#!/bin/bash # shellcheck disable=SC2034 # Host user which can log into master and each worker nodes HOST_USER=${HOST_USER:-iec} REPO_URL="https://gerrit.akraino.org/r/iec" #log file LOG_FILE="kubeadm.log" # Master node IP address K8S_MASTER_IP="" # HOST_USER's password on Master node K8S_MASTERPW="123456" ###################################################### # # K8S_WORKER_GROUP is an array which consists of 2 # parts. One is k8s worker ip address. The other is # the user password. # ###################################################### K8S_WORKER_GROUP=( ",123456" ) # K8s parameter CLUSTER_IP= # Align with the value in our K8s setup script POD_NETWORK_CIDR= SVC_CIDR= #IEC support multiple network solution for Kubernetes: calico,flannel,contivpp,cilium,etc CNI_TYPE=calico #kubernetes-cni version 0.7.5/ 0.6.0 #CNI_VERSION=0.7.5 CNI_VERSION=0.8.6 #kubernetes version: 1.15.2/ 1.13.0 #KUBE_VERSION=1.15.0 KUBE_VERSION=1.19.0 # DEV_NAME is an associative array, list network interface device names used by contivpp, # Use IP address of K8S_WORKER_GROUP as key, for example # DEV_NAME=( # []="enp137s0f0" # ) declare -A DEV_NAME DEV_NAME=()