--- /dev/null
+# Copyright 2019 Nokia
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+*** Settings ***
+Library Collections
+Library cluster.cluster.Cluster WITH NAME Cluster
+Library crl.remotesession.remotesession.RemoteSession
+... WITH NAME RemoteSession
+Resource ssh.robot
+Test Setup ssh.Setup Connections
+*** Keywords ***
+Testing Deployment
+ ${search}= set variable log_installation_success Installation complete, Installation Succeeded
+ ${command}= set variable tail -n 1 /srv/deployment/log/bootstrap.log
+ ${out}= ssh.Execute Command ${command} controller-1
+ log ${out}
+ Should contain ${out} ${search}
+Testing Docker
+ ${search}= set variable Docker version 18.09.2
+ ${command}= set variable docker --version
+ ${out}= ssh.Execute Command ${command} controller-1
+ log ${out}
+ Should contain ${out} ${search}
+Testing Kubernetes Cluster
+ ${command}= set variable kubectl get po --no-headers --namespace=kube-system --field-selector status.phase!=Running 2> /dev/null
+ ${out}= ssh.Execute Command ${command} controller-1
+ log ${out}
+ Should be empty ${out}
+Testing State Services
+ Test Service State docker.service
+ Test Service State kubelet.service
+Test Service State
+ [Arguments] ${service}
+ ${running}= set variable running
+ ${active}= set variable active
+ ${command1}= set variable systemctl show -p SubState ${service} | sed 's/SubState=//g'
+ ${command2}= set variable systemctl show -p ActiveState ${service} | sed 's/ActiveState=//g'
+ ${out1}= ssh.Execute Command ${command1} controller-1
+ ${out2}= ssh.Execute Command ${command2} controller-1
+ log ${out1}
+ log ${out2}
+ Should contain ${out1} ${running}
+ Should contain ${out2} ${active}
+Testing Node
+ ${count1}= get length ${ALL_MASTERS_IN_SYSTEM}
+ ${count2}= get length ${ALL_PURE_WORKERS_IN_SYSTEM}
+ ${total}= evaluate ${count1}+${count2}
+ ${command}= set variable kubectl get no --no-headers | grep Ready | grep -v SchedulingDisabled | wc -l
+ ${out}= ssh.Execute Command ${command} controller-1
+ log ${out}
+ Should be equal as integers ${out} ${total}
+Testing Package Manager Status
+ ${docker_image}= set variable docker images -f \'reference=*/caas/hyperkube\' --format=\"{{.Repository}}:{{.Tag}}\"
+ ${out1}= ssh.Execute Command ${docker_image} controller-1
+ ${image_pull}= set variable docker pull ${out1} | grep -i status
+ ${out2}= ssh.Execute Command ${image_pull} controller-1
+ ${uptodate}= set variable Status: Image is up to date for ${out1}
+ ${out3}= ssh.Execute Command ${image_pull} controller-1
+ log ${out3}
+ Should be equal ${out3} ${uptodate}
+Testing Helm Caas infra Status
+ ${search}= set variable STATUS: DEPLOYED
+ ${command}= set variable helm status caas-infra --kube-context string | grep STATUS:
+ ${out}= ssh.Execute Command ${command} controller-1
+ log ${out}
+ Should be equal ${out} ${search}
+*** Test Cases ***
+Verify Deployment
+ Testing Deployment
+Verify Docker Version
+ Testing Docker
+Verify Kubernetes Clusters
+ Testing Kubernetes Cluster
+Verify State of required services
+ Testing State Services
+Verify Node Functionality
+ Testing Node
+Verify Package Manager Status
+ Testing Package Manager Status
+Verify Helm Caas Infra Status
+ Testing Helm Caas infra Status