Resource ssh.robot
Test Setup Run Keywords
... ssh.Setup Connections
+... Copy artifacts to Target
... Create pod
... Create Kubernetes service with type NodePort
Test Teardown Run Keywords
... Delete pod
... Delete service
+... Cleanup artifacts, copied files, and images on Target
*** Variables ***
-${test_base_dir} /cloudtaf/testcases/kube-service
+${test_base_dir} testcases/kube-service
${service_yaml_name} service.yaml
+${artifacts} nginx.tar
*** Keywords ***
+Copy artifacts to Target
+ [Arguments] ${node}=sudo-default
+ ${pull_an_image}= ssh.Execute command docker pull nginx ${node}
+ ${save_image}= set variable docker save -o ${artifacts} nginx
+ ${out}= ssh.Execute Command ${save_image} ${node}
+ ${load_image}= set variable docker load -i ${artifacts}
+ ${out}= ssh.Execute Command ${load_image} ${node}
+ ${tag_image}= ssh.Execute Command docker tag nginx ${image_name} ${node}
+ ${push_image}= ssh.Execute Command docker push ${image_name} ${node}
Create pod
+ [Arguments] ${node}=sudo-default
${search}= set variable pod/my-pod created
- ${command}= set variable kubectl run --generator=run-pod/v1 my-pod --image=nginx --port=80 --labels="name=mypod"
- ${out}= ssh.Execute Command ${command} controller-1
+ ${command}= set variable kubectl run --generator=run-pod/v1 my-pod --image=${image_name} --port=80 --labels="name=mypod"
+ ${out}= ssh.Execute Command ${command} ${node}
Sleep 30s
log ${out}
Should contain ${out} ${search}
Create Kubernetes service with type NodePort
[Arguments] ${node}=sudo-default
${search}= set variable service/my-service created
- ${command}= set variable kubectl apply -f ${test_base_dir}/${service_yaml_name}
+ RemoteSession.Copy File To Target ${test_base_dir}/${service_yaml_name} target=${node}
+ ${command}= set variable kubectl apply -f ${service_yaml_name}
${out}= ssh.Execute Command ${command} ${node}
log ${out}
Should contain ${out} ${search}
Get the Node IP of the pod and Port number of the service and Test the service
${command}= set variable kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -o wide | grep my-pod | awk '{ print $8 }'
${result}= RemoteSession.Execute Command In Target ${command}
${ip_address}= set variable ${result.stdout}
Should Contain ${result.stdout} Welcome to nginx!
Delete pod
+ [Arguments] ${node}=sudo-default
${search}= set variable pod "my-pod" deleted
${command}= set variable kubectl delete pod my-pod
- ${out}= ssh.Execute Command ${command} controller-1
+ ${out}= ssh.Execute Command ${command} ${node}
log ${out}
Should contain ${out} ${search}
Delete service
+ [Arguments] ${node}=sudo-default
${search}= set variable service "my-service" deleted
${command}= set variable kubectl delete service my-service
- ${out}= ssh.Execute Command ${command} controller-1
+ ${out}= ssh.Execute Command ${command} ${node}
log ${out}
Should contain ${out} ${search}
+Cleanup artifacts, copied files, and images on Target
+ [Arguments] ${node}=sudo-default
+ ${cleanup_copied_files}= ssh.Execute Command rm -rf ${service_yaml_name} ${node}
+ ${remove_images}= set variable docker image rm nginx | docker rmi ${image_name}
+ ${out}= ssh.Execute Command ${remove_images} ${node}
+ ${remove_artifacts}= ssh.Execute Command rm -rf ${artifacts} ${node}
*** Test Cases ***
Verify creating and testing services
Get the Node IP of the pod and Port number of the service and Test the service