqdwqwd`: false, `a\r\nbqd08j123lneqw\t\nqwedojiqwd\rqwdoihjqwd1d[08jaedl;jkqwd\r\nqdolijqdwqwd`: false, `FooBar`: false, `Foo<12>Bar`: true, `Foo<>Bar`: true, `Foo
Bar`: false, `Foo Baz`: false, `I <3 Ponies!`: true, `I like Golang\t\n`: true, `I & like Golang\t\n`: false, ` `: false, `I like Golang\r\n`: true, `I like Golang\r\na`: true, "I like Golang\t\n": true, "I & like Golang\t\n": false, `ハイレゾ対応ウォークマン®、ヘッドホン、スピーカー「Winter Gift Collection ~Presented by JUJU~」をソニーストアにて販売開始`: true, `VAIOパーソナルコンピューター type T TZシリーズ 無償点検・修理のお知らせとお詫び(2009年10月15日更新)`: true, `把百度设为主页关于百度About Baidu百度推广`: true, `%E6%8A%8A%E7%99%BE%E5%BA%A6%E8%AE%BE%E4%B8%BA%E4%B8%BB%E9%A1%B5%E5%85%B3%E4%BA%8E%E7%99%BE%E5%BA%A6About++Baidu%E7%99%BE%E5%BA%A6%E6%8E%A8%E5%B9%BF`: true, `%E6%8A%8A%E7%99%BE%E5%BA%A6%E8%AE%BE%E4%B8%BA%E4%B8%BB%E9%A1%B5%E5%85%B3%E4%BA%8E%E7%99%BE%E5%BA%A6About%20%20Baidu%E7%99%BE%E5%BA%A6%E6%8E%A8%E5%B9%BF`: true, `abcd/>qwdqwdoijhwer/>qwdojiqwdqwdqwdoijqwdoiqjd`: true, `abcd/>qwdqwdoijhwer/>qwdojiqwdqwdqwdoijqwdoiqjd`: false, } tests := []Expect{} for txt, expected := range test_txts { tests = append(tests, Expect{input: txt, expectedResult: expected, errorMessage: fmt.Sprintf("invalid (%#v) text", txt)}) } // normal for _, txt := range []revel.PureText{{revel.NORMAL}, revel.ValidPureText(revel.NORMAL)} { performTests(txt, tests, t) } } func TestPureTextStrict(t *testing.T) { test_txts := map[string]bool{ `qd08j123lneqw\t\nqwedojiqwd\rqwdoihjqwd1d[08jaedl;jkqwd\r\nqdolijqdwqwd`: false, `a\r\nbqd08j123lneqw\t\nqwedojiqwd\rqwdoihjqwd1d[08jaedl;jkqwd\r\nqdolijqdwqwd`: false, `FooBar`: false, `Foo<12>Bar`: true, `Foo<>Bar`: true, `Foo
Bar`: false, `Foo Baz`: false, `I <3 Ponies!`: true, `I like Golang\t\n`: true, `I & like Golang\t\n`: false, ` `: false, `I like Golang\r\n`: true, `I like Golang\r\na`: true, "I like Golang\t\n": true, "I & like Golang\t\n": false, `ハイレゾ対応ウォークマン®、ヘッドホン、スピーカー「Winter Gift Collection ~Presented by JUJU~」をソニーストアにて販売開始`: true, `VAIOパーソナルコンピューター type T TZシリーズ 無償点検・修理のお知らせとお詫び(2009年10月15日更新)`: true, `把百度设为主页关于百度About Baidu百度推广`: true, `%E6%8A%8A%E7%99%BE%E5%BA%A6%E8%AE%BE%E4%B8%BA%E4%B8%BB%E9%A1%B5%E5%85%B3%E4%BA%8E%E7%99%BE%E5%BA%A6About++Baidu%E7%99%BE%E5%BA%A6%E6%8E%A8%E5%B9%BF`: true, `%E6%8A%8A%E7%99%BE%E5%BA%A6%E8%AE%BE%E4%B8%BA%E4%B8%BB%E9%A1%B5%E5%85%B3%E4%BA%8E%E7%99%BE%E5%BA%A6About%20%20Baidu%E7%99%BE%E5%BA%A6%E6%8E%A8%E5%B9%BF`: true, `abcd/>qwdqwdoijhwer/>qwdojiqwdqwdqwdoijqwdoiqjd`: true, `abcd/>qwdqwdoijhwer/>qwdojiqwdqwdqwdoijqwdoiqjd`: false, } tests := []Expect{} for txt, expected := range test_txts { tests = append(tests, Expect{input: txt, expectedResult: expected, errorMessage: fmt.Sprintf("invalid (%#v) text", txt)}) } // strict for _, txt := range []revel.PureText{{revel.STRICT}, revel.ValidPureText(revel.STRICT)} { performTests(txt, tests, t) } } func TestFilePathOnlyFilePath(t *testing.T) { test_filepaths := map[string]bool{ "../../qwdqwdqwd/../qwdqwdqwd.txt": false, `../../qwdqwdqwd/.. /qwdqwdqwd.txt`: false, "\t../../qwdqwdqwd/../qwdqwdqwd.txt": false, `../../qwdqwdqwd/../qwdqwdqwd.txt`: false, `../../qwdqwdqwd/../qwdqwdqwd.txt`: false, "../../etc/passwd": false, "a.txt;rm -rf /": false, "sudo rm -rf ../": false, "a-1-s-d-v-we-wd_+qwd-qwd-qwd.txt": false, "a-qwdqwd_qwdqwdqwd-123.txt": true, "a.txt": true, "a-1-e-r-t-_1_21234_d_1234_qwed_1423_.txt": true, } tests := []Expect{} for filepath, expected := range test_filepaths { tests = append(tests, Expect{input: filepath, expectedResult: expected, errorMessage: fmt.Sprintf("unsanitary (%#v) string", filepath)}) } // filename without relative path for _, filepath := range []revel.FilePath{{revel.ONLY_FILENAME}, revel.ValidFilePath(revel.ONLY_FILENAME)} { performTests(filepath, tests, t) } } func TestFilePathAllowRelativePath(t *testing.T) { test_filepaths := map[string]bool{ "../../qwdqwdqwd/../qwdqwdqwd.txt": true, `../../qwdqwdqwd/.. /qwdqwdqwd.txt`: false, "\t../../qwdqwdqwd/../qwdqwdqwd.txt": false, `../../qwdqwdqwd/../qwdqwdqwd.txt`: false, `../../qwdqwdqwd/../qwdqwdqwd.txt`: false, "../../etc/passwd": true, "a.txt;rm -rf /": false, "sudo rm -rf ../": true, "a-1-s-d-v-we-wd_+qwd-qwd-qwd.txt": false, "a-qwdqwd_qwdqwdqwd-123.txt": true, "a.txt": true, "a-1-e-r-t-_1_21234_d_1234_qwed_1423_.txt": true, "/asdasd/asdasdasd/qwdqwd_qwdqwd/12-12/a-1-e-r-t-_1_21234_d_1234_qwed_1423_.txt": true, } tests := []Expect{} for filepath, expected := range test_filepaths { tests = append(tests, Expect{input: filepath, expectedResult: expected, errorMessage: fmt.Sprintf("unsanitary (%#v) string", filepath)}) } // filename with relative path for _, filepath := range []revel.FilePath{{revel.ALLOW_RELATIVE_PATH}, revel.ValidFilePath(revel.ALLOW_RELATIVE_PATH)} { performTests(filepath, tests, t) } }