if [ "$(id -u)" = 0 ]; then
+ KUBECONFIG=/etc/kubernetes/admin.conf
echo "export KUBECONFIG=/etc/kubernetes/admin.conf" | \
tee -a "${HOME}/.profile"
source "${HOME}/.profile"
--- /dev/null
+# #
+# The script is to undo the changes on ELIOT Manager and ELIOT nodes #
+# done by setup.sh file. #
+# It uninstalls docker, kubernetes. #
+# It releases the port used. #
+# It deletes the files created for kubernetes in node machine #
+# Script is tested in Ubuntu 16.04 version. #
+# constants
+OSPLATFORM=$(awk -F= '/^NAME/{print $2}' /etc/os-release)
+ echo "This script will remove docker and its related files from the master and node machines"
+ echo "This script will remove kubeadm kubectl kubelet kubernetes from the master and node machines"
+ echo "The changes will be first executed on manager machine and then node machines."
+ echo "It will pick the node machine details from nodelist file"
+ echo "This file supports Linux- Ubuntu version only"
+# Rollbacking the changes on ELIOT Manager Node
+sudo apt-get install iptables
+sudo iptables -F && iptables -t nat -F && iptables -t mangle -F && iptables -X
+sudo apt-get install ipvsadm
+sudo fuser -k -n tcp 10250
+sudo yes y | apt-get purge -y docker-engine
+sudo yes y | apt-get purge -y docker
+sudo yes y | apt-get purge -y docker.io
+sudo yes y | apt-get purge -y docker-ce
+sudo yes y | apt-get purge -y docker-ce-cli
+sudo yes y | groupdel docker
+sudo yes y | kubeadm reset
+sudo yes y | apt-get purge kubeadm
+sudo yes y | apt-get purge kubectl
+sudo yes y | apt-get purge kubelet
+sudo yes y | apt-get purge kube*
+sudo yes y | apt-get purge kubernetes-cni
+sudo rm -rf ~/.kube
+sudo yes y | apt-get autoremove
+sudo yes y | apt-get autoclean
+#Rollbacking the changes on ELIOT Worker Node
+INSTALL_IPVSADM="sudo apt-get install ipvsadm"
+RESET_PORT="fuser -k -n tcp 10250"
+#REMOVE_KUBE_FILES="cd /etc/kubernetes && sudo rm -rf !('manifests') "
+REMOVE_KUBE_FILES="cd /etc/kubernetes && sudo rm -rf bootstrap-kubelet.conf kubelet.conf pki"
+REMOVE_DOCKER1="sudo yes y | apt-get purge -y docker-engine"
+REMOVE_DOCKER2="sudo yes y | apt-get purge -y docker"
+REMOVE_DOCKER3="sudo yes y | apt-get purge -y docker.io"
+REMOVE_DOCKER4="sudo yes y | apt-get purge -y docker-ce"
+REMOVE_DOCKER5="sudo yes y | apt-get purge -y docker-ce-cli"
+REMOVE_DOCKER6="sudo yes y | groupdel docker"
+RESET_KUBEADM="sudo yes y | kubeadm reset"
+REMOVE_KUBE_FILES1="sudo yes y | apt-get purge kubeadm"
+REMOVE_KUBE_FILES2="sudo yes y | apt-get purge kubectl "
+REMOVE_KUBE_FILES3="sudo yes y | apt-get purge kubelet "
+REMOVE_KUBE_FILES4="sudo yes y | apt-get purge kube* "
+REMOVE_KUBE_FILES5="sudo yes y | apt-get purge kubernetes-cni"
+REMOVE_KUBE_FILES6="sudo rm -rf ~/.kube"
+AUTO_REMOVE="sudo yes y | apt-get autoremove"
+AUTO_CLEAN="sudo yes y | apt-get autoclean"
+#Read all the Worker Node details from nodelist file.
+ while read line
+ do
+ nodeinfo="${line}"
+ nodeusr=$(echo ${nodeinfo} | cut -d"|" -f1)
+ nodeip=$(echo ${nodeinfo} | cut -d"|" -f2)
+ nodepaswd=$(echo ${nodeinfo} | cut -d"|" -f3)
+ sshpass -p ${nodepaswd} ssh ${nodeusr}@${nodeip} ${INSTALL_IPVSADM} < /dev/null
+ sshpass -p ${nodepaswd} ssh ${nodeusr}@${nodeip} ${RESET_PORT} < /dev/null
+ sshpass -p ${nodepaswd} ssh ${nodeusr}@${nodeip} ${REMOVE_KUBE_FILES} < /dev/null
+ sshpass -p ${nodepaswd} ssh ${nodeusr}@${nodeip} ${REMOVE_DOCKER1} < /dev/null
+ sshpass -p ${nodepaswd} ssh ${nodeusr}@${nodeip} ${REMOVE_DOCKER2} < /dev/null
+ sshpass -p ${nodepaswd} ssh ${nodeusr}@${nodeip} ${REMOVE_DOCKER3} < /dev/null
+ sshpass -p ${nodepaswd} ssh ${nodeusr}@${nodeip} ${REMOVE_DOCKER4} < /dev/null
+ sshpass -p ${nodepaswd} ssh ${nodeusr}@${nodeip} ${REMOVE_DOCKER5} < /dev/null
+ sshpass -p ${nodepaswd} ssh ${nodeusr}@${nodeip} ${REMOVE_DOCKER6} < /dev/null
+ sshpass -p ${nodepaswd} ssh ${nodeusr}@${nodeip} ${RESET_KUBEADM} < /dev/null
+ sshpass -p ${nodepaswd} ssh ${nodeusr}@${nodeip} ${REMOVE_KUBE_FILES1} < /dev/null
+ sshpass -p ${nodepaswd} ssh ${nodeusr}@${nodeip} ${REMOVE_KUBE_FILES2} < /dev/null
+ sshpass -p ${nodepaswd} ssh ${nodeusr}@${nodeip} ${REMOVE_KUBE_FILES3} < /dev/null
+ sshpass -p ${nodepaswd} ssh ${nodeusr}@${nodeip} ${REMOVE_KUBE_FILES4} < /dev/null
+ sshpass -p ${nodepaswd} ssh ${nodeusr}@${nodeip} ${REMOVE_KUBE_FILES5} < /dev/null
+ sshpass -p ${nodepaswd} ssh ${nodeusr}@${nodeip} ${REMOVE_KUBE_FILES6} < /dev/null
+ sshpass -p ${nodepaswd} ssh ${nodeusr}@${nodeip} ${AUTO_REMOVE} < /dev/null
+ sshpass -p ${nodepaswd} ssh ${nodeusr}@${nodeip} ${AUTO_CLEAN} < /dev/null
+ done < nodelist > /dev/null 2>&1
+echo "Success!!"
+if [ $1 == "--help" ] || [ $1 == "-h" ];
+ show_help
+ exit 0
+if [[ $OSPLATFORM = *Ubuntu* ]]; then
+ rollback_k8smaster
+ verify_reset_status
+ echo "Script only supports Ubuntu Version."
--- /dev/null
+# #
+# The script is to reset the settings on ELIOT Manager and ELIOT nodes #
+# before running the setup.sh file again on the same setup. #
+# It resets the settings of kubeadm and restarts its service #
+# It releases the ports used. #
+# It deletes the files created for kubernetes on node machine #
+# Script is tested in Ubuntu 16.04 version. #
+# constants
+OSPLATFORM=$(awk -F= '/^NAME/{print $2}' /etc/os-release)
+ echo "The script is to reset the settings on ELIOT Manager and ELIOT nodes which "
+ echo "needs to be done before executing the setup.sh file again."
+ echo "The changes will be first executed on manager machine and then on the node machines."
+ echo "It will pick the node machine details from nodelist file"
+# Resetting ELIOT Manager Node
+ sudo yes y | kubeadm reset
+ sudo apt-get install iptables
+ sudo iptables -F && iptables -t nat -F && iptables -t mangle -F && iptables -X
+ sudo apt-get install ipvsadm
+ sudo systemctl restart kubelet
+ sudo fuser -k -n tcp 10250
+#Resetting ELIOT Worker Node
+RESET_KUBEADM="sudo yes y | kubeadm reset"
+INSTALL_IPVSADM="sudo apt-get install ipvsadm"
+RESTART_KUBELET="sudo systemctl restart kubelet"
+RESET_PORT="sudo fuser -k -n tcp 10250"
+#REMOVE_KUBE_FILES="cd /etc/kubernetes && sudo rm -rf !('manifests') "
+REMOVE_KUBE_FILES="cd /etc/kubernetes && sudo rm -rf bootstrap-kubelet.conf kubelet.conf pki"
+REMOVE_CADVISOR_FILES="docker rm cadvisor-iot-node1"
+#Read all the Worker Node details from nodelist file.
+ while read line
+ do
+ nodeinfo="${line}"
+ nodeusr=$(echo ${nodeinfo} | cut -d"|" -f1)
+ nodeip=$(echo ${nodeinfo} | cut -d"|" -f2)
+ nodepaswd=$(echo ${nodeinfo} | cut -d"|" -f3)
+ sshpass -p ${nodepaswd} ssh ${nodeusr}@${nodeip} ${RESET_KUBEADM} < /dev/null
+ sshpass -p ${nodepaswd} ssh ${nodeusr}@${nodeip} ${INSTALL_IPVSADM} < /dev/null
+ sshpass -p ${nodepaswd} ssh ${nodeusr}@${nodeip} ${RESTART_KUBELET} < /dev/null
+ sshpass -p ${nodepaswd} ssh ${nodeusr}@${nodeip} ${RESET_PORT} < /dev/null
+ sshpass -p ${nodepaswd} ssh ${nodeusr}@${nodeip} ${REMOVE_KUBE_FILES} < /dev/null
+ sshpass -p ${nodepaswd} ssh ${nodeusr}@${nodeip} ${REMOVE_CADVISOR_FILES} < /dev/null
+ done < nodelist > /dev/null 2>&1
+echo "Success!!"
+if [ $1 == "--help" ] || [ $1 == "-h" ];
+ show_help
+ exit 0
+if [[ $OSPLATFORM = *Ubuntu* ]]; then
+ reset_k8smaster
+ verify_reset_status
+ echo "The script supports only Linux - Ubuntu"
# Install Docker on ELIOT Node
SETUP_WORKER_COMMON="sudo rm -rf ~/eliot &&\
git clone ${ELIOT_REPO} &&\
- cd eliot/scripts && source common.sh"
- #SETUP_WORKER_COMMON="cd eliot/scripts && source common.sh"
+ cd eliot/scripts/ && source common.sh"
+ #SETUP_WORKER_COMMON="cd eliot/scripts/ && source common.sh"
SETUP_WORKER="cd eliot/scripts/ && source k8sworker.sh"
KUBEADM_JOIN=$(grep "kubeadm join" ./kubeadm.log)
nodeusr=$(echo ${nodeinfo} | cut -d"|" -f1)
nodeip=$(echo ${nodeinfo} | cut -d"|" -f2)
nodepaswd=$(echo ${nodeinfo} | cut -d"|" -f3)
- sshpass -p ${nodepaswd} ssh ${nodeusr}@${nodeip} ${SETUP_WORKER_COMMON} < /dev/null 2>&1
- sshpass -p ${nodepaswd} ssh ${nodeusr}@${nodeip} ${SETUP_WORKER} < /dev/null 2>&1
- sshpass -p ${nodepaswd} ssh ${nodeusr}@${nodeip} ${KUBEADM_JOIN} < /dev/null 2>&1
+ sshpass -p ${nodepaswd} ssh ${nodeusr}@${nodeip} ${SETUP_WORKER_COMMON} < /dev/null
+ sshpass -p ${nodepaswd} ssh ${nodeusr}@${nodeip} ${SETUP_WORKER} < /dev/null
+ sshpass -p ${nodepaswd} ssh ${nodeusr}@${nodeip} ${KUBEADM_JOIN} < /dev/null
done < nodelist > /dev/null 2>&1
SETUP_WORKER_COMMON_CENTOS="sudo rm -rf ~/eliot &&\
git clone ${ELIOT_REPO} &&\
- cd eliot/scripts && source common_centos.sh"
+ cd eliot/scripts/ && source common_centos.sh"
- # SETUP_WORKER_COMMON_CENTOS="cd /root/eliot/scripts && source common_centos.sh"
+ # SETUP_WORKER_COMMON_CENTOS="cd /root/eliot/scripts/ && source common_centos.sh"
KUBEADM_TOKEN=$(sudo kubeadm token create --print-join-command)
while read line
nodeinfo="${line}" < /dev/null 2>&1
- nodeusr=$(echo ${nodeinfo} | cut -d"|" -f1) < /dev/null 2>&1
- nodeip=$(echo ${nodeinfo} | cut -d"|" -f2) < /dev/null 2>&1
- nodepaswd=$(echo ${nodeinfo} | cut -d"|" -f3) < /dev/null 2>&1
- sudo sshpass -p ${nodepaswd} ssh ${nodeusr}@${nodeip} ${SETUP_WORKER_COMMON_CENTOS} < /dev/null 2>&1
- sudo sshpass -p ${nodepaswd} ssh ${nodeusr}@${nodeip} ${KUBEADM_JOIN_CENTOS} < /dev/null 2>&1
+ nodeusr=$(echo ${nodeinfo} | cut -d"|" -f1) < /dev/null
+ nodeip=$(echo ${nodeinfo} | cut -d"|" -f2) < /dev/null
+ nodepaswd=$(echo ${nodeinfo} | cut -d"|" -f3) < /dev/null
+ sudo sshpass -p ${nodepaswd} ssh ${nodeusr}@${nodeip} ${SETUP_WORKER_COMMON_CENTOS} < /dev/null
+ sudo sshpass -p ${nodepaswd} ssh ${nodeusr}@${nodeip} ${KUBEADM_JOIN_CENTOS} < /dev/null
done < nodelist > /dev/null 2>&1