############################################################################## # Copyright (c) 2018 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. # # # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # # not use this file except in compliance with the License. # # # # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # # limitations under the License. # ############################################################################## # Add proxy settings if required for your environment # export http_proxy=http://your.proxy.com:8080/ # export https_proxy=http://your.proxy.com:8080/ # # host name for server SRV_NAME={{yaml.genesis.name}} # server oem - Dell or HPE (case sensitive) SRV_OEM={{yaml.genesis.oem}} # out of band interface information for server (idrac/ilo/etc) SRV_OOB_IP={{yaml.genesis.oob}} SRV_OOB_USR={{yaml.ipmi_admin.username}} SRV_OOB_PWD={{yaml.ipmi_admin.password}} # mac address of server to be used during the build - not required for Dell servers SRV_MAC={{yaml.genesis.mac_address}} # name of network interface used during build when ipxe.efi is booted and when os is booted # ipxe numbers ports from 0-n in pci bus order. # the netx value will depend on how many nics are in the server # and which pci device number is assigned to the slot SRV_IPXE_INF={{yaml.networks.pxe.inf}} # the build interface is the nic used by the Ubuntu installed to load the OS SRV_BLD_INF={{yaml.networks.slaves[0].name}} # the boot device is the device name on which the OS will be loaded SRV_BOOT_DEVICE={{yaml.disks[0].name}} SRV_CEPH_DEVICE={{yaml.disks[1].name}} # ipxe script to use - based on the os version and kernel to install # valid options are script-hwe-16.04.4-amd64.ipxe or script-16.04.4-amd64.ipxe SRV_BLD_SCRIPT=script-hwe-16.04.5-amd64.ipxe # template xml file to set bios and raid configuration settings SRV_BIOS_TEMPLATE={{yaml.genesis.bios_template}} SRV_BOOT_TEMPLATE={{yaml.genesis.boot_template}} SRV_HTTP_BOOT_DEV={{yaml.genesis.http_boot_device}} # tempalte to run to configure OS after first boot # current options are: firstboot.sh.template, firstboot-genesis.sh.tempate or firstboot-airship-iab.sh.template SRV_FIRSTBOOT_TEMPLATE=firstboot-genesis.sh.template # VLAN to use during build and for final network configuration SRV_VLAN={{yaml.networks.host.vlan}} SRV_STORAGE_VLAN={{yaml.networks.storage.vlan}} SRV_CALICO_VLAN={{yaml.networks.ksn.vlan}} SRV_NEUTRON_VLAN={{yaml.networks.neutron.vlan}} SRV_PXE_INF={{yaml.networks.pxe.interface}} # basic network information for dhcp config and final server network settings SRV_MTU=9000 SRV_IP={{yaml.genesis.host}} SRV_STORAGE_IP={{yaml.genesis.storage}} SRV_CALICO_IP={{yaml.genesis.ksn}} SRV_NEUTRON_IP={{yaml.genesis.neutron}} SRV_PXE_IP={{yaml.genesis.pxe}} SRV_SUBNET={{yaml.networks.host.subnet}} SRV_NETMASK={{yaml.networks.host.netmask}} SRV_GATEWAY={{yaml.networks.host.routes.gateway}} SRV_DNS="{{yaml.networks.host.dns.servers}}" SRV_DOMAIN={{yaml.networks.host.dns.domain}} SRV_DNSSEARCH={{yaml.networks.host.dns.domain}} SRV_NTP=ntp.ubuntu.org # root password for server being built SRV_PWD={{yaml.genesis.root_password}} # network bond information SRV_BOND={{yaml.networks.primary}} {% for slave in yaml.networks.slaves %} SRV_SLAVE{{loop.index}}={{slave.name}} {% endfor %}