LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir) #### libGLESv1_CM_emul.so $(call emugl-begin-shared-library,libGLESv1_CM_emul) $(call emugl-import,libGLESv1_enc) $(call emugl-gen-wrapper,$(EMUGL_PATH)/system/GLESv1_enc,gl) $(call emugl-set-shared-library-subpath,egl) LOCAL_SRC_FILES += glesv1_emul_ifc.cpp $(call emugl-end-module) emulatorOpengl := $(LOCAL_PATH)/../.. logTag := -DLOG_TAG=\"eglWrapper\" EMUGEN = $(BUILD_OUT_EXECUTABLES)/emugen ## comment for no debug #debugFlags = -g -O0 #### libGLESv2_CM_emul.so $(call emugl-begin-shared-library, libGLESv2_emul) $(call emugl-import,libGLESv2_enc) $(call emugl-gen-wrapper,$(EMUGL_PATH)/system/GLESv2_enc,gl2) LOCAL_SRC_FILES += glesv2_emul_ifc.cpp $(call emugl-set-shared-library-subpath,egl) $(call emugl-end-module) ##### libEGL_emul.so ########### # THE FOLLOWING DOESN'T WORK YET # $(call emugl-begin-shared-library,libEGL_emul) $(call emugl-import,libut_rendercontrol_enc libGLESv1_CM_emul libGLESv2_emul libOpenglSystemCommon) $(call emugl-set-shared-library-subpath,egl) LOCAL_CFLAGS += $(logTag) LOCAL_SRC_FILES := \ egl.cpp \ egl_dispatch.cpp \ ServerConnection.cpp \ ThreadInfo.cpp $(call emugl-end-module) #### egl.cfg #### # Ensure that this file is only copied to emulator-specific builds. # Other builds are device-specific and will provide their own # version of this file to point to the appropriate HW EGL libraries. # ifneq (,$(filter full full_x86 full_mips sdk sdk_x86 sdk_mips,$(TARGET_PRODUCT))) ifeq (,$(BUILD_EMULATOR_OPENGL_DRIVER)) include $(CLEAR_VARS) LOCAL_MODULE := egl.cfg LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(LOCAL_MODULE) LOCAL_MODULE_PATH := $(TARGET_OUT)/lib/egl LOCAL_MODULE_CLASS := ETC include $(BUILD_PREBUILT) endif # building 'real' driver BUILD_EMULATOR_OPENGL_DRIVER endif # TARGET_PRODUCT in 'full sdk full_x86 sdk_x86 full_mips sdk_mips' #### gles_emul.cfg #### include $(CLEAR_VARS) LOCAL_MODULE := gles_emul.cfg LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(LOCAL_MODULE) LOCAL_MODULE_PATH := $(TARGET_OUT)/etc LOCAL_MODULE_CLASS := ETC include $(BUILD_PREBUILT)