/* * Copyright (C) 2016 Simon Fels * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as published * by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranties of * MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program. If not, see . * */ #include "anbox/android/ip_config_builder.h" #include "anbox/common/binder_device_allocator.h" #include "anbox/common/binder_device.h" #include "anbox/container/lxc_container.h" #include "anbox/system_configuration.h" #include "anbox/logger.h" #include "anbox/utils.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace fs = boost::filesystem; namespace { constexpr unsigned int unprivileged_uid{100000}; constexpr unsigned int android_system_uid{1000}; constexpr const char *default_container_ip_address{""}; constexpr const std::uint32_t default_container_ip_prefix_length{24}; constexpr const char *default_host_ip_address{""}; constexpr const char *default_dns_server{""}; constexpr int num_needed_binders{1}; #ifdef ENABLE_LXC2_SUPPORT constexpr const char *lxc_config_idmap_key{"lxc.id_map"}; constexpr const char *lxc_config_net_type_key{"lxc.network.type"}; constexpr const char *lxc_config_net_flags_key{"lxc.network.flags"}; constexpr const char *lxc_config_net_link_key{"lxc.network.link"}; constexpr const char *lxc_config_pty_max_key{"lxc.pts"}; constexpr const char *lxc_config_tty_max_key{"lxc.tty"}; constexpr const char *lxc_config_uts_name_key{"lxc.utsname"}; constexpr const char *lxc_config_tty_dir_key{"lxc.devttydir"}; constexpr const char *lxc_config_init_cmd_key{"lxc.init_cmd"}; constexpr const char *lxc_config_rootfs_path_key{"lxc.rootfs"}; constexpr const char *lxc_config_log_level_key{"lxc.loglevel"}; constexpr const char *lxc_config_log_file_key{"lxc.logfile"}; constexpr const char *lxc_config_apparmor_profile_key{"lxc.aa_profile"}; #else constexpr const char *lxc_config_idmap_key{"lxc.idmap"}; constexpr const char *lxc_config_net_type_key{"lxc.net.0.type"}; constexpr const char *lxc_config_net_flags_key{"lxc.net.0.flags"}; constexpr const char *lxc_config_net_link_key{"lxc.net.0.link"}; constexpr const char *lxc_config_pty_max_key{"lxc.pty.max"}; constexpr const char *lxc_config_tty_max_key{"lxc.tty.max"}; constexpr const char *lxc_config_uts_name_key{"lxc.uts.name"}; constexpr const char *lxc_config_tty_dir_key{"lxc.tty.dir"}; constexpr const char *lxc_config_init_cmd_key{"lxc.init.cmd"}; constexpr const char *lxc_config_rootfs_path_key{"lxc.rootfs.path"}; constexpr const char *lxc_config_log_level_key{"lxc.log.level"}; constexpr const char *lxc_config_log_file_key{"lxc.log.file"}; constexpr const char *lxc_config_apparmor_profile_key{"lxc.apparmor.profile"}; #endif constexpr int device_major(dev_t dev) { return int(((dev >> 8) & 0xfff) | ((dev >> 32) & (0xfffff000))); } constexpr int device_minor(dev_t dev) { return int((dev & 0xff) | ((dev >> 12) & (0xffffff00))); } } // namespace namespace anbox { namespace container { LxcContainer::LxcContainer(bool privileged, bool rootfs_overlay, const std::string& container_network_address, const std::string &container_network_gateway, const std::vector &container_network_dns_servers, const network::Credentials &creds) : state_(State::inactive), container_(nullptr), privileged_(privileged), rootfs_overlay_(rootfs_overlay), container_network_address_(container_network_address), container_network_gateway_(container_network_gateway), container_network_dns_servers_(container_network_dns_servers), creds_(creds) { utils::ensure_paths({ SystemConfiguration::instance().container_config_dir(), SystemConfiguration::instance().container_state_dir(), SystemConfiguration::instance().log_dir(), }); } LxcContainer::~LxcContainer() { stop(); if (container_) lxc_container_put(container_); } void LxcContainer::setup_id_map() { const auto base_id = unprivileged_uid; const auto max_id = 100000; set_config_item(lxc_config_idmap_key, utils::string_format("u 0 %d %d", base_id, android_system_uid - 1)); set_config_item(lxc_config_idmap_key, utils::string_format("g 0 %d %d", base_id, android_system_uid - 1)); // We need to bind the user id for the one running the client side // process as he is the owner of various socket files we bind mount // into the container. set_config_item(lxc_config_idmap_key, utils::string_format("u %d %d 1", android_system_uid, creds_.uid())); set_config_item(lxc_config_idmap_key, utils::string_format("g %d %d 1", android_system_uid, creds_.gid())); set_config_item(lxc_config_idmap_key, utils::string_format("u %d %d %d", android_system_uid + 1, base_id + android_system_uid + 1, max_id - creds_.uid() - 1)); set_config_item(lxc_config_idmap_key, utils::string_format("g %d %d %d", android_system_uid + 1, base_id + android_system_uid + 1, max_id - creds_.gid() - 1)); } void LxcContainer::setup_network() { if (!fs::exists("/sys/class/net/anbox0")) { WARNING("Anbox bridge interface 'anbox0' doesn't exist. Network functionality will not be available"); return; } set_config_item(lxc_config_net_type_key, "veth"); set_config_item(lxc_config_net_flags_key, "up"); set_config_item(lxc_config_net_link_key, "anbox0"); // Instead of relying on DHCP we will give Android a static IP configuration // for the virtual ethernet interface LXC creates for us. This will be bridged // to the host and will allows us to have reliable network connectivity and // not depend on any other system service. android::IpConfigBuilder ip_conf; ip_conf.set_version(android::IpConfigBuilder::Version::Version2); ip_conf.set_assignment(android::IpConfigBuilder::Assignment::Static); std::string address = default_container_ip_address; std::uint32_t ip_prefix_length = default_container_ip_prefix_length; if (!container_network_address_.empty()) { auto tokens = utils::string_split(container_network_address_, '/'); if (tokens.size() == 1 || tokens.size() == 2) address = tokens[0]; if (tokens.size() == 2) ip_prefix_length = atoi(tokens[1].c_str()); } ip_conf.set_link_address(address, ip_prefix_length); std::string gateway = default_host_ip_address; if (!container_network_gateway_.empty()) gateway = container_network_gateway_; ip_conf.set_gateway(gateway); if (container_network_dns_servers_.size() > 0) ip_conf.set_dns_servers(container_network_dns_servers_); else ip_conf.set_dns_servers({default_dns_server}); ip_conf.set_id(0); std::vector buffer(512); common::BinaryWriter writer(buffer.begin(), buffer.end()); const auto size = ip_conf.write(writer); const auto data_ethernet_path = fs::path("data") / "misc" / "ethernet"; const auto ip_conf_dir = SystemConfiguration::instance().data_dir() / data_ethernet_path; if (!fs::exists(ip_conf_dir)) fs::create_directories(ip_conf_dir); // We have to walk through the created directory hierachy now and // ensure the permissions are set correctly. Otherwise the Android // system will fail to boot as it isn't allowed to write anything // into these directories. As previous versions of Anbox which were // published to our users did this incorrectly we need to check on // every startup if those directories are still owned by root and // if they are we move them over to the unprivileged user. auto path = SystemConfiguration::instance().data_dir(); for (auto iter = data_ethernet_path.begin(); iter != data_ethernet_path.end(); iter++) { path /= *iter; struct stat st; if (stat(path.c_str(), &st) < 0) { WARNING("Cannot retrieve permissions of path %s", path); continue; } if (st.st_uid != 0 && st.st_gid != 0) continue; if (::chown(path.c_str(), unprivileged_uid, unprivileged_uid) < 0) WARNING("Failed to set owner for path '%s'", path); } const auto ip_conf_path = ip_conf_dir / "ipconfig.txt"; if (fs::exists(ip_conf_path)) fs::remove(ip_conf_path); std::ofstream f(ip_conf_path.string(), std::ofstream::binary); if (f.is_open()) { f.write(reinterpret_cast(buffer.data()), size); f.close(); } else { ERROR("Failed to write IP configuration. Network functionality will not be available."); } } void LxcContainer::add_device(const std::string& device, const DeviceSpecification& spec) { struct stat st; const std::string *old_device_name; if (!spec.old_device_name.empty()) old_device_name = &spec.old_device_name; else old_device_name = &device; int r = stat(old_device_name->c_str(), &st); if (r < 0) { const auto msg = utils::string_format("Failed to retrieve information about device %s", device); throw std::runtime_error(msg); } const auto major = device_major(st.st_rdev); const auto minor = device_minor(st.st_rdev); const auto mode = ((st.st_mode >> 9) << 9) | (spec.permission & ~(1 << 9)); const auto new_device_name = fs::basename(device); const auto devices_path = fs::path(SystemConfiguration::instance().container_devices_dir()); const auto new_device_path = (devices_path / new_device_name).string(); const auto encoded_device_number = (minor & 0xff) | (major << 8) | ((minor & !0xff) << 12); r = mknod(new_device_path.c_str(), mode, encoded_device_number); if (r < 0) { auto msg = utils::string_format("Failed to create node for device %s: %s", device, strerror(errno)); throw std::runtime_error(msg); } auto base_uid = unprivileged_uid; if (privileged_) base_uid = 0; const auto shifted_uid = base_uid + st.st_uid; const auto shifted_gid = base_uid + st.st_gid; r = chown(new_device_path.c_str(), shifted_uid, shifted_gid); if (r < 0) { auto msg = utils::string_format("Failed to change ownership of new node for %s: %s", device, strerror(errno)); throw std::runtime_error(msg); } // Needed as mknod respects the umask r = chmod(new_device_path.c_str(), mode); if (r < 0) { auto msg = utils::string_format("Failed to change mode of new node for %s: %s", device, strerror(errno)); throw::std::runtime_error(msg); } auto target_path = device; // Strip a leading slash as LXC doesn't like that if (utils::string_starts_with(device, "/")) target_path = device.substr(1, device.length() - 1); const auto entry = utils::string_format("%s %s none bind,create=file,optional 0 0", new_device_path, target_path); set_config_item("lxc.mount.entry", entry); } bool LxcContainer::create_binder_devices(unsigned int device_count, std::vector>& devices) { // We will always allocate a static set of binders devices even if the container // doesn't use all of them for (unsigned int n = 0; n < device_count; n++) { auto device = common::BinderDeviceAllocator::new_device(); if (!device) return false; DEBUG("Allocated binder device %s", device->path()); devices.push_back(std::move(device)); } return true; } void LxcContainer::start(const Configuration &configuration) { if (getuid() != 0) throw std::runtime_error("You have to start the container as root"); if (container_ && container_->is_running(container_)) { WARNING("Container already started, stopping it now"); container_->stop(container_); } if (!container_) { const auto container_config_dir = SystemConfiguration::instance().container_config_dir(); DEBUG("Containers are stored in %s", container_config_dir); // Remove container config to be be able to rewrite it ::unlink(utils::string_format("%s/default/config", container_config_dir).c_str()); container_ = lxc_container_new("default", container_config_dir.c_str()); if (!container_) throw std::runtime_error("Failed to create LXC container instance"); // If container is still running (for example after a crash) we stop it here // to ensure its configuration is synchronized. if (container_->is_running(container_)) container_->stop(container_); } // We can mount proc/sys as rw here as we will run the container unprivileged // in the end set_config_item("lxc.mount.auto", "proc:mixed sys:mixed cgroup:mixed"); set_config_item("lxc.autodev", "1"); set_config_item(lxc_config_pty_max_key, "1024"); set_config_item(lxc_config_tty_max_key, "0"); set_config_item(lxc_config_uts_name_key, "anbox"); set_config_item("lxc.group.devices.deny", ""); set_config_item("lxc.group.devices.allow", ""); // We can't move bind-mounts, so don't use /dev/lxc/ set_config_item(lxc_config_tty_dir_key, ""); set_config_item("lxc.environment", "PATH=/system/bin:/system/sbin:/system/xbin"); set_config_item(lxc_config_init_cmd_key, "/anbox-init.sh"); #ifdef ENABLE_SNAP_CONFINEMENT // If we're running inside the snap environment snap-confine already created a // cgroup for us we need to use as otherwise presevering a namespace wont help. if (utils::is_env_set("SNAP")) set_config_item("lxc.namespace.keep", "cgroup"); #endif auto rootfs_path = SystemConfiguration::instance().rootfs_dir(); if (rootfs_overlay_) rootfs_path = SystemConfiguration::instance().combined_rootfs_dir(); DEBUG("Using rootfs path %s", rootfs_path); set_config_item(lxc_config_rootfs_path_key, rootfs_path); set_config_item(lxc_config_log_level_key, "0"); const auto log_path = SystemConfiguration::instance().log_dir(); set_config_item(lxc_config_log_file_key, utils::string_format("%s/container.log", log_path).c_str()); #ifndef ENABLE_LXC2_SUPPORT // Dump the console output to disk to have a chance to debug early boot problems set_config_item("lxc.console.logfile", utils::string_format("%s/console.log", log_path).c_str()); set_config_item("lxc.console.rotate", "1"); #endif setup_network(); #ifdef ENABLE_SNAP_CONFINEMENT // We take the AppArmor profile snapd has defined for us as part of the // anbox-support interface. The container manager itself runs within a // child profile snap.anbox.container-manager//lxc too. set_config_item("lxc.apparmor.profile", "snap.anbox.container-manager//container"); #else set_config_item(lxc_config_apparmor_profile_key, "unconfined"); #endif if (!privileged_) setup_id_map(); auto bind_mounts = configuration.bind_mounts; auto devices = configuration.devices; // If we have binderfs support we can dynamically allocate all our devices if (common::BinderDeviceAllocator::is_supported()) { DEBUG("Using binderfs to allocate our own binder nodes"); std::vector> binder_devices; if (!create_binder_devices(num_needed_binders, binder_devices) || binder_devices.size() != num_needed_binders) throw std::runtime_error("Failed to allocate necessary binder devices"); bind_mounts.insert({binder_devices[0]->path().string(), "/dev/binder"}); binder_devices_ = std::move(binder_devices); } else { DEBUG("Using static binder device /dev/binder"); devices.insert({"/dev/binder", { 0666 }}); } for (const auto &bind_mount : bind_mounts) { std::string create_type = "file"; if (fs::is_directory(bind_mount.first)) create_type = "dir"; auto target_path = bind_mount.second; // The target path needs to be absolute and pointing to the right // location inside the target rootfs as otherwise we get problems // when running in confined environments like snap's. if (!utils::string_starts_with(target_path, "/")) target_path = std::string("/") + target_path; target_path = rootfs_path + target_path; const auto entry = utils::string_format("%s %s none bind,create=%s,optional 0 0", bind_mount.first, target_path, create_type); set_config_item("lxc.mount.entry", entry); } // Additional devices we need in our container devices.insert({"/dev/console", {0600}}); devices.insert({"/dev/full", {0666}}); devices.insert({"/dev/null", {0666}}); devices.insert({"/dev/random", {0666}}); devices.insert({"/dev/tty", {0666}}); devices.insert({"/dev/urandom", {0666}}); devices.insert({"/dev/zero", {0666}}); devices.insert({"/dev/tun", {0660, "/dev/net/tun"}}); devices.insert({"/dev/ashmem", {0666}}); // Remove all left over devices from last time first before // creating any new ones const auto devices_dir = SystemConfiguration::instance().container_devices_dir(); fs::remove_all(devices_dir); fs::create_directories(devices_dir); for (const auto& device : devices) add_device(device.first, device.second); // If we have any additional properties we add them at the top of default.prop // within the Android rootfs which we overlay with a bind mount. if (configuration.extra_properties.size() > 0) { const auto container_state_dir = SystemConfiguration::instance().container_state_dir(); auto old_default_prop_path = fs::path(rootfs_path) / "default.prop"; auto new_default_prop_path = fs::path(container_state_dir) / "default.prop"; auto default_prop_content = utils::read_file_if_exists_or_throw(old_default_prop_path.string()); std::ofstream default_props; default_props.open(new_default_prop_path.string(), std::ios_base::out); if (!default_props.is_open()) throw std::runtime_error("Failed to open new default properties file"); default_props << "# Properties added by Anbox" << std::endl; for (const auto& prop : configuration.extra_properties) default_props << prop << std::endl; default_props << std::endl << default_prop_content << std::endl; default_props.close(); set_config_item("lxc.mount.entry", utils::string_format("%s %s/default.prop none bind,optional,ro 0 0", new_default_prop_path.string(), rootfs_path)); } if (!container_->save_config(container_, nullptr)) throw std::runtime_error("Failed to save container configuration"); if (!container_->start(container_, 0, nullptr)) throw std::runtime_error("Failed to start container"); state_ = Container::State::running; DEBUG("Container successfully started"); } void LxcContainer::stop() { if (!container_ || !container_->is_running(container_)) return; if (!container_->stop(container_)) throw std::runtime_error("Failed to stop container"); state_ = Container::State::inactive; binder_devices_.clear(); DEBUG("Container successfully stopped"); } void LxcContainer::set_config_item(const std::string &key, const std::string &value) { if (!container_->set_config_item(container_, key.c_str(), value.c_str())) { const auto msg = utils::string_format("Failed to set config item %s", key); throw std::runtime_error(msg); } } Container::State LxcContainer::state() { return state_; } } // namespace container } // namespace anbox