/* * Copyright (C) 2016 Simon Fels * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as published * by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranties of * MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program. If not, see . * */ #include "android/service/platform_service.h" #include "anbox/rpc/channel.h" #include "anbox_rpc.pb.h" #include "anbox_bridge.pb.h" #define LOG_TAG "Anboxd" #include #include using namespace android; namespace android { PlatformService::PlatformService(const std::shared_ptr &platform_api_stub) : platform_api_stub_(platform_api_stub) { } status_t PlatformService::boot_finished() { platform_api_stub_->boot_finished(); return OK; } anbox::PlatformApiStub::WindowStateUpdate::Window PlatformService::unpack_window_state(const Parcel &data) { bool has_surface = data.readByte() != 0; String8 package_name(data.readString16()); auto frame_left = data.readInt32(); auto frame_top = data.readInt32(); auto frame_right = data.readInt32(); auto frame_bottom = data.readInt32(); auto task_id = data.readInt32(); auto stack_id = data.readInt32(); auto rotation_angle = data.readInt32(); return anbox::PlatformApiStub::WindowStateUpdate::Window{ -1, // Display id will be added by the caller has_surface, package_name.string(), {frame_left, frame_top, frame_right, frame_bottom}, task_id, stack_id, }; } status_t PlatformService::update_window_state(const Parcel &data) { anbox::PlatformApiStub::WindowStateUpdate state; const auto num_displays = data.readInt32(); for (auto n = 0; n < num_displays; n++) { const auto display_id = data.readInt32(); const auto num_windows = data.readInt32(); for (auto m = 0; m < num_windows; m++) { auto window = unpack_window_state(data); window.display_id = display_id; state.updated_windows.push_back(window); } } const auto num_removed_windows = data.readInt32(); for (auto n = 0; n < num_removed_windows; n++) { auto window = unpack_window_state(data); state.removed_windows.push_back(window); } platform_api_stub_->update_window_state(state); return OK; } status_t PlatformService::update_application_list(const Parcel &data) { anbox::PlatformApiStub::ApplicationListUpdate update; const auto num_packages = data.readInt32(); for (auto n = 0; n < num_packages; n++) { String8 name(data.readString16()); String8 package_name(data.readString16()); auto p = anbox::PlatformApiStub::ApplicationListUpdate::Application{ name.string(), package_name.string(), }; String8 action(data.readString16()); String8 uri(data.readString16()); String8 type(data.readString16()); String8 component_package(data.readString16()); String8 component_class(data.readString16()); std::vector categories; unsigned int num_categories = data.readInt32(); for (int m = 0; m < num_categories; m++) categories.push_back(String8(data.readString16()).string()); p.launch_intent.action = action; p.launch_intent.uri = uri; p.launch_intent.type = type; p.launch_intent.package = component_package; p.launch_intent.component = component_class; p.launch_intent.categories = categories; data.readByteVector(&p.icon); // Send updates with icons separately to not overflow protobuf if (p.icon.size() > 0) { anbox::PlatformApiStub::ApplicationListUpdate with_icon_update; with_icon_update.applications.push_back(p); platform_api_stub_->update_application_list(with_icon_update); } else { update.applications.push_back(p); } } const auto num_removed_packages = data.readInt32(); for (auto n = 0; n < num_removed_packages; n++) { String8 package_name(data.readString16()); update.removed_applications.push_back(package_name.string()); } platform_api_stub_->update_application_list(update); return OK; } status_t PlatformService::set_clipboard_data(const Parcel &data) { if (data.readInt32() == 0) return OK; String8 text(data.readString16()); const auto clip_data = anbox::PlatformApiStub::ClipboardData{text.string()}; platform_api_stub_->set_clipboard_data(clip_data); return OK; } status_t PlatformService::get_clipboard_data(const Parcel &data, Parcel *reply) { (void) data; const auto clip_data = platform_api_stub_->get_clipboard_data(); if (clip_data.text.empty()) { reply->writeInt32(0); return OK; } reply->writeInt32(1); reply->writeString16(String16(clip_data.text.c_str(), clip_data.text.length())); return OK; } } // namespace android